EA SPORTS Active 2

43 Achievements


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Trail Blazer

Trail Blazer

Ran 1000km/621.4 mi. in Fitness Trail


How to unlock the Trail Blazer achievement in EA SPORTS Active 2 - Definitive Guide

Since I have the achievement, I think I should leave a couple of pointers:

1. Fitness Trail - Sprint seems to make the progress bar go up faster than Fitness Trail - Outrun.

2. About 1/2 to 2/3 of the way through this achievement, you may notice your progress bar not going up anymore. If that is the case, on the main menu go to:

Journal--->Fitness Tools-->My Stats-->Exercise Stats

Take a look and the number for Fitness Trail - Sprint. Now go do a couple of Fitness Trail - Sprint exercises. Once you have finished, take a look at that number again. If it remains the same (or if it goes down), then the counter has locked up (which happens if you do the exact same exercise over and over again). In order to fix this, you have to do other exercises. I found the easiest way to do this is to do a custom workout of one push ups exercise on low intensity (since it goes fast and you don't have to do anything). Once this is done, check the Fitness Trail - Sprint number again. If it goes down, then you are on the right track (for me it went down in increments of 5 each time I did an exercise). Keep doing this until the number for Fitness Trail - Sprint stops going down. Once this happens, the counter for Trail Blazer will now work again and you can continue on with the achievement.

Hope this helps.

10 Aug 2011 23:28

So it's just a matter of not allowing X number of the same exercise in a row? Do you know what X is in that scenario?

Right now I'm doing workouts every day of 6 sets of 5 "Fitness Trail - Sprint" sessions each (just in case my 360 locks up in the middle). So I'm doing 30 Spring exercises straight..After that I always do a custom cool-down workout. Is it possible it's not counting some of them? I haven't checked the numbers yet.
By Telexen on 20 Aug 2011 00:24
I believe that if you mix up your workouts enough, you will not run into this problem. At first I had mine lock up at around 980, and after bringing the counter back down it locked up again at around 500. Just keep an eye on the counter for Fitness Trail Sprint. If the counter keeps going up for it, you should be just fine.
By Shiney Cheese on 20 Aug 2011 00:34
This is all a bit confusing. As you say yours would remain the same or go down if it had locked up, my counter has gone up, but not quite the number of exercises I actually did . I'm following your instructions to "reset" the counter this minute, still going down after 3 workouts.

Did you track the "Distance Ran" stat on the EA Sports Active website during all of this? Even though the game isn't tracking the number of times I've done the exercise correctly, it is tracking the miles I've run without a problem at slightly over 0.3mi per High intensity exercise.

Sorry to nag about this, but it's got me petrified my hard work is for nothing. This stuff is hard enough. I'm not even quite to 200mi total yet.
By Telexen on 21 Aug 2011 15:52
Congratulations on being first [legit] to get this achievement!! Nice job.

You'er explanation helps me under stand the problems I was having with the counter.
By Thickly Settled on 22 Aug 2011 14:19
you must be the gamer whos in best shape
By Bertus on 28 Nov 2011 19:53
Good guide. This issue happened to me too, I was doing 10 sprints in each workout and then eventually the numbers for all the other exercises went down to zero, and then the numbers for the sprint started going backwards. Doing 1 set of pushups made the Sprint number go down by 10 each time, so I did that until it went back to zero then started doing the sprints again.

Each Fitness Trail - Sprint is about .3075 miles so it should take about 2020 times, and about 60-70 hours so this is only for very dedicated people.
By Joel78 on 22 Feb 2012 21:16
I was around 30% done and ran into the problem and finally got the counter to stop going down. The problem is that my milestone bar also went down. Does this mean that I lost all of the progress that was decreased or am I fine? If it was lost, than I will continue to run into this glitch and my progress will continue to go down, meaning I can't get it right? I have different workouts that I rotate, so I'm not constantly doing the same thing just to point out. Any answers would be appreciate.
By Bongo on 24 Apr 2012 17:04
I am about 1/3 of the way done and while my stats number is going up like it should my progress bar won't move. I have tried doing other exercises, and I am doing the bike at the same time so I'm not doing just sprint over and over again... anyone else run into this? Suggestions?
By INCANTATI0N on 27 Apr 2012 11:48
I can verify that if you lose progress on your 'milestone bar' you lose progress towards the achievements. The achievements only pop when the milestone bar is full. I tested this with the 'Bike' achievement, but I also had an issue with my 100 workouts...it didn't unlock until the bar was full which was 103 workouts. SUCKS as I was at 800+km, bar got majorly stuck and dropped down to 450+km before it started progressing again. I was using the above stated recommendations too. cry
By Chad and Jessie on 09 Aug 2012 17:23
I think the problems with people losing progress are nothing to do with counters locking up, it is simply that the game will only save your stats from a certain number of workouts. Once you reach that number the stats from every new workout will overwrite the stats from your oldest workout. Therefore the best way to go for this achievement is to do only running until you get it and do the maximum number of sprints (31) possible in a workout.
By Snitty 1 on 13 Aug 2012 22:06
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In my opinion, the game is not glitched. It is slightly buggy however. The way I completed Pedal Power and Trail Blazer was to create brand new save for each. I focused on biking ONLY until it was complete, making the occasional backup save. I then started a brand new save w/ zero progress and worked on ONLY running until it was complete. Again, making the occasional backup save. I never experienced ANY issues w/ the progress bar during either achievement. I used a ruler up against my TV screen and measured the progress bar (zoomed in from the milestones screen) after every workout to make sure the bar was moving appropriately. The bar is approx. 18cm long, and after each hour-long workout, netting approx. 9.5 miles the bar would move approx. .275 cm.

Numerous people told me they had no issues w/ the progress bar during their biking for Pedal Power using a single save file. Using the same save that contained the progress for their other achievements. I believe this is because Pedal Power requires far fewer total workouts and exercises to achieve than Trail Blazer. We (oxHARMONxo and myself) believe that the bar locks up because the developers of the game never took into account the huge number of workouts and exercises it would take to run 1,000 kilometers. By the time you experience an issue w/ the progress bar, you have exceeded the total number of workouts and/or exercises the game is programmed to track. By that time, the game has already started to “overwrite” your stats and progress from previous workouts. We believe that is why the progress bar locks up. It’s not that the bar is “locking up” as much as it is you are losing your progress from overwritten workouts.

I asked several members of the community their thoughts on this theory. Here are a few of the responses I received.

From mseweryn:

I can confirm that this is exactly what I did it to get it. The in-game exercise counter is somehow limited. Since old sessions are being removed by the new ones you need to get maximum amount of distance per session. When I completed Pedal Power I started working on Trail Blazer and could clearly see bike distance decreasing after some time - my new running sessions were overwriting old biking ones.

From Earlydaze:

I would agree that there is some sort of limit as I had done all the other complete XXX achievements and most if not all and decreased to zero (progress bar) but by the time I completed 1000k BIKE, I just assumed that it only remembers the last say 500 exercises as I only had progress on this progress bar but thankfully never had it lock up on me.

From Snitty1:

I think the problems with people losing progress are nothing to do with counters locking up, it is simply that the game will only save your stats from a certain number of workouts. Once you reach that number the stats from every new workout will overwrite the stats from your oldest workout. Therefore the best way to go for this achievement is to do only running until you get it and do the maximum number of sprints (31) possible in a workout.

From Roku750:

The tracking in this game is just really weird. I've even seen the bars go down to about 90-95% despite unlocking the achievement weeks before. I can't understand why something so simple has such faulty programming.

I believe all of the above responses prove that the game “overwrites” previous workouts after x number. Of course, nobody knows for sure what this number is.

My suggestion to unlock these achievements. Do the MAXIMUM number of FITNESS TRAIL: SPRINT workouts w/ the MAXIMUM number of repetitions on HARD. Rinse and repeat. There is no need to mix up the exercises in each workout or session. On HARD each workout will consist of:

31 exercises for a total of 59min 20sec., and a distance of approx 9.5 miles. Each exercise on HARD takes approx. 1:55 and nets approx. .305 miles.

My final stats for TRAIL BLAZER were:

624.4 Miles
73h 57m 21s
66 Total Workouts
Approx. 2,046 Total Exercises
68,379.7 Calories

08 Sep 2013 17:04

I can confirm that this is correct with our collective data. Can't go wrong starting off fresh doing max sets.
By oxHARMONxo on 08 Sep 2013 23:06
So depressing. Over 73 hours running on the spot
By Reabo on 21 Apr 2016 23:02
So basically jogging in place for 1 hour per day for 73 hours?
By Homunculus Fury on 21 Jun 2017 02:38
1 hour per day for 74 days will do it. Basically.
By Saluki 00 on 21 Jun 2017 23:15
Ok i think i can manage that
By Homunculus Fury on 21 Jun 2017 23:51
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You will not unlock this achievement if you 100% complete all of the programs. Create a custom workout with the preferred number of your favorite Fitness Trail exercises at the desired intensity. Move your arms and keep your knees high in order to run at a good speed. Below are a list of Fitness Trail exercises and a table for Fitness Trail Sprint which shows the total time and exercises needed.

  • Fitness Trail - Follow the Leader
  • Fitness Trail - Outrun
  • Fitness Trail - Sprint

Fitness Trail - Sprint
Intensity - time (mins) - calories - distance/exercise - total exercises - total time (hrs)
Low - 0:58 - 17.1 - 0.16 miles - 4000+ - 65+
Medium - 1:24 - 24.8 - 0.23 miles - 2703+ - 63+
High - 1:55 - 33.8 - 0.31 miles - 2000+ - 64+
Note: Transition times between exercises are not accounted for.