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Get a level 5 soldier, with five perks


How to unlock the Professional achievement in Enlisted - Definitive Guide

DON'T PANIC!!!: The achievement doesn't pop right after the match when your rank V soldier becomes level 5 (his 5th star outline starts glowing yellow and you pick his 6th perk -first perk is class specific and comes by default- to fill it yellow in the main menu). Simply play one more match in which you use your level 5 soldier at least once and this achievement will pop at the end of that match.

The game is really confusing at first because there is quite an overload of information in the menus, but hopefully this guide will clear things up.

Every soldier has a rank I to V (the roman numerals) displayed in the top left of his portrait. His rank determines his maximum level, represented by the number of stars to the right of his portrait, underneath his name and equipped gun. The number of stars displayed is the same as the soldier's rank. A soldier's actual current level is the number of yellow filled or yellow glowing outline stars. The unfilled and not glowing star outlines represent levels yet to be gained up to the soldier's current maximum level.

You level up a soldier by simply playing with him, getting kills and capturing objectives. You can see a soldier's progress to his next level by selecting the respective soldier and hovering with the cursor over the stars and blue progress bar to the right of his name. When your soldier levels up, the next star outline starts glowing yellow and optionally, but highly recommended, you can pick an extra perk for him to fill the yellow star.

So we can determine that only a rank V soldier can become a level 5 soldier. Getting a rank V soldier is a big undertaking, so decide from the beginning which class you would prefer that soldier to be, which class you find the easiest to play and you like the most. To begin working towards a rank V soldier you will need to obtain "Orders for Troops", lots of them. You earn these orders by completing battle tasks, achievements, challenges and from battle pass rewards, all of which are displayed in and accessed from the main menu in the Soldiers tab.

Orders for troops that you earn have 3 different grades - bronze, silver and gold. You can see how many Orders for troops you have in the main menu, in the top right corner, the rightmost set of 3 cards. You will mainly need silver orders for this task, but you'll most likely have to rely on bronze orders too.

With these "Orders for Troops" in the main menu, you go to the Logistics tab, then Troops reinforcement. There are two ways to get soldiers from the specific class you decided:
- the best way is to use silver orders for troops to directly get a soldier from your desired class, which will have a starting rank of II to V at random.
- when you run out of silver orders for troops, you'll have to either wait till you can earn more silver orders or... roll the dice at random troops with the bronze order for troops and hope you get some soldiers from the class you're focusing on.
As you can see, there is theoretically a minuscule chance to directly receive a rank V soldier, but that isn't going to happen, so don't get your hopes up. The highest rank soldier you'll realistically get from Troops reinforcements is rank III and if you're exceptionally lucky, rank IV.

You will need to rank up your soldiers and for that you will use the Academy tab in the main menu. But before that you need to unlock the rank 5 upgrade for that specific class from the Upgrades tab in the main menu; choose the squad that focuses on that class of soldiers and go to Personnel upgrades. Here you'll have to work your way through the upgrade chain until you unlock Rank 5 of your chosen class. It is also important to unlock all 4 of the "+25% of soldier class experience" upgrades for a total of +100% extra experience for the soldiers of your chosen class. You will find more experience upgrades in the "Squad Upgrades" category, but these only contribute to the squad experience gain as a whole. These experience upgrades will significantly reduce the time required to play with the soldiers of your chosen class to level them up. You need Squad Points to unlock upgrades and you earn those by leveling up your squad as a whole. You level up your squad by playing with it, getting kills and capturing objectives. Once you have the rank 5 upgrade of that particular class unlocked in that specific squad, you head into the Academy tab.

As you see in the Academy, your soldiers are grouped by their class. You can only rank up soldiers from a class using other soldiers from the same class. That's why you have to decide on the class from the beginning. Only soldiers who reached their current maximum level (have the same number of yellow glowing star outlines or yellow filled stars as their rank) are allowed to enter the academy. Also, to send a soldier into Academy who is currently part of a squad, his departure from his current squad must not leave that squad with less than the minimum acceptable number of soldiers, which differs with every squad (in this case the game will complain you must first replace that soldier in his squad or add more soldiers to that squad to maintain the minimum number of soldiers). To make it simpler, just send the soldiers you want to use in the Academy to reserves; you can mange your squad members from the Soldiers tab and drag them in and out as needed to assure the minimum number of soldiers in that respective squad. You need to send 3 soldiers of the same class and of the same rank into academy, wait a period and out will come one soldier of the same class one rank higher. The soldier that comes out will start at level 0 (no yellow stars).

As you can see, you cannot send soldiers into training continually without playing them first to level them up to their maximum level. In order to maximize the efficiency of this process, you should invest in upgrades that allow you to add more soldiers of your chosen class in your squad. These upgrades are found in the Squad upgrades category. Bringing in more soldiers of your chosen class into battle will allow you to level them up together simultaneously. Once a soldier reaches his current max level, you should swap him out with another soldier who needs leveling up.

To better understand the ranking up system, I will explain the entire flow starting from rank I up to rank V. You don't have to start with all rank I soldiers. I'm explaining this just to understand the flow of ranking up from beginning to end and how many total equivalent soldiers of each rank you will need to obtain a single rank V soldier. You train soldiers in groups of 3, that's why you'll see powers of 3 below. Ok, here we go:
- you start with 81 Rank I soldiers. You level all of them up to level 1.
- you train 81 Rank I soldiers and out come 27 rank II soldiers. Then you level all of them up to level 2. To train 1 rank II soldier it takes 5 minutes.
- you train 27 rank II soldiers and out come 9 rank III soldiers. Then you level all of them up to level 3. To train 1 rank III soldier it takes 2 hours.
- you train 9 rank III soldiers and out come 3 rank IV soldiers. Then you level all of them up to level 4. To train 1 rank IV soldier it takes 4 hours.
- you train 3 rank IV soldiers and out comes 1 rank V soldier. Finally you level him up to level 5 and you unlock this achievement. To train 1 rank V soldier it takes 8 hours.
In short, 1 rank V = 3 rank IV = 9 rank III = 27 rank II = 81 rank I.

Obviously you can observe that starting right off the bat with higher rank soldiers, based on your luck from drawing soldiers with Order for Troops from Troop reinforcements, drastically cuts down the time required to play with these soldiers to keep leveling them up in order to train them up in the Academy all the way to rank V, as well as the time you need to wait for your soldiers to finish training in the Academy.

Remember, getting a rank V soldier does not immediately equal having a level 5 soldier; it only means his maximum level is 5 and you actually have to play with him and level him up to level 5 (get him 5 yellow stars) to unlock this achievement.

The experience requirements to level up a soldier are as follows:
- level 0->1: 800 exp;
- level 1->2: 1600 exp;
- level 2->3: 3200 exp;
- level 3->4: 6400 exp;
- level 4->5: 12800 exp.

I guess I should give a passing mention to all the microtransaction stuff in the end. Basically the more you pay, the less you need to play and the faster you get your rank V soldier. Many aspects that I described above can be fulfilled instantly with Enlisted Gold and a Premium account also gets the benefit of a halved training time of soldiers in the Academy.

15 Apr 2021 21:29

I would also recommend focusing on troopers. They are unlocked from the start and can be put in almost any squad. This allows you to train many at a time. If you upgrade the trooper squad enough, you can slot nine of them in the squad at once! This means that you can level up nine rank one troopers and train them at the academy into three rank two troopers, which can be trained at the academy after leveling to a rank three trooper.
By APOPHIS1989 on 29 Jun 2021 18:31
Using your guide, did this without microtransactions. Hard work!
By Mule107 on 18 Jun 2021 11:53
Not sure if they changed it or what, you are now able to train 3 soldiers of different classes in the academy. In other words, one of the three random classes come back so this way you dont have to focus on anything in particular. I got lucky and got two rank 4 soldiers (tanker and sniper) from orders, just waiting to get lucky again or to lv up a rank 3 schmuck into rank 4 in order to get this done.
By GammaltKonto on 29 Sep 2021 19:31
Another pro tip, you can buy a rank 5 soldier in the logistics for 1 gold order or 750 coins, you should get a gold order in the battle pass (current battle pass that is level 40 and it is free, but I do expect that to change with future passes).
By GammaltKonto on 03 Oct 2021 16:59
Heads up, they updated this so now silver orders purchase troops and bronze upgrade them (one order per perk point, not level, so early on it only takes 6 and very quickly adds up)
By GammaltKonto on 16 Oct 2021 02:56
This is currently unobtainable due to merge and new perk system
By JoNNy BoJanGls on 03 Feb 2024 13:12
As of 2/20/2024 it was patched.. booted up game and popped in main menu
By JoNNy BoJanGls on 20 Feb 2024 15:23
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First you will need a Gold order for troops. From the Logistics tab select Battlepass unique solders. You will see if a 5 Star soldier is available there. If there is use your gold order to buy the solider. Once you have the soldier you will need to add 5 perks to his tab. Use the option at the bottom of the solider tab to buy perks if you can. If not you will have to battle and gain perks. Once all the five stars are lit up on his tab you will get the achievement.

06 Nov 2021 18:47