55 Achievements
Win a match without losing any health as a Monster outside of the Tutorials
How to unlock the Darwinism achievement in Evolve - Definitive Guide
In solo mode startup a 5 minute nest game and set the difficulty on favor for monsters. The hunters are usually too slow to destroy all 6 eggs in that short time. Just stay away from the eggs and get the achievement. In my case they destroyed only 4 of 6 eggs.
I tried my best to write English.
Ganz einfach:
Starte im Solo ein individuelles 5 Minuten Spiel im Nest Modus und stelle die Sie Schwierigkeit auf Monster-Vorzug. Die Jäger sind normalerweise zu langsam um alle 6 Eier in dieser kurzen Zeit zu vernichten. Bleibe einfach den Eiern fern und hol dir den Erfolg. In meinem Fall konnten die Jäger nur 4 von 6 Eiern zerstören.
So choose solo, and custom game:
Map and Mode:
Mode; Hunt,
Map;any map that will allow you to have a second monster.
(I chose the Fusion Plant)
Map Effect: Second Monster
So from there you want to eat as many creature as possible, I suggest not evolving because the second monster will attract the hunters,and when you evolve you lose your armour. So you eat as much as you can until your armour is full and fight. The second monster will distract other hunters witch allows you to pick one hunter at a time making the damage mostly going to the other monsters. So for each hunter you kill, eat them to regain your armour, and before you know it you got the achievement.
your friend will be the Hunter and avoid destroying all the eggs. At the end of 5 mins the tropy will pop.
If you crouch (or hover as Kraken) for these 5 mins you will get Mud Monster (Bone Jockey) also.
Make sure you always have a shield which is the blue bar above your red health bar. Regaining health via a wildlife buff will not help you, if you lose any red bar then this achievement is nullified for the match.
You can get it very easily by setting up a solo custom match on the map Aviary in Nest mode with a five minute time duration.
The hunters will focus on the eggs and lose because they can't destroy them all in time.
In order to get this trophy you must kill a Hunter without taking losing any health but you CAN lose armor. Once again this is easiest to boost with at least one other person in a custom multiplayer match:
- Map Effect: Second Monster
- Difficulty: Favours Monsters
- Wildlife Population: High
- Strikes: 0
With these settings if you go into sneak mode with the Hunters should attack the other Monster leaving you safe to run away and build up your armor and to Evolve. Now once you are stage 3 you should easily be able to take out all of the Hunters since one will be idle, as it’s your partner. If you are taking too much damage then you can run away and feed to build up more armor. Once you kill all Hunters without losing health the trophy should pop at the end of the game.
An alternative method is to create a solo game of Nest and pick any Monster; use the following settings:
- Difficulty: Favor Monster
- Time: 5 minutes
The Hunters will never be able to destroy all the Nests in time so you can just focus on staying away from the Hunters and you should get this once you win the game.
If these methods aren’t working then you will have to boost this in a 5 person party, use the Trophy Boosting Thread for boosting partners.
After spawn, click , we go into Invis and sit at the start for all 5 minutes. After the end of the game we get a trophy.
At the same time, we get the Mud Monster trophy.