Fall Guys

Fall Guys

34 Achievements

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Win 5 Episodes in a row

100 XP


How to unlock the Infallible achievement in Fall Guys - Definitive Guide

To unlock this achievement, you need to win 5 episodes in a row! While this may seem nearly impossible, there are several new limited time events that appear every month or so that make this achievement so much easier.

Season 4 Update - This is the easiest infallible you can get!
A new creative mode has been added to the game. Under shows you'll find Creator Made Rounds. These are just one level, and everyone who qualifies gets credit for a win! Pick an easy level and get 5 wins in a row for the achievement. It's possible this is unintended, so I would get it done ASAP. (as of 5/10/23)

Upcoming show calendar (subject to change): https://fallguysultimateknockout.fandom.com/wiki/Show_Select... - scroll down to Season 4 Upcoming and hit Expand (credit to dresinos!)

some of this information below may be getting out of date, lately many of these shows haven't been occurring

Sweet Thieves - 8-12 bean lobby
This is by far the simplest show to unlock this achievement in. It's a one round show that has 8 beans as "thieves" trying to steal candy from 4 "guardians". If you play with a squad of 4 people and communicate together you'll have an excellent chance of unlocking this. If you are a guardian do not chase beans around! Each guardian should circle around one of the 4 candy spots with arms out trying to grab (RT), and it's nearly impossible for the thieves to steal enough candy. Don't get tempted by anything, just hold your ground. As thieves you'll need just a little more skill, and hope you're not up against a team not using the above strategy effectively. Just be sneaky and work together, I've had a 5+ win streak on this mode many, many times, it's honestly made this achievement too easy! :)
Show information: https://fallguysultimateknockout.fandom.com/wiki/Sweet_Thiev...

Squad Celebration - 12-16 bean lobby
This is where I got my infallible unlocked. It's a mode with 4 teams of 4 players. Each round a team will be eliminated, the 3rd round your team will be competing for the win. With a good team, you'll have a strong chance at getting infallible in this mode too.
Show information: https://fallguysultimateknockout.fandom.com/wiki/Squad_Celeb...

Golden Goal Challenge - 16 bean lobby
This is a 2 round team mode that's trying to knock a soccer ball into a goal. It's sudden death, the first team to score a goal wins. It will start 8 vs 8, then the final round is 4 vs 4. This mode can be a little frustrating, but it goes so fast you'll be able to get a lot of attempts.
Show information: https://fallguysultimateknockout.fandom.com/wiki/Golden_Goal...

Skill Fall High Scorers - 20-40 bean lobby
This is a new one round show. You have 2 minutes to score 50 points, everyone can win. Once you learn the correct route, it's very possible to win this consistently. Typically I have about 30 seconds to spare. You want to jump through any ring at the first section, do not try to get gold here. Then for the second section wait until you can get through a gold ring (easiest are the sides in my opinion). Then get good speed and at the end get another gold ring. The main challenge is all the body blocking, but I've gotten infallible here.
Show information: https://fallguysultimateknockout.fandom.com/wiki/Ski_Fall_Hi...

Squads - 40 bean lobby
This is a permanent show where you play as teams of 4. You'll experience every type of level the game offers in this mode: races, survival, logic, hunt & team rounds. You'll likely have a greater chance of winning 5 shows in a row with a solid team than trying to win the main show on your own 5 times. It's still very challenging this way, but with a good team it's very possible. I've done this a few times. Right now with a lot of new players coming to Fall Guys, an experienced squad has a decent chance.

Boosting info:
- If you're trying to boost this, you can try to get a large group organized and all search on the same server at the same time. Have leaders of parties in a chat together and try to coordinate searching. This is basically the "old school" method. Doable, but lots of variables at play and requires a lot of coordination. If doing this in squads, a fully lobby is up to 40 beans, that's a lot. You'll still likely have to deal with many randoms. Some of the other game modes mentioned above have much smaller lobbies where boosting might be more efficient (but less necessary!).
- If your boosting party is only on Xbox, you can disable cross play to increase your odds of finding each other.
- You might want to all wear the same outfit, so it's easier to identify who's a "friendly" you're trying to let win.

Other important info:
- You can't quit out if you're about to lose to keep your streak alive
- If you get disconnected from the game, you'll lose your streak.
- You can't unlock this achievement in custom lobbies
- If the achievement doesn't unlock after five wins, try force closing the game and reloading it. This frequently works as the game will sync progress with epic servers.
- Watch some of the top streamers play to see some of the big time saving shortcuts, watch YouTube videos.
- They've recently introduced skill based matchmaking (SBMM). There's a good chance you'll be matched with similar skilled players so you should have an easier go than previously. (this currently only applies to the solo show)
- Don't be afraid to ask people with this achievement for help! It's a great community, and there are many helpful beans out there.

I'll further refine this guide, I just wanted to get something up so people knew this isn't nearly as intimidating as it seems. Don't let this be the reason you avoid playing this really awesome game!

Leave comments if you have any tips or suggestions!


21 Jun 2022 16:23

I really don't get the down thumbs for this guide, great guide, well written. For someone like me who's never played Fall Guys before and don't know too much about it, it's good to know about these modes as I never knew and should make life easier as the standard modes even the team ones are harder.
By WcG iFredy29 on 22 Jun 2022 03:03
I remember this achievement being buggy for PS users. Just did legit in solo showdown, no achievement.
By Hythal on 22 Jun 2022 03:50
@Hythal you just won five shows in a row and didn't get it? On PS some users restarted and it would then pop. That's not good, hopefully it pops. Nice job that's impressive doing it in main show!
By TonyTwoSteaks on 22 Jun 2022 04:40
You can also just boost this yourself to make it easier.....
By SuperS0nicSam on 22 Jun 2022 10:42
How SuperS0nicSam ?
By AK47 BeasTPro on 22 Jun 2022 11:14
Yeah, how can you boost this one?
By Blue Mensa on 22 Jun 2022 13:01
I'm not aware of any effective way to "boost" this yourself. Please provide details SuperS0nicSam.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 22 Jun 2022 14:01
Thanks for the info!
By Skanker irl on 22 Jun 2022 15:16
By dresinos on 22 Jun 2022 17:40
Did it again and it unlocked fine this time. Didn't do anything different.
By Hythal on 22 Jun 2022 21:55
Thanks dresinos, really helpful link I'll post it in the guide! Sweet Thieves pretty much is a guaranteed Infallible. Right now there are a lot of new players in the game, an experienced squads team can probably get infallible pretty easily right now too.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 23 Jun 2022 01:54
An experienced Squads team should be able to do this pretty well at the moment. Lots of new players, my Squad of 4 won 11 in a row today.
By Silent ChaosO9 on 26 Jun 2022 03:19
Nice Silent Chaos! Agreed, right now squads mode is like playing against bots. This is about as easy as it gets. I had a game where 2 teammates quit in the 1st round and my buddy and I still won the show.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 26 Jun 2022 04:31
If someone is up for getting this in Squad of 4 lobbies, hit me up. Had a 3 win streak in solo and 2 win streak in duos, but at some point luck was just not on my side. Getting into the finals nearly everytime but just too much can go wrong there ( I preferred the old finals maps :( )
By WaKK0r on 26 Jun 2022 20:50
Getting into the finals nearly everytime but just too much can go wrong there ( I preferred the old finals maps :( )
Same tbh, have got into the Final 22 times yet I’ve only won 4 times; Blast Ball’s pick rate is stupidly over-tuned (and imo is also not good as a Final).
By ChiflaGoodluck on 27 Jun 2022 00:40
Yep Blast Ball sucks completely, soooo much randomness can happen, honestly it's pure luck who's gonna win.

One time I got Fall Mountain three (!) times in a row and won all of them, never got this final again...

Then, being 2 wins away from the dream, my favourite map finally appeared for the first time, Slime Climb, and I failed right at the end... One of my best maps and I chocked. :l

I played a good amount of rounds since Xbox Launch and the old finals nearly never appear and the new ice themed finals and the blast ball final appear 99% of the time, which sucks monkey balls.
By WaKK0r on 27 Jun 2022 11:10
I played a good amount of rounds since Xbox Launch and the old finals nearly never appear
Yeah, Hex-a-Gone is one of, if not the best Final of the lot yet I’ve only seen it two or three times in my 10-ish hours on Xbox.
By ChiflaGoodluck on 27 Jun 2022 11:30
I'll need help with this one. My gamertag is MajorLoseGaming. I'm alright and get to the finals almost every match but can't get more than a win or 2 in a row.
By MajorLoseGaming on 29 Jun 2022 23:29
I've won 8 in a row with my friend on the new Spartan Showdown and no achievement, so I presume this mode doesn't count.
By Latham on 30 Jun 2022 14:11
happy to squad up, GT = Bur So Cold
By Bur So Cold on 30 Jun 2022 15:10
Thats bad news. Maybe it won't also then unlock when sweet thieves is live, which is apparently the easiest way to get it.
No way I will ever manage to get this in the standard modes
By magiccigam on 30 Jun 2022 15:26
@Latham definitely concerning! I'd create a support ticket so they know and see what they say. Let's see if others encounter this same problem on this show. I know for a fact it worked on sweet thieves on the PC/PS, I've helped many get it there. Fingers crossed they didn't make any changes. I doubt it.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 30 Jun 2022 18:33
Nice guide and encouragement! I was on the fence with this and accidentally popped the customisation cheeve when exploring menus.

Would any experienced people fancy playing for a bit of fun and showing me the ropes? I'm UK and on most nights/weekends
By thatNoseyParker on 30 Jun 2022 23:21
Spartan Showdown counted for me.
By Shadowed Sly on 01 Jul 2022 04:30
Spartan Showdown counted for me.
Thanks for the all-clear mate. Achievement might just be a bit buggy in LTMs or in general then.
By ChiflaGoodluck on 01 Jul 2022 04:32
hit me up for squads. I get to the final almost every time. shouldn't be too hard with a bit of luck. Cheers legends
By Blue Mensa on 01 Jul 2022 04:54
GT is Shadow Demon117 if anyone is interested down to do the special event
By Shadow Demon117 on 01 Jul 2022 08:42
@Shadowed Sly That just makes me annoyed now, 8 in a row and it didn't pop. Did them all back to back without even closing the game also so no idea why I didn't get it.
By Latham on 01 Jul 2022 11:05
Just unlocked it in squad celebration, still no idea why the spartan showdown mode didn't work for me though.
By Latham on 01 Jul 2022 15:17
Nice job Latham! I'm impressed you won 8 spartan showdowns in a row. Blast Ball has so much randomness to it, that's really hard. Congrats on the achievement.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 01 Jul 2022 15:29
Unlocked this in Squad Celebration, pretty easy with a team of 3 or 4 and some mild coordination.
By TheDonCJG on 01 Jul 2022 20:25
Looking to complete this in squad celebration. Add me up if you are decent and want to go for this. GT: xXxSim0nxXx (the 0 is a zero)
By xXxSIM0NxXx on 01 Jul 2022 21:32
Need 2 to go for this tomorrow in squad celebration. See gaming sessions 👍
By The Manic Moose on 01 Jul 2022 22:05
Unlocked in squad celebration with all randoms. Definitely the easiest mode thus far.
By Col Drogo on 02 Jul 2022 01:16
Unlocked in squad celebration with all randoms. Definitely the easiest mode thus far.
Pretty obvious considering the 50% increase in the Xbox percentage of this achievement.
By ChiflaGoodluck on 02 Jul 2022 09:18
Also, if you're a solo player, don't bother with Squad Celebration, Team games are about as miserable as I remember; wouldn't even have bothered coming back if they were still in Solos.
By ChiflaGoodluck on 02 Jul 2022 10:53
Message me if you're decent and wanna go for this. I've had a couple 4-streaks with spartan showdown and squad celebration. GT: Jar3d
By Jar3d on 02 Jul 2022 13:07
Looking for a group for squad celebration! message me on xbox please
By BaronVoNewman on 02 Jul 2022 16:58
I'm down if anyone wants to squad up I'm a decent player
By Ryan 1I9I9I1 on 02 Jul 2022 17:46
Got 5 in Spartan showdown and it unlocked
By MrTonytheGamer on 02 Jul 2022 21:06
I got 5 wins in a row and it dosent Pop off.... this one is Glitched .... im so MAD as f..... my freund got it..... btw
By UnreaITHEone on 03 Jul 2022 01:01
Did you restart the game? Console? This happened to one of the 3 guys I helped get the achievement earlier today. Restarting game made it pop.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 03 Jul 2022 01:08
I’m up for doing this if anybody wants to team up. I haven’t played it yet on Xbox but I put a fair amount of time in on PlayStation.
By JimmyRowe1994 on 03 Jul 2022 08:41
Someone can help me get it? It serms impossible, even in the squads crlebration mode.
We are in a team of three.
By MamutgamerG on 03 Jul 2022 19:11
If anyone wants to boost this today or tomorrow, seems like Golden Goal might be easy if the team of 4 is good 👍🏻
By TehJofus on 04 Jul 2022 13:41
Playing golden goal all night if you want to invite :)
By Ryan 1I9I9I1 on 04 Jul 2022 17:55
Yeah, Golden Goal is the one. Took 35 minutes to get it. Got 4 wins in a row, lost one, and then got 5 straight.
By Alex Sobecki on 04 Jul 2022 17:56
I’m up for playing golden goal. Gamertag: PhilKill
By PhilKill on 04 Jul 2022 18:02
Need a good team for golden goal, gamer tag: V MRBEAN V
By V MRBEAN V on 04 Jul 2022 18:17
Need team for golden goal my gamertag :Hiró Obunâga
By Hiró Obunâga on 04 Jul 2022 19:08
I won 5 in a row and it didnt unlock for me
By qb TOXIN dp on 04 Jul 2022 20:11
Can boost Golden Goal for the next hour or so Gamertag is Golden Trinity
By Golden Trinity on 04 Jul 2022 20:15
Golden goal baby 💪🏾💪🏾 I’m a 99 GK lol
Should grind for Golden guy cheevo if you haven’t got it already!
By Sosa Adlibs on 04 Jul 2022 20:19
@qb TOXIN dp did you try restarting the game? That fixes it for some people
By TonyTwoSteaks on 04 Jul 2022 20:32
Just invite me for Golden Goal, let's go!
By MCL4Physique on 04 Jul 2022 20:33
Golden goallll! Need a squad :) GT: IIIT3III
By IIIT3III on 04 Jul 2022 20:52
@TonyTwoSteaks I have restarted and it still did not pop. Unlucky I guess
By qb TOXIN dp on 04 Jul 2022 21:18
@qb TOXIN dp man sorry to hear that. If you had a disconnect, or started looking for a match and cancelled that possibly can break the streak fyi. I think sweet thieves is coming up in a few days, there will be 1000s of gamers to get infallible during that show. It's too easy in sweet thieves!
By TonyTwoSteaks on 04 Jul 2022 21:23
golden goal mode was really easy. my squad was on a 8 win streak befor we lost a match toast
By Th v4n Heising on 04 Jul 2022 22:45
@TonyTwoSteaks I got a 5 winstreak again and this time it counted !
By qb TOXIN dp on 04 Jul 2022 23:03
By TonyTwoSteaks on 05 Jul 2022 00:34
Blue Mensa, you just won 5 solo episodes in a row?
What they meant was that they got the achievement in Golden Goal Challenge with randoms every game, not getting the wins in Solo Show (which is doable but absurd in difficulty).
By ChiflaGoodluck on 05 Jul 2022 12:36
If anyone wants to squad up on Golden Goal, my GT is Pipideed!
By Pipideed on 05 Jul 2022 16:20
He means that he played the golden goal hence the own goal statement.
By Xx Grantinho xX on 05 Jul 2022 16:46
I would like to try and get it done today as well if anybody would like to help
By cbDAREdwDEVILsp on 05 Jul 2022 16:49
I'm sure I got 5 show wins in a row in golden goal and didn't get it so might be a bit glitchy
By Mortal Death on 05 Jul 2022 16:55
Was in a team of 4, got 5 in a row but only 2 of us got the achievement, definitely bugged. Very annoying
By cbDAREdwDEVILsp on 05 Jul 2022 19:05
I've sent complaint to their support page about the glitched achievement so hopefully they'll responded to me about the issue
By gazzaroach96 on 05 Jul 2022 19:44
FYI, don't even consider getting this via Lily Leapers Limbo: if you run into one skilled player your win streak is done for.
By ChiflaGoodluck on 06 Jul 2022 09:55
By TonyTwoSteaks on 06 Jul 2022 12:18
Achievement is bugged to high hell. Done it legit twice with my bois and I got it but they didn’t. Absolute rng and a joke of an achievement
By Truth1sOutThere on 07 Jul 2022 01:00
Just did five in a row on Squad Showdown. The achievement didn’t pop for any of us. What we did was force quit the game and reloaded it from the home page and it popped for all of us once we pressed start to play.
By cbDAREdwDEVILsp on 07 Jul 2022 01:06
Can confirm the above, don’t try to play any games after you believe you have done it, just force close the game and load as stated above ^
By Truth1sOutThere on 07 Jul 2022 01:11
Sweet Thieves with random.. 13 wins in a row! both side easy win!
By AK47 BeasTPro on 07 Jul 2022 10:31
Can also confirm the quit and restart game method. Won 6 in a row without it popping, quit the game and reopened and it popped after loading from the initial start screen
By I M a T T y y I on 07 Jul 2022 12:11
Yeah, doing this in Sweet Thieves is a luck contest; if you're a Solo player just wait for Ski Fall High Scorers.
By ChiflaGoodluck on 07 Jul 2022 12:48
I got it today in Sweet Thieves. 5 Thief games in a row.

Playing thieves is super easy honestly, just a little patience, use walk to sneak up the side, take a sweet, walk back until your out of sight and leg it to the dropzone. You can easily do 4-5 sweets solo.
By Sketchy77 on 07 Jul 2022 12:55
Easy with Sweet Thieves. I lost the first time but I won the next 5 and got the achievement.
By dresinos on 07 Jul 2022 13:51
I win 10 round in a row whit sweet thieves but no achievement...
By DEUS boya 25 on 07 Jul 2022 14:17
any one want to try this add me on xbox live GT SLewthem
By SlewThem on 07 Jul 2022 14:22
Yeah sweet thieves is the way for this. Just won 5 in a row with randoms. Sometimes you can get a rubbish team but if you have a couple people decent at thieving you can still win.
By IAmSAMU3Lx on 07 Jul 2022 14:40
Anyone that wants to try this send me a friend request. Gametag: An Naomh Naofa
By An Naomh Naofa on 07 Jul 2022 15:16
Invite me if you want to go for this on sweet thieves need this achievement badly lol
By Ryan 1I9I9I1 on 07 Jul 2022 15:54
Looking for a team for this, since matchmaking isn’t going well at all.

Add on either Xbox or Epic, TehJofus both 👍🏻
By TehJofus on 07 Jul 2022 16:28
Anyone that wants to try this send me a friend request. Gametag: An Naomh Naofa
By An Naomh Naofa on 07 Jul 2022 17:15
Told you guys. Sweet thieves is too easy!
By TonyTwoSteaks on 07 Jul 2022 17:29
Yes thank you to this guide. Sweet thieves is the way. Thumbs up from me.
By M4tty16 on 07 Jul 2022 18:32
I knew I could trust TonyTwoSteaks
By Wobblo on 07 Jul 2022 19:10
Just got it on Sweet Thieves joining randoms woooo
By BIG SH0RTY on 07 Jul 2022 19:41
Great pointers. Sweet Thieves by far the easiest method. Played maybe 10 games today and won 5 in a row with randoms.
By iTz Canada Ehh on 07 Jul 2022 22:00
This guide was longer than the actual process of getting the achievement. But hey ho thanks very much
By YAT0 on 07 Jul 2022 22:22
Does this work if you leave the game constantly only gettin wins ?
By AhZohra on 08 Jul 2022 22:33
The current sweet thieves event makes this a breeze as long as you are the thief for 5 in a row!
By itsir2u on 09 Jul 2022 00:37
By MR MITT3NS on 09 Jul 2022 02:56
I'm going to lose my mind trying to get this achievement.
By Rainman998899 on 09 Jul 2022 07:55
Going to need you to remove this guide immediately, you're ruining the ratio!
By Sir of Sirs Oo on 09 Jul 2022 11:50
i need people to play sweet thieves with. i just started playing.
By GamerGirl314221 on 09 Jul 2022 17:35
I only win as a Thief. Never a Guardian. Weird.
By NannerLoaf on 09 Jul 2022 20:40
@NannerLoaf guardians doesn't work well with randoms, it requires a disciplined team communicating together. With a good team, guardians are basically unbeatable. Nobody is beating my squad if we are guardians. It's almost unfair.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 09 Jul 2022 21:38
Definitely something up with the win streak. Have won 6, restarted, won again... still nothing. Grrr.
By Sashamorning on 09 Jul 2022 21:39
@sashamorning did you fully quit the game and reload? That usually fixes it. Right after the fifth win I would force quit and reload if it doesn't pop. This was an issue on PlayStation too for some but that almost always fixes it.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 09 Jul 2022 21:43
I won 9 matches in a row on sweet thieves and it never popped for me 😔

Edit: finally got it after 8hrs straight as soon as I won the 9 in a row I couldn't even win two in a row
By lucylu1983 on 09 Jul 2022 22:52
First day playing this game and I unlock this achievement. Am I dreaming?
By NannerLoaf on 10 Jul 2022 01:53
I didnt even get it with my ta boost session, i got it an hour earlier with some middle schoolers using LFG. It was damn brutal and hard going at it all day, but this mode just lifted an enormous weight off the achievement list
By Jakinator178 on 11 Jul 2022 03:09
@BiopticPath Same thing happened to me and others if you Google it. It's a known issue and they're looking into a fix for trophies not unlocking.
By Cleaner7x on 11 Jul 2022 05:38
Anybody half decent want to party up to boost this before the Sweet Thieves event ends? GT: Cake Mr Bro
By Cake Mr Bro on 11 Jul 2022 06:15
I'm trying to get a win with party of 3 anyone need help with this acheevo too feel free to add me can knock 2 out in one for you
By DonnieDarko on 11 Jul 2022 09:56
looking to do this on sweet thieves gt: audgatti
By audgatti on 11 Jul 2022 21:47
anyone want to do this rn?
By PTP Lesko on 12 Jul 2022 05:31
Ski Fall High Scorers is out. Likely gonna prove to be an easy mode for this.
By ChiflaGoodluck on 13 Jul 2022 09:47
Just got an Infallible on Ski Fall High Scorers.

Unless if you consider yourself pretty skilled at the platforming in this game and didn’t get it during Sweet Thieves, don’t bother trying to get an Infallible in this mode, it is extremely demanding of you for the win (even if you do a perfect run there’ll only be 40-30 seconds left by the time you’re done), and 3 of those 5 wins I got for the Infallible were accomplished with about 10 or less seconds left.

For those that do want to get it here, going through the golden hoops constantly is basically required to win in this mode. Don’t bother with the one in first circle (unless if the bumper there ends up tossing you up on your way down, then go for it), but always wait for one of the outer hoops in the second circle and go for the golden hoop in the third.
By ChiflaGoodluck on 13 Jul 2022 10:33
I got this achievement by playing Sweet Thieves.
By HappyFoal593399 on 22 Jul 2022 21:24
It's not getting 1st place 5 times in a row, it's winning the entire episode, 5 times in a row?
By Sneaky G Wizard on 23 Jul 2022 03:24
That's correct Sneaky G Wizard. Win the entire show, 5 times in a row.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 23 Jul 2022 03:35
Hmm, basically impossible solo then. I understand why people are saying the special game modes are best for this now, I don't have a group so I need to pray for strong randoms
By Sneaky G Wizard on 23 Jul 2022 06:36
Main Show Infallible is possible but ludicrous to do legit, I think I’m only aware of two pepole pulling it off that way.
By ChiflaGoodluck on 23 Jul 2022 09:09
Sneaky in a couple weeks sweet thieves will be back. Message me, we'll get it done.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 23 Jul 2022 14:36
I really appreciate that, I've been on TA since it's second year and never come across such a kind thread. I hope it's reflective of the Fall Guy community as a whole
By Sneaky G Wizard on 23 Jul 2022 18:20
Tony, invite me too!
By Gogore WoD on 24 Jul 2022 14:50
Gogore sure sounds good! Keep an eye on the upcoming events calendar and when sweet thieves is back just send me a message and we'll get you infallible!
By TonyTwoSteaks on 24 Jul 2022 15:26
Tony id love to boost as well! Please let me know how I can help. GT: Kahunah. Thank you kindly.
By Kahunah on 25 Jul 2022 08:59
Sure no worries Kahunah. When Sweet Thieves is back send me a message and we'll go for it!
By TonyTwoSteaks on 25 Jul 2022 16:58
Another easy way to get this is by playing the Clan of Yeetus event that’s around for the next few days. If you qualify in each of the 3 rounds it counts as a win. The challenges are pretty easy as well.
By ReaL ViSioNzZ x on 28 Jul 2022 14:40
Good to know ReaL ViSioNzZ x! I haven't played this mode yet, will check it out later.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 28 Jul 2022 15:40
I second that the Yeetus Clan Trials are a pretty good way to get this achievement. It's running now through August 1st. You don't actually have to compete against the other people. You can get a crown if you finish the final round before the timer expires, even if other people finished before you. I just got it after playing for about an hour!
By Ericew on 28 Jul 2022 18:48
Yes this is definitely an easy show for infallible! I just won five games in a row. You are competing against the clock, not other beans.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 28 Jul 2022 19:30
I must suck because some games are really difficult in the last round of Yeetus!
By GlockPurdy85 on 29 Jul 2022 02:06
Oh no! What maps are you struggling with Chester? Are you getting good launches off the Yeetus? I played earlier and won every time. Don't recall time being an issue at all.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 29 Jul 2022 02:23
The last rounds have seriously less time than when played first or second. It basically forces you to use the hammers, which then makesit about luck rather than skill
By Sneaky G Wizard on 29 Jul 2022 04:03
I disagree that using the hammers is about luck and not skill. If you know how to time jumping into them, they're fairly forgiving. I'll play some more tomorrow, I played almost 10 games today and won them all. Maybe they changed something and made it harder?
By TonyTwoSteaks on 29 Jul 2022 04:42
I don't think you really needed to put you won 10 games in a row dude... Obviously you're a lot better than most of us but for normal players the last round does have a very hard time limit and one duff move costs you the win
By Sneaky G Wizard on 29 Jul 2022 04:52
If you're around tomorrow let's try a few games together, I really had no issues at all with time limits. Maybe something changed.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 29 Jul 2022 05:54
The new event mode (the Yeetus clan trials) can crown the whole lobby as winners if they can cross the finish line at the final round. This can help a lot going for this achievements. I am at 9 wins streak, thanks to this mode :).
By Ryoon 17 on 29 Jul 2022 09:16
I have no issue getting to the Finals in the new Yeetus mode, but depending on which level the final is on if you screw up on the first Yeetus Hammer, you're boned! I think the hardest level is probably Door Dash because if you don't time the hammer right, you don't get thrown over the doors, but into them.
By GlockPurdy85 on 29 Jul 2022 15:01
Door dash as the final is extremely difficult. Gotten this three times in a row as the final, and each time not a single person in the lobby was able to qualify and win
By BeardTrance on 29 Jul 2022 16:41
Wow really, maybe I got a little lucky with the maps, mostly had wall guys & ski fall as final but had door dash a couple times. Don't recall how close it was at the end. 5-10 seconds I'm guessing. Will be playing some more today if anyone wants to party up and have some fun.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 29 Jul 2022 17:12
I’m legit upset that of course they pick the one weekend I have to work all weekend to put the yeet event up lol
By Snooch2theBooch on 30 Jul 2022 02:38
That sucks! Sweet thieves will be back soon, aug 5th it looks like. This event is fun though no doubt!
By TonyTwoSteaks on 30 Jul 2022 03:10
Ahh! Yes I had a door dash final push me to the limit earlier, had about 3 seconds left when I finished. Definitely the most stressful. Keep going you'll get it!
By TonyTwoSteaks on 30 Jul 2022 06:39
You basically have to do a perfect run if Door Yeet is your final and you have to use the Hammers. If Door Yeet is your 1st or 2nd game, consider yourself lucky!
By GlockPurdy85 on 30 Jul 2022 17:32
This achievement didn't make me avoid the game but it's certainly made me avoid ever giving this game any monetary support.
By ggallinftw on 30 Jul 2022 19:11
Stop stressing it. Sweet thieves will be back soon. Easy
By TonyTwoSteaks on 30 Jul 2022 22:04
I just got incredibly lucky! 5 straight games and none of the finals were Door Yeet! Just unlocked my Cheevo!!
By GlockPurdy85 on 30 Jul 2022 23:10
By TonyTwoSteaks on 31 Jul 2022 01:43
Keen to boost this achievement with 3 others with the golden goal challenge currently running today and tomorrow. Can play at night NZ Timezone
By GilmourNZ on 02 Aug 2022 19:45
Add me up if you need an extra person to do this too
By ColzoH on 03 Aug 2022 18:25
Just got this today on Sweet Thieves. First 4 as a thief and the last one as guardian, thankfully the guardian team were badass in that last round. Glad it’s done with.

I tried yeet before but always struggled if it was door yeet or wall yeet in the final round due to the timing as I would always mess up one of the hammers.
By MartyFSM on 05 Aug 2022 13:54
The current Sweet Thieves event is the way to go. Get a squad together and even with minimal coordination you'll rake in the wins. Call out unguarded candy as Thieves, it guard the candy as Guardians. I used an LFG on the Fall Guys discord and we got up to 20+ wins in a row without much effort.
By mrbellek on 05 Aug 2022 21:54
Doing this with a public lobby is almost impossible so a group is recommended
By DumpyDom on 06 Aug 2022 15:54
DumpyDom yes playing with randoms is so frustrating, especially if you get guardian side! If I see one of the guardians run off to play hide and seek I know it's a loss.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 06 Aug 2022 16:08
TonyTwoSteaks even on sweet thieves this is almost impossible, got to 4/5 and had a hacker with 4x speed and could see everyone even while they were invisible. 2nd time at 4/5 had 4 people leave as thieves
By DumpyDom on 06 Aug 2022 17:06
I'll be playing all day. Send me a message we'll get you infallible.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 06 Aug 2022 17:40
Yeah, I’m gonna need help with this too. Playing with randoms got me only as far as to 3/5.
By JestemWojtek on 06 Aug 2022 22:23
Cant believe the hacks in such a simple game. cheevo is a pain.
By Macho Rican Moe on 08 Aug 2022 05:22
Next time sweet thieves is back send me a message Moe. We'll unlock it, no worries
By TonyTwoSteaks on 08 Aug 2022 10:09
If you need another, send a message.
By john kenobi on 08 Aug 2022 20:07
I'm in!
By Cyrus Cane AUT on 08 Aug 2022 23:29
It looks like August 31st, sweet thieves should be back. Let's do this!
By TonyTwoSteaks on 09 Aug 2022 00:08
Belive or not guys i just did it at least six in row in solo mode,
I closed the game and restarted for achievement to pop
I think nobody belives me.it was only my second day to play the game
It was little bit easier only 40 people in lobby
By MarcusMaxximus1 on 09 Aug 2022 03:50
Looking to get a squad if anyone interested. GT: Cuttle89. Im nit the greatest player but can hold my own.
By Cuttle89 on 13 Aug 2022 18:51
Current mode now on "Ski Fall High Scorers" don't need to come first just need to get the required 50 points in 2 mins. Keep practicing until you find a good method and you will knock this out in no time!
By GoW Butters on 15 Aug 2022 15:54
Looking for people to boost: Defolit56
By Defolit56 on 17 Aug 2022 10:02
Will I have force close the fall guys application to not lose my streak
By Jawad990 on 28 Aug 2022 08:24
I have tried this x treme party event and have not been able to get the achievement to pop. I have won in two separate occasions 5 games in a row. I will attempt again but if not, I guess I'll have to add this to the support ticket already in for low baller sigh this game is a buggy mess
By BlaZiNaNGeLx on 28 Mar 2023 23:44
I sent you a PM Kohaui, we can get you infallible today.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 30 Aug 2022 21:37
i got this in the clan of yeetus event, just complete the 3 races and you get a crown, it doesnt matter if you come in first or not, just as long as you finish the races, you win.
By LaTrickster2 on 05 Sep 2022 06:45
Sweet Thieves starting today and Clan of Yeetus coming up in 3 days, both will be good opportunities to get this one.
By KinectKid333 on 22 Sep 2022 06:05
Will it ruin the streak if you end up on the thief team and quit the game? How would you get 5 guardian games in a row?
By EricHawrylyshyn on 22 Sep 2022 23:10
Eric quitting a match resets your streak.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 23 Sep 2022 07:30
So looks like the wormhole event is running until Nov 21st, with the penguin game being one of five games that rotate in and out every few hours. The easiest this achievement has ever been, it's basically being given out right now.
By Wyyvern on 17 Nov 2022 19:02
Wyyvern is right. Easiest infallible ever.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 17 Nov 2022 19:12
Just got it in the special mode "E, Sunken P" where you have 3 mins to hold a penguin for 25 seconds. 5 penguins for 15 people. Everyone can finish. instant win. I did have to exit the game and force quit it. When I loaded back in and into the lobby, the achievement popped!
By GremlinLord615 on 18 Nov 2022 02:41
On the current event I won 20 times in a row and got nothing for my trouble
By thelastRIVEN on 18 Nov 2022 04:39
^It's known to be buggy, have to quit and relaunch sometimes, plenty of people are popping it right now as you can see
By Wyyvern on 18 Nov 2022 04:55
Sweet Thieves is back. Won 6 in a row, didn't pop, restarted the game and got it once I got to the homepage.
By LP Tato BR on 07 Dec 2022 02:59
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I launched the game and it was just a picture of the dev team flipping the bird.
By ggallinftw on 10 Dec 2022 00:28
Just won 5 shows in a row twice back to back and still no achievement pop up, any help?

I was doing the finals marathon, easy game mode to win shows.
By Hyenaah on 07 Jan 2023 16:33
@hyenaah, did you force quit and completely reload the game? That works nearly all the time. Xbox button, move down to fall guys, hit start, quit. Then start game again should unlock as soon as it connects to the servers.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 07 Jan 2023 21:54
@TonyTwoSteaks Yeah forced quit twice, even restarted my xbox, and still nothing.

edit: Just tried again and won another 5 rounds and still no achievement :/
By Hyenaah on 08 Jan 2023 13:28
Five rounds (levels) or five complete shows? You need to win 25 rounds in a row if playing finals marathon. Five times you must win the crown. Just checking.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 08 Jan 2023 17:07
That's soo annoying, cheers for the help
By Hyenaah on 08 Jan 2023 20:45
@Hyenaah, no worries it'll be pretty tough to win 5 finals marathons in a row, but don't worry sweet thieves is scheduled to be back January 15th, you'll definitely get it then. If you need help just send me a message we'll make it happen.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 08 Jan 2023 20:47
I need all the help I can get TonyTwoSteaks!!! my GT is CptWillyBoy
By CptWillyBoy on 13 Jan 2023 19:01
I would love to get help and help others on this too!
Gamertag is CHA0Sx28x
By CHA0Sx28x on 20 Jan 2023 17:45
Where is sweet thieves!?
By TonyTwoSteaks on 20 Jan 2023 20:03
I suggest doing the skill fall or sweet thieves event ASAP when they appear. Fall Guys is vaulting levels at an accelerated level. The game is in decline and the devs keep shrinking the level variety.
By cardcrusher2 on 21 Jan 2023 20:06
I really hate these devs. Sweet thieves was great fun and should be brought back asap.
By ggallinftw on 08 Feb 2023 21:14
Agree! Not sure what the hell is going on with this game right now.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 08 Feb 2023 22:46
Yeah that sucks, guess we’ll have to wait until next season for it to come back or maybe for an easier mode to be released but I doubt it
By on 09 Feb 2023 12:41
Well… I was wrong ! I just got the achievement. A new mode was added today and it’s the easiest it has ever been. It’s called Xtreme party. There is only 4 players in this mode, it’s only one round, you don’t have a time limit, and everyone can qualify ! The only thing is if you fall off the map, you’re done. But there is a few maps where you can’t even fall, and most of them, if you are really careful, you’ll be able to qualify easily ! Go try it before it’s gone, it will last only 3 days.
By on 28 Mar 2023 16:16
@BlaZiNaNGeLx did you force quit the game, and then reload it? That almost always fixes this issue.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 29 Mar 2023 00:01
I just got this through the X-treme Party show. It's a single round show with 4 players max where simply completing the race counts as winning an episode. I did not come in first on 1 or 2 of my 5 wins to confirm.
By Melchida on 29 Mar 2023 21:55
Can also confirm for the X-treme Party Show, my wife won about 7 in a row without it popping. Force quit the game, restarted, and it popped right after that secondary load screen
By Firebird22x on 31 Mar 2023 02:31
Infallible is the easiest it's ever been. I've updated the guide.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 11 May 2023 06:29
Can confirm Creator Made Cyber Attack 5/15/23 works but will expire tonight. Not sure if it'll refresh but Tony was spot on with the super easy can't miss 5 in a row unless you literally don't want to finish the map and let it time out. Go grab this achievo meow!
By BlaZiNaNGeLx on 15 May 2023 23:46
If you don't get this achievement this season, you never will. Super easy. Sorry to the guys who grinded it out when it just came out.
By KevinLegend512 on 23 May 2023 12:59
Just a heads up - this week's featured creator maps only allow ONE person to qualify. So it seems like they've 'fixed' whatever the issue was at the start of the season. Bad news if you didn't jump on this before.
By DaChiefOfOwnage on 07 Jun 2023 08:27
@DaChiefOfOwnage yes, but the lobby size is only 4 now and you can queue up as a party. So still an easy infallible to boost. I'll update the guide though!
By TonyTwoSteaks on 07 Jun 2023 22:25
Idk lobby size on those creator rounds is now 8 people for me but I guess that's a lot better than 24 if you're trying to boost 😅
By DaChiefOfOwnage on 13 Jun 2023 10:49
Currently a game mode on the creator mode called Yeet Golf, just qualify/finish the race 5 times and you'll get the achievement. Just worked for me
By Hyenaah on 15 Jun 2023 15:40
Finished 5 times in the creator mode Rainbow Dash, twice I got 1st and the others I was 2nd or 3rd and popped it after the 5th race was over. Both that race and Yeet Golf were "special" races so that might be why all four beans could win
By PhoenixFire424 on 19 Jun 2023 04:18
Agreed on the creator mode not requiring first place out of 4 players. Just got it on slime race which shows open for next 12 days. I had to take the ramps really slow rather than fall off and start over.
By MasterCoupon on 01 Sep 2023 04:31
Played about 7 special games in a row and won but achievement didn't pop. I got disconnected from server twice so maybe that is the reason? If so that is BS. I do not have any issues in any other game but this.
By bloodswan on 05 Oct 2023 21:32
if it didnt unlock for you you need to quit out of the game and restart this made it unlock for me !!
By Mrs x Tomahawk on 17 Oct 2023 01:08
I've qualified in more than 5 episodes in a row in Creator maps multiple times, but the achievement hasn't popped. For example I qualified in 8 rounds in a row last night (it even showed "Winner" on screen at the end of the round), but no achievement. Can anyone confirm that just qualifying is enough as stated in the solution? I'm wondering if it's been patched so you have to actually win. That's a major bummer if so.
By I Ebon Hawk I on 02 Feb 2024 18:30
Ebon Hawk, I'm not aware of any recent changes that blocks creator maps from counting towards infallible. Did you try a force quit of the game (guide button, navigate to game on the left, hit menu button, then quit) and then reload the game? Usually when it reconnects to the epic servers it should then pop right away. I'll try to see if anyone else is having this issue.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 02 Feb 2024 22:08
It just popped for me after launching the game earlier today.
By I Ebon Hawk I on 03 Feb 2024 20:13
I had to restart the game for it to pop too. This was on Steam, but seems it's the same on all platforms.
By Lvx on 06 Feb 2024 15:13
As of today 12/03/24 there's a chill mode solo queue that allows everyone to qualify the round as long as they reach the end, and everyone that survive the 40 seconds in the final round gets a win. Matches are 3 rounds each so games are not taking long. Did my achievement today (plus 20 total wins so can confirm it works)
By xXDywaynEXx on 12 Mar 2024 22:07
Good to know. Yea this achievement used to belong in trophy cases, now it's pretty much a joke.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 13 Mar 2024 03:11
unfortunately didn’t get this before solo chills was removed - can this be gotten via the new explore mode?
By Starieena on 07 May 2024 23:42
Thanks WcG iFredy29! Yes this achievement is almost guaranteed if you play with a good team on the sweet thieves show! It's a new mode, hopefully they bring it back soon it's a lot of fun. If you need help going for infallible during it, just shoot me a PM.
By TonyTwoSteaks on 22 Jun 2022 04:37
Ski Fall High Scores looks like another good playlist to get this done if you miss it during the Sweet Thieves playlist: you’re guaranteed to win if you beat a certain score (no idea on what that score is, but based on the 5 Crown Shards you get for winning, it probably isn’t strict). EDIT: Apparently it's 2 minutes to get 50 points. Wiki says it’ll last from July 13-15.
By ChiflaGoodluck on 25 Jun 2022 07:09
Any decent players want to do some squads celebration? I'm currently on a two win streak, (one solo and one squad celebration) :)
By anthony2690 on 01 Jul 2022 10:10
Just got this in the Golden Goal Challenge, super easy if you have a squad mate or two who are also going for it. People don't seem to be taking the mode too seriously, so play aggressive and you can win games really easily.
By Mr Funman on 04 Jul 2022 15:56
I just got this solo, playing with randoms. (it took me 2 hours and I think I literally pulled some of my hair out in frustration.. lol) People WILL score own goals and go AFK when you're on a great streak!

So I'm happy to squad up with some people if you want help! This is one of the rare times it's ACTUALLY POSSIBLE to get this achievement.
By Blue Mensa on 05 Jul 2022 02:45
Spartan showdown I found to be the easiest with a competent duo partner. I helped another team get it in Golden Goal, with two on offense and two on defense, then the final round is easier. Jump adds more power than a dive could ever if you hit the ball right.

Finally, I am not finding sweet thieves to be easy if you're guardian. Feels easier as the thieves. If I didn't have infallible yet, I would have just got it solo'ed up in sweet thieves.

Good luck guys.
By Vash 1he Stmpde on 07 Jul 2022 19:30
For Sweet Thieves, make sure you have username display toggled on if you're on the thief side by pressing LT. Guardians may hide behind objects and try to surprise you when you walk by. With usernames toggled on, you will effectively see them through walls.
By Dingus Nooblet on 08 Jul 2022 01:37
I got this on sweet thieves first day. Its not too hard regardless if you are a thief or a guardian as long as you have a strategic understanding. You can move the blocks around on the right side starting point as a Guardian. I got this on Xbox but when on PS5 to do it there and also won not just 5, but 6 in a row. However it did not unlock. Not sure if anyone had the same problem. If so, let me know how you fixed it.

Otherwise, if people want to squad up and have fun and need help on sweet thieves, add me. My name is BiopticPath on all platforms.
By BiopticPath on 11 Jul 2022 04:36
I wanna add to this.

Sweet Thieves:
Have a full party of 4 on comms, this makes it unbelievably simpler.

Each person sits on a pair of sweets each, hold RT to grab (you can't grab the sweets) and just rotate between the sweets (wiggle and slightly push into them). Thieves will struggle to get enough sweets to win.

Also, on the right hand side, at the start block most routes with the boxes, leaving 2 corridors open. Thieves run slower when holding a sweet so if they do grab one, you have a slight chance of capturing them.

Group of 4, rush one side (our choice was right side with the poles not flippers), walk and go invisible and don't split up.

(Not needed but helpful, press LT to show names to quickly identify how many people are with you, you can see outline but if your trying to rush the grabs, you may miscount, names are more visible when moving)

If you get the timing down, you can have one person at the top, throwing the sweets down to the other 3 who can run them into the holes.

Quickest match I won with my group, we had 2 minutes remaining on the clock with this tactic.
By ItchyMinty91 on 11 Jul 2022 11:01
Ski fall high scorers would actually be a good way to get it, but it takes a lot of practice to get right. I did it around 16 times and was frustrated that I wasn't winning but won the last 3 in a row once I learned the trick. Basically Chifla is right in comment above - go for bronze or silver first ring, gold second ring and then through the gold at the end for 11-12 points. Do this five times and you have your win.
By I8ITackyticsI8I on 14 Jul 2022 01:11
This yeet event is the way to go. The more you play, the easier it is to get yeeted just right and take home the cheevo.
By Gogore WoD on 29 Jul 2022 22:17
Yeet game, given everyone who finishes the final round wins. First try trying this one tonight and within 10 games I had my 5 streak.

Out of them off this was the one I never expected, when looking at the list.
By H Ragnarok H on 31 Jul 2022 22:06
Keep practicing until you find a good method and you will knock this out in no time!
Already did the first time it was on:
For those that do want to get it [in Ski Fall High Scorers], going through the golden hoops constantly is basically required to win in this mode. Don’t bother with the one in first circle (unless if the bumper there ends up tossing you up on your way down, then go for it), but always wait for one of the outer hoops in the second circle and go for the golden hoop in the third.
Also, this mode isn’t particularly easy to get an Infallible in so I’d recommend waiting for an easier mode to get this in.
By ChiflaGoodluck on 15 Aug 2022 22:24
If you have five wins in a row and it didn't pop, yes. Hit the Xbox button, highlight fall guys, hit menu button, the select quit. Restart game and when it syncs with the epic games servers it should pop. If it doesn't no worries we can get you a new streak, sweet thieves is back!
By TonyTwoSteaks on 28 Aug 2022 14:54
Keep a lookout for these limited time 'unstable wormhole' shows.

Right now there's a show for the penguin holding game, and it's basically impossible to lose. It's not elimination based and there's plenty of time, with more penguins coming available once people win. My round finished with everyone winning with over a minute left. They know it's easy, it only awards 5 crown shards.

It's called 'E, sunken P" and it's only available for the next two hours. Once it's gone, it's worth looking for more of these short wormhole-themed shows with easy games.
By Wyyvern on 17 Nov 2022 04:19
@TonyTwoSteaks, I did after reading your reply and still nothing. My 20 episodes popped though. Going to just keep trying 🥲
By BlaZiNaNGeLx on 29 Mar 2023 00:57
@BlaZiNaNGeLx Getting five wins in a row in this mode just worked for me as well, so hopefully it will work for you eventually! I can also confirm that I didn't even get first place or anything when it worked. I was third to the finish line and got the achievement as soon as I crossed it.
By Archer x360a on 29 Mar 2023 01:06
Sweet Thieves is back on August 3. There’s also a Clan of Yeetus mode on July 28 that might by easy to get this in, but the last mode of its type I was completely wrong on so idk. There also appears to be a community event mode in late August with 5 Crown Shards as a reward, but who knows how we’ll be able to get wins in that.
By ChiflaGoodluck on 19 Jul 2022 08:46
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Do it now during this timed event just pick sweet thieves and do the easy to follow instructions. I got this on steam months ago and the same easy steam cheevos are unlocking for new people.

Just keep grinding sweet thieves mode and you will eventually get 5 defensive wins. Next couple of days only.

07 Jul 2022 10:37

The new season is out with creator mode in play. This achievement can be obtained by playing the new creator made round mode in the main menu.

You can play the same map 5 times in a row and get this achievement. You only need to qualify for this to count as a win.

As of today 10th May, I played Pixel Hearts which is 1 round, and you only need to qualify out of 21 beans, as long as you qualify it'll show the "winner" poppup. I tested on an alternate account to make sure this counted as a legitimate in game 'win' and it definitely does.

It's worth noting this will likely get nerfed at some point where these creator made rounds do not count to your wins - if you've been having problems getting this now's your chance. Get it before the opportunity goes.

10 May 2023 18:51

Thank you! This worked great. I had to quit the game and restart it for the achievement to pop.
By Davis 888 on 11 May 2023 02:04
This week (from 17th May 2023), it looks like Super Door Dash and Spiral of Woo are the best maps to use for this achievement.

Definitely DO NOT use Tornado Trial - it is almost impossible to complete it.
By JGXenite on 17 May 2023 08:45
*Game Mode No longer Available*
Will update when similar game mode appears

X-Treme Party Mode currently live for a few days.

One round & everyone can win, just don’t die as there is no respawn.

Easiest thing ever, so don’t miss out.
Also good for 1st Place race wins if you need them as most are race rounds.

28 Mar 2023 18:36

Wouldnt say its Easiest thing ever but defiantly easy that going through the rounds and racing. Just take your time with the jumps, was frustrating at times but thats the game i suppose... Thumbs up!!
By Fatboyamis69 on 30 Mar 2023 13:36
Is this possible with any of the current games? I haven't got it to unlock.
By The Bickness on 31 May 2023 21:45
This is not exactly a guide, but more information to point out how difficult and random it is.

I used to play on PS4 - 1-2h max, one session, then I sold the PS4. I only bought the game on Steam before switching to F2P. For these reasons, I treat my playing on Xbox as "practically first".

According to stats from the Xbox app, it comes out that:
  1. I hammered it out in 4 hours and 40 minutes, or 280 minutes.
  2. I played 59 rounds, including qualifying in 32, which is a 55% win rate.
What's important: I only played Sweet Thieves and only SOLO. I have like:
  • 3x 3 wins,
  • 1x 4 wins,
  • 1x 6 wins.
This gives 19 wins in streaks of at least 50% what I have finished. As a whole, it gives the effect that I played the remaining 13 wins with combination of 27 losses.

My streak for the achievement with 6 wins is 5 thieves and 1 guardian. My conclusions are:
  • Thieves are easier to win vs beginners
  • Good Guardians are very hard vs any-thieves.
  • Guardians can block one passage with crates, which makes thief's work more difficult.
  • There is a fast thief and a slow thief - there are two different approaches for playstyle
Good luck to everyone! :)

12 Jul 2022 15:15

The easy way is to wait for an event with an easier win rate, finals marathon is a good one, but I got mine in the sweet thieves event.

If you are trying to win on a no asterisk run I would recommend finding people who also are good at the game and squading up, if you have a team where everybody knows what they're doing you should be able to get to the finals match pretty easily each time.

20 Mar 2022 00:00

There is currently a game mode called 'Digi's Shuffle Selection'.

You basically get paired up with what I think is a bot. Just finish the obstacle course 5 times in a row and you should get the achievement. I don't think it counts if you get timed-out.

Some of the maps are quite hard, but some are really easy and you should always come first.

I had to restart the game for the achievement to pop.

This also counts towards to the win 20 race games.

05 Nov 2023 11:04


This trophy is currently glitched - it doesn't unlock for a lot of players even after five legitimate wins in a row.

Behold, Fall Guys' definitive trophy, the decider on whether you'll be able to get the platinum or not. This trophy requires the player to win five full games, or "Episodes", in a row, which means qualifying in four rounds and being the last guy standing in the fifth. It will take a combination of luck and skill to be able to obtain this trophy as just about anything can disrupt your progress. Expect to be reset to zero many, many times by being placed on the wrong team in team games. This trophy will serve as a final exam for the skills you've developed by playing Fall Guys.

For tips regarding Race rounds, see (B) Track Star for more information. For general tips and tips regarding Team, Survival and Final mini-games, see below.


  • You may benefit from a good squad assisting you. The trophy only unlocks for the player who wins five episodes in a row, but the other three party members can run interference for you if they make it to the finale with you in each Episode. Many players have been able to get the trophy by dedicating a day with a squad, taking turns to earn the trophy by having the other three players in the squad throw the final by prioritising interfering with other players.
  • Equip an unassuming skin. Having an extravagant, expensive or high rarity skin such as Jacket may make you a target.

Team Mini-Games:

  • Egg Scramble: If your team is in first place, play defensively or attempt to sow discord amongst the two remaining teams by stealing from their basket. In particular, you'll want to disrupt the middle team as the lowest team is less of a threat. If you're in second place, attempt to suffocate the lowest team's chances of coming back by stealing their eggs. If you're in last place, focus on the middle team and steal their eggs to simultaneously erode their lead while adding to yours. The team in first place shouldn't be a priority as they'll be too far ahead to make an influence.
  • Hoarders: Same as Egg Scramble.
  • Rock N Roll: After crossing the gap that causes the paths to converge, just focus on getting your rock to the goal. Your teammates may try to sabotage the other two rocks which can leave your rock unattended. A team that knows what they're doing won't attempt any sabotage, instead will just push toward the goal. A full team behind one rock can steamroll anyone attempting to disrupt them.
  • Fall Ball: The majority of players attempt to play offense, so defense will be key here. Play defensively, especially when a new ball is about to spawn in as the ball can easily be punted into the goal right at kickoff.

Solo Mini-Games:

  • Tail Tag & Jinxed: The environment is your friend. Play the platforms and stay where you can see other platforms. If you're jinxed/don't have a tail, move on "intercept" trajectories: Don't chase players, just try to cut players moving toward you for an easy tag.
  • Jump Club: Focus primarily on the bottom, green thin baton. The top baton just exists to create a solid wall with the bottom baton when the two sync up, so for the majority of the game you can treat it as if it's only one obstacle.
  • Block Party: Stay on an imaginary line between the front two thirds of the platform you're standing on. This will give you room for error in case you make a mistake with where to position yourself.


  • Fall Mountain: Similar to the Race The Whirlygig, you can use the small hammers to punt yourself uphill, especially if you jump before they impact you.
  • Hex-A-Gone: Try jumping between each Hex instead of just running. It takes more skill and coordination, but hexes will be hit slower which means your ground will last longer.
  • Royal Fumble: Same as Tail Tag, however the platforming aspect is more important. Staying high will give you a visibility advantage to react to the few players left.

The trophy will unlock as soon as you win your fifth Episode in a row. Backing up and reloading your save game does not work, as the win data is stored on Fall Guys' servers rather than locally.