Fallout 3
72 Achievements
Data Miner
Hacked 50 terminals
How to unlock the Data Miner achievement in Fallout 3 - Definitive Guide
A list of a LOT of terminals (more than enough for the achievement) and their difficulty.
Credit goes to RaidenX49 for the entire guide, but I don't think anyone on this site should have to sit through this achievement without this guide by their side :D
If you science skill isn't high enough to get the majority of these, remember to use the following:
Lab Coat (Obtaining from Vault 106 is the easiest method)
Science bobblehead (See Vault Tech CEO)
Any +science or +INT items.
There is also a lab coat on the dead scientist (I forget his name) in your father's laboratory, just before you leave Vault 101.
Many thanks for Fallout Wikia for the info.
Before you give me a negative vote, please explain yourself why you did it and I will be more than happy to improve my solution. Thank You.
-Rivet City Has approx. 6-9 terminals, look it all the rooms, and travel up the stairwell to reach the guard HQ and there are a few there.
-Vault 87 has 7 terminals, 6 which are 'hard' and one average. they are around the area that you find fawkes in the main quest.
-Museum of technology has 3 terminals
-Arlington library has 3 terminals
-2-3 terminals in the underworld
-3 terminals in tenpenny tower
-4 In megaton, there is 1 in the saloon, in the back room, 1 in children of the atom's church, 1 in the bar near the center of town and another in the craterside supply.
The frustrating thing is searching for them.
The key to success is to save before attempting a hack. If you fail you simply reload and try again.
In the event you come across a terminal with a high skill level take MENTATS to raise your skill to be able to attempt the hack.
And always, always SAVE before you attempt!
Another tactic, albeit cheap, is to simply guess the first word that appears, and if it isn't right, immediately back out and try again. It can perhaps be faster than trying to work it out even on Very Hard terminals, given how fast you can retry to hack.
Another tactic, albeit cheap, is to simply guess the first word that appears, and if it isn't right, immediately back out and try again. It can perhaps be faster than trying to work it out even on Very Hard terminals, given how fast you can retry to hack.
Enter all the words ONLY, separating them with spaces, enter 4 at the bottom, and hit enter. Just guess the words it gives you and unless you made a spelling mistake/typo, or you're giving the program the wrong amount of letters you got right, you'll get it every time, regardless of difficulty of the terminals.
Your personal skill at hacking terminals - ability to find duds and compare words to find the correct password
In game science skill
Terminal Hacking Difficulty
I find that the Very Hard terminals are as they say, Hard, while the Hard and Average terminals are actually the easiest with a high science skill. The way it gets easier is this: if you have a high science skill, there will be more duds in terminals when hacking. I recommend waiting until you have at least 75 science skill before starting, and keeping track of where all the terminals are, or else it could take a while for each terminal. Also, you should use a terminal location guide - very helpful.
When you start the game, only put 9 points into Intelligence - because the Intelligence bobblehead is accessible from the start of the game. When you leave Vault 101, look on the map for the Potomac River, and follow it south. When you've reached the Jefferson Memorial, look East and there's Rivet City. The Intelligence bobblehead is inside the Science Bay of Rivet City. Now you have 10 Intelligence, and Intelligence affects how many skill points you get every level to spend on skills. Now I recommend putting 5 points in science every level, and taking the Educated, Comprehension, Swift Learner, and Daddy's Girl/Boy in that order, to maximize how quickly you level up and how many points you get, etc. Don't read ANY skill books like Tumbler's Today for example until you get Comprehension, because then you get 2 skill points instead of 1.
Also, if you follow this, you can put 5 points every level into your speech and barter skills, making the Silver Tongue Devil Achievement much easier to achieve.
Finally, if you want the best start in Fallout 3, follow my steam guide here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=572292...
There are plenty of ways to get an amazing start to Fallout 3, for either karma (but Good Karma gets a better start).
follow this guide to get this achievment simply. now have fun
It is possible to miss this trophy because if you get locked out of every hackable terminal and don't take the Computer Wizz Perk, then you can't get this trophy on your current playthrough. Another possible way of missing this trophy is if you don't raise your Science Skill to a high enough level to be able to hack most terminals.
Providing you successfully hack every terminal you come across, you'll have this in no time. If you have any of the DLCs then any terminals you hack in them will count towards this trophy. This trophy is another slow popper and can take 10+secs to pop so don't be worried if it doesn't pop for a while. For some helpful tips and tricks on hacking terminals, see Terminator's Advice Thread here: LINK
If you get stuck then here's a list of all the Hackable terminals in the Main Game: LINK (credit to the Fallout Wiki for the link).
- Some terminals are used to unlock doors or safes that locks that can be picked but if you have the choice, then always choose to hack the terminal because there are less of them compared to pickable locks.
- You can check your progress in the "Stats" section of your Pip-Boy or via the statistic that sometimes appears during loading screens.
When you come across a locked terminal you will have the option to hack it to access its features. Do this whenever possible. This guide said it all extremely well, so read up on that on how to successfully hack and use the same guide to find the locations of enough terminals for the achievement.
When you come across a locked terminal you will have the option to hack it to access its features. Do this whenever possible. This guide said it all extremely well, so read up on that on how to successfully hack and use the same guide to find the locations of enough terminals for the achievement.
Note for PC Users: When you find an unlocked terminal, open the command console and click on the terminal. The name and code for the terminal will appear at the top of your screen. With that still onscreen, type "lock" to lock the terminal at the easiest setting. Now go ahead and hack it. Once it is hacked, relock it and repeat until you have the achievement.