Fallout 3
72 Achievements
Following in His Footsteps
Completed "Following in His Footsteps"
How to unlock the Following in His Footsteps achievement in Fallout 3 - Definitive Guide
1) Talk to Moriarty who will, for 100 caps, offer to tell you where your father is. If you don't have the caps the price will go up to 300 the next time you speak with him. (He may offer a discount if you agree to kill Silver (in Springvale) and bring back the caps she stole (though you can talk them out of her, without killing her)).
2)If your speech is high enough, you can convince him that your father mentioned him.
3) For a minor hit of bad karma (very small, and it's the route I generally go with), you can A) steal his terminal's password from the locker next to it, B) use the "Lady Killer" perk (if a male character) to seduce it off of Nova (or, off her dead body, if you're into that sorta thing, sicko). Or hell, just hack the damn thing without it (Again, what I did).
Make sure you're well prepared for the next part.
Follow the objective past Super Duper Mart and Wilhelm's Wharf, and cross the river. It's smarter to use the bridge than to go for a swim, just sayin'.
Head for the first Metro station you come across, either Farragut West Metro Station or Friendship Heights. From there, start wandering the tunnels (pay attention to your Pip-Boy map, it will tell you where the exits are if you're somewhat around them). This is where preparation comes into play. There are quite a few Feral Ghouls and Raiders running around. Follow said tunnels until you reach Chevy Chase. (the location, not the actor...that joke sucked)
Follow your objective marker and it'll take you to the GNR building. Follow the soldiers, helping them attack Super Mutants, and watch out for the Super Behemoth when he attacks. (Don't forget to loot everything! Especially the soldier with the Fat Man and the Behemoth)
Afterwards, use the intercom, enter the building, and talk to Three Dog. There ya go!
Also, it's possible to complete this another way if you find Vault 112 before talking to Three Dog (the quest will be marked as completed). Once you make it to the GNR building, you still fight all the mutants (and the big fella), but on your own. Fight them, kill them all, use the intercom, talk to Three Dog, and Bam, done.
Hope this was helpful. :)
1) Talk to Moriarty who will, for 100 caps, offer to tell you where your father is. If you don't have the caps the price will go up to 300 the next time you speak with him. (He may offer a discount if you agree to kill Silver (in Springvale) and bring back the caps she stole (though you can talk them out of her, without killing her)).
2)If your speech is high enough, you can convince him that your father mentioned him.
3) For a minor hit of bad karma (very small, and it's the route I generally go with), you can A) steal his terminal's password from the locker next to it, B) use the "Lady Killer" perk (if a male character) to seduce it off of Nova (or, off her dead body, if you're into that sorta thing, sicko). Or hell, just hack the damn thing without it (Again, what I did).
Make sure you're well prepared for the next part.
Follow the objective past Super Duper Mart and Wilhelm's Wharf, and cross the river. It's smarter to use the bridge than to go for a swim, just sayin'.
Head for the first Metro station you come across, either Farragut West Metro Station or Friendship Heights. From there, start wandering the tunnels (pay attention to your Pip-Boy map, it will tell you where the exits are if you're somewhat around them). This is where preparation comes into play. There are quite a few Feral Ghouls and Raiders running around. Follow said tunnels until you reach Chevy Chase. (the location, not the actor...that joke sucked)
Follow your objective marker and it'll take you to the GNR building. Follow the soldiers, helping them attack Super Mutants, and watch out for the Super Behemoth when he attacks. (Don't forget to loot everything! Especially the soldier with the Fat Man and the Behemoth)
Afterwards, use the intercom, enter the building, and talk to Three Dog. There ya go!
Also, it's possible to complete this another way if you find Vault 112 before talking to Three Dog (the quest will be marked as completed). Once you make it to the GNR building, you still fight all the mutants (and the big fella), but on your own. Fight them, kill them all, use the intercom, talk to Three Dog, and Bam, done.
Hope this was helpful. :)
You're going to need it to take down the behemoth. It weighs a lot, so if you end up overencumbered, try to stay close to the other BoS members.
Once he goes down you will be able to access the GNR tower. Speak to Three Dog to complete the quest and earn the achievement.
Tl;dr go to the southern edge or the map from Megaton. Head east past all obstacles. Swim across the water to Rivet City. Find Dr. Li. This fast forwards the main quest line and gives you credit for this achievement.
Once you are in the Wasteland, head to the town of Megaton. Speak with Moriarity in the saloon at the top/back of the town. You will need to get info about your father's whereabouts, as usual there are a few different options to procede.
Once you find that he went to Galaxy News Radio, head there and aid the Brotherhood soldiers in killing all the mutants, including your first Super Mutant Behemoth. After they are all dead you will be able to use the intercom on the GNR building to enter. Speak with Three Dog upstairs to find out your father has already moved on.
See "Following in His Footsteps" for more specific info.
Once you are in the Wasteland, head to the town of Megaton. Speak with Moriarity in the saloon at the top/back of the town. You will need to get info about your father's whereabouts, as usual there are a few different options to procede.
Once you find that he went to Galaxy News Radio, head there and aid the Brotherhood soldiers in killing all the mutants, including your first Super Mutant Behemoth. After they are all dead you will be able to use the intercom on the GNR building to enter. Speak with Three Dog upstairs to find out your father has already moved on.
See Following in His Footsteps for more specific info.
Story Related but MISSABLE
This trophy can be missable because doing any or all of the following will prevent this trophy from unlocking:
- Visiting Three Dog in GNR without first speaking to Moriarty in Megaton.
- Retrieving your Fathers' journals from the Jefferson Memorial before being asked to do so by Dr. Li in Rivet City.
- Going straight to Rivet City's Science Lab to see Dr. Li before being given the Quest to do so.
- Going straight to Vault 112 (Smith Casey's Garage) where your Father is trapped in a simulation.
You'll get this Quest upon completing the first main story Quest called "Escape!".
Upon entering Megaton you'll be stopped by Lucas Simms, the town Sheriff, who will ask who you are and you why you've come. Once you're done talking to the Sheriff, go to Moriarty's Saloon (it's on the top level) and get the information on your Father. If you fail the Speech Challenge with Moriarty you will have to do a little errand for him which involves going into Springvale to see a girl called Silver about some money she owes him, do what you have to to finish this errand quickly. After you obtain the information about your father from Moriarty you'll be given a Quest marker for Galaxy News Radio. Getting to GNR will not be easy as you need to go through the Metro system via the Farragut West Metro Station and that's not a safe place to be, especially for beginners. There are dangerous creatures down there such as Ghouls which hit you with powerful melee attacks and there's a couple of Super Mutants as well. Make sure you check out the Super-Duper Mart before heading into the Metro system, because it's full of weak raiders which have some Hunting Rifles for you to scavenge. There's lots of ammo and medical supplies here to.
When you finally get out of the Metro system via the Tenleytown/Friendship Station and Chevy Chase North, you'll be ambushed by some Super Mutants so head down the alley where the marker is pointing and you'll find the Brotherhood of Steel (these guys are your allies and will help kill the Super Mutants). Once you reach the GNR building you'll have to kill a Super Mutant Behemoth and a few Super Mutants, grab the Fat Man by the dead BoS soldier next to the statue to take the Behemoth out quickly but be careful because the Fat Man has one heck of a blast radius so stand well back unless you want to be vaporised.
Once they're dead use the Intercom to the right of the door and enter the building. When you go upstairs and meet Three Dog then don't hurt or kill him because if you do, you won't get the Quest that gives you the GNR trophy nor will you get the trophy for completing Following in His Footsteps. The trophy will pop once you start talking to Three Dog.