Fallout 3
72 Achievements
Mill Worker
Found All 100 Steel Ingots
How to unlock the Mill Worker achievement in Fallout 3 - Definitive Guide
When you've got the 100 lingots, give them all to Everett (10 by 10) and the achievement will unlock.
Try this : - https://www.gamebanshee.com/fallout3/walkthrough/unsafe....php
By the way, the part 1 video includes a link at the end to part 2.
By the way, the part 1 video includes a link at the end to part 2.
Lockpick 50 or Science 50 is required for 6 of the ingots. The video shows the door already open but it must be lockpicked or the terminal hacked.
At 3:38 of the 2nd video it shows him jumping down and being crippled. Instead of jumping down navigate around the fence directly in front of you (walking around the end carefully is all it takes). Then jump down facing the large pipe - you'll stop at each section of pipe on the way down, avoiding the many reloads trying to make that crippling jump. Once down, head to the right for an easier/shorter jump down to the area you need to get to (rather than trying to hit that pipe that sticks out).
So my solution was this (i think it is save):
- load a save before the pitt (or before the first quest there)
- accept the first quest in the pitt
- go to everett and accept to find the ingots (during the first quest!)
- collect only 10 ingots
- go back to everett and give them to him (try to speak again to him to be save)
- if this works, reenter the scrapyard and collect the remaining 90 ingots
- then return to everett and give the 90 ingots (10 by 10) away
ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED (it takes some seconds to pop up)
- then just continue the first quest as normal
here to find a great video about the 100 Rhostahlbarren on The Pitt is not true of me, but on pictures man sees only the same and the video is very helpful.
hope you like it too and thus can help.
This is quite a time consuming achievement, but quickly obtained with the help of the guide in the link below.
Click here for a full guide of Ingot locations.
This is quite a time consuming achievement, but quickly obtained with the help of the guide in the link below.
Click here for a full guide of Ingot locations.
This takes place during the Unsafe Working Conditions Quest.
There are some nasty bugs with the Ingots where some either won't spawn or Everett will refuse to take them. To avoid/workaround these bugs, make sure you follow the advice here: LINK (credit to the Fallout Wiki for the link) and save before entering the Steel Mill. We also recommend saving after every 5-10 Ingots so you have an additional failsafe, should anything go wrong. Also note that parts of The Steelyard are extremely freeze prone with the Supply Plant and the area containing the bunk beds being particularly bad so save often. There is another nasty bug with the Ingots that causes the ones that are supposed to spawn with Wild Bill's body to fall through the scenery along with him.
Also note that the Ingots have no weight so you are able to carry all 100 of them at once, without penalty.
See here for a Guide that shows the location of all 100 Ingots and how to work around the Wild Bill glitch, should it happen (credit to HellCU3ED for this): LINK but see the below if just want the workaround for the Wild Bill glitch.
(Credit to yeahyeahyeah1234 for the video)
To get topside again after retrieving everything, retrace your steps to the gantry you used to get under the scenery, walk all the way to the very top, save, crouch-drop off the edge onto the pipe below, walk right to the other end, save again, jump onto the pipe to your left, walk a short distance to your right, make another save then drop onto the pylon in front of you then onto the train wagon underneath. The reason for saving so much is that it is very easy to fall to your death.
To get all the bars in the Supply Depot location you will need a Lockpick skill of 50 or more