Fallout 3
72 Achievements
Slayer of Beasts
Killed 300 creatures
How to unlock the Slayer of Beasts achievement in Fallout 3 - Definitive Guide
Creatures include: Radroaches, Molerats, Bloat Flys, mirelurks, ants, Centaurs, Deathclaws, Yao Guai, Radscorpions, etc.
Note: It seems that Super Mutants also count towards the 300.
Pretty much anything that isn't humanoid.
You can check how many creature kills you have on the Stats screen.
If you voted negative please post a comment so that i may make my solution better
random monsters eg deathclaws and radscopions will all count toward's the 300 needed for the achivment
it does'nt matter how they die as long as you deliver the last blow or do the most damage
NOTE(I am not sure if the super mutants kills count towards the "does'nt play well with others" or "slayer of beasts" achievment but they will count for one so just keep killin and they will both be yours pretty fast )
random monsters eg deathclaws and radscopions will all count toward's the 300 needed for the achivment
it does'nt matter how they die as long as you deliver the last blow or do the most damage
NOTE(I am not sure if the super mutants kills count towards the "does'nt play well with others" or "slayer of beasts" achievment but they will count for one so just keep killin and they will both be yours pretty fast )
This will come naturally and you'll most likely get it way before Doesn't Play Well with Others. Anything that isn't human counts towards the total e.g.:
- Super Mutants
- Ghouls
- Radroaches
- Trogs (The Pitt DLC)
- Centaurs
- Robots e.g. Robobrains, Sentry Bots etc.
- Swamp folk (generic term for the mutated humanoid residents of the Point Lookout DLC).
- Aliens (Mothership: Zeta DLC) - credit to x410xDragon for confirming this.
All Radscorpions, Mirelurks, etc. count toward this achievement. You really shouldn't have any trouble getting this if you do all the side-quests and main quests. If for some reason you still don't have it toward the end of the game, wander the Wasteland and kill scorpions as they show up. Deathclaw Sanctuary is a good hunting ground as well.
All Radscorpions, Mirelurks, etc. count toward this achievement. You really shouldn't have any trouble getting this if you do all the side-quests and main quests. If for some reason you still don't have it toward the end of the game, wander the Wasteland and kill scorpions as they show up. Deathclaw Sanctuary is a good hunting ground as well.
Note for PC Users: You shouldn't need extra help for this either, but use "player.placeatme 00073E07 X" to spawn a dog, again with X being the number you want to spawn.