Fallout 3

Fallout 3

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Stealing Independence

Stealing Independence

Completed "Stealing Independence"


How to unlock the Stealing Independence achievement in Fallout 3 - Definitive Guide

To start this quest talk to Abraham Washington in Rivet City, Midship deck. The National Archives are near the washington monument. Travel there (if you haven't found it yet I suggest doing "Galaxy News Radio" quest at the same time as this one. If you face the capitol building the national archives are down one of the streets to the left hand side. Go in and forward to meet Sydney who is also trying to find the declaratuion of Independence. She can show you how to find it, but you have to split the reward with her (I did it this way I don't know about the other ways). Agree to team up and use the the computer behind her to access a hidden elevator in the floor. Take this down, and make your way forward (it's pretty self-explanatory if you've got Sydney with you) Either kill the robot at the end or go to arlington library to get ink for good karma (much easier to kill him). Use his computer to open the door at the back. Open the middle safe, grab the decleration and get out of there. Fast travel to rivet city to get your reward.

23 Nov 2008 21:21

Wait, Sydney? I just did that achievement, and there was no one inside, I did it by my own, is a little hard, since there are a lot of raiders, super mutants and robots inside...
By VidalukoVet on 16 Apr 2009 05:09
I think I had the ideal situation -- I agreed to bring Sydney, but she was killed quickly by one of the defense robots, so I got her gun; I had already done the Arlington Library and had the ink; I told Button to blow himself up, which he did; and got the Bill of Rights and Magna Carta while I was there.

The only tough part of this level is fighting the defense robots, if you encounter them.
By The Globalizer on 22 Nov 2009 19:14
Talk to Abraham Washington and head to the National Archives. Agree to work with Sydney, keep her alive for the original attack to save loads of time by going down the elevator (Going the long way only gives you generic loot and drastically decreases your life expectancy). Then, after shooting or speech challenging Button Gwinnet, kill Sydney for menial bad karma, (or upset Button and hide behind Sydney so she gets killed by the turrets) and land yourself a unique gun and some reasonable armour, plus no reward sharing. And this quest can be done in about 5 minutes ater stepping into the place. Easy.

12 Apr 2009 02:53

Once Sidney gets you down stairs let the robots kill her, then you won't receive bad Karma and you can loot her for a unique 10mm machine gun which is the best 10mm in the game

Second you can convince the head robot that your an important American President won't spoil who, however you can convince the droid to make a fake copy and give you the real one, that way you can sell the fake document to Abraham Washington, and keep the real one for yourself or sell it to other traders who seek the document

You can also find a copy of the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights down here which sell for like 100 caps a piece.

anyway lots of caps and a cool 10mm machine gun are your loot. hope this helps

If your going to leave bad feedback, please let me know how I can make this guide better. I take feedback into consideration. THX

24 Dec 2011 23:44

Once Sidney gets you down stairs let the robots kill her, then you won't receive bad Karma and you can loot her for a unique 10mm machine gun which is the best 10mm in the game

Second you can convince the head robot that your an important American President won't spoil who, however you can convince the droid to make a fake copy and give you the real one, that way you can sell the fake document to Abraham Washington, and keep the real one for yourself or sell it to other traders who seek the document

You can also find a copy of the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights down here which sell for like 100 caps a piece.

anyway lots of caps and a cool 10mm machine gun are your loot. hope this helps

If your going to leave bad feedback, please let me know how I can make this guide better. I take feedback into consideration. THX

24 Dec 2011 23:44

You can do the quest as explained in the other posts.

But you can get the nice 10mm machine gun of Sydney without killing nor getting her killed by robots.

After you sell the declaration of Independence to Abraham Washington, Sydney will get some reward from him (not sure it takes a part of yours) then she says she wants to drink and get laid in Underworld with the goules. If you chat with her you can learn her dad left when she was 14 without explaining her. If you give her a recorded message of her dad (can't remember where I found it) she says she wants to stop looting and she gives you her super gun.

11 May 2012 07:22

To acquire this quest, speak with Abraham Washington in Rivet City. He can be found inside the Capitol Preservation Society. Head to the National Archives and enter to find a woman named Sydney who was also sent by Abraham. She'll ask you to help in fighting off some super mutants, then she'll join you to look for the Declaration. Once you enter the room with the Declaration, a robot who thinks he helped sign the document approaches.  With good speech or science skills you can immediately get past him through dialogue. Otherwise you might need to retrieve some ink from the Arlington Library so he can forge a copy to give you. Whether you have the real deal or the forgery, doesn't matter. Return it to Abraham to complete the quest.

See Stealing Independence for more specific info.


To acquire this quest, speak with Abraham Washington in Rivet City. He can be found inside the Capitol Preservation Society. Head to the National Archives and enter to find a woman named Sydney who was also sent by Abraham. She'll ask you to help in fighting off some super mutants, then she'll join you to look for the Declaration. Once you enter the room with the Declaration, a robot who thinks he helped sign the document approaches.  With good speech or science skills you can immediately get past him through dialogue. Otherwise you might need to retrieve some ink from the Arlington Library so he can forge a copy to give you. Whether you have the real deal or the forgery, doesn't matter. Return it to Abraham to complete the quest.

See Stealing Independence for more specific info.


To start this Quest go to Rivet City, visit the Capitol Preservation Society and talk to Abraham Washington. Whilst talking to Abraham the subject of the Declaration of Independence will come up and he will ask you to retrieve it from the National Archives. The Archives are East of the Museum of History and are swarming with Super Mutants, Robots and Traps so be careful.

The easiest way to get to the DoI is go to the Rotunda in the centre of the Archives, speak to a Merc called Sydney and agree to defend her against the ensuing 2 waves of Super Mutants. Once all the Super Mutants are dead, speak to Sydney again and she will tell you about a shortcut to the room where the Declaration of Independence is being kept. After taking the shortcut, you will end up in a series of tunnels. Also in the Archives are the Bill of Rights and the Magna Carter, collect those to get an extra 100 caps and 75 caps respectively out of Abraham when you turn in the DoI.

Once you enter the Strongroom, you will be stopped by a Protectron that thinks he is Button Gwinnett (one of the signatories of the DoI) and will order you to leave but if you have a high enough Speech level, you will be able to convince it/him that you're Thomas Jefferson and he will give you the DoI there and then. If you fail the Speech Challenge, which is likely, then you will have to go with the forgery option.

To forge the DoI, you need to get some special ink and parchment from the Arlington Library (see here for their location: LINK (credit to the Fallout Wiki for the link)). Once you have collected the ink and parchment, talk to Button Gwinnett again and will create the forgery for you. Note: Contrary to what the patch notes say, the glitch that causes the bottle of ink to become a permanent part of your inventory has not been fixed.

Once you have the DoI, return to Abraham and hand it and the other items over to him and he will reward you caps, XP and a Schematic for the Railway Rifle (which can be used for the Weaponsmith trophy). The trophy will pop once you finish talking to Abraham.

The quest can be obtained in Rivet City from Abraham Washington. Upon completion of the quest you will receive an achievement.

13 Jul 2011 10:10