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The Bigger They Are…

The Bigger They Are…

Kill all the Super Mutant Behemoths


How to unlock the The Bigger They Are… achievement in Fallout 3 - Definitive Guide

There are 5 Super Mutant Behemoths in Washington D.C. I suggest that the Fat Man's mini-nukes should be used when fighting some of these beasts. However, three of the Behemoths are easily killed with out using the Fat Man. Here are there locations:

1. Outside Galaxy News Radio: You will encounter the first Behemoth during a main story mission. When the Behemoth attacks, you can stay back and let the Brotherhood of Steel soldiers take him out. This is where you pick up the Fat Man.

2. Evergreen Mills: Evergreen Mills is far west of Vault 101. The Behemoth is trapped behind an electric fence. Kill ever Raider in this area, and instead of opening the fence, kill the Behemoth with any weapon (Don't waste a mini nuke) by shooting him through the fence. It will take a while, but this is an easy way on killing him.

3. The Capital Wasteland: Head northeast of Evergreen Mills, and in a certain patch of ground on your map, this Behemoth is wandering about. It may take a while to find him, but when you do, use a mini-nuke. He is very deadly.

4. The Capitol Bulding: This is located deep in the heart of Washington D.C. The Behemoth is located in the basement of the building. Kill him through the door which he is too big to go through.

5. Takoma Industrial: Takoma is far to the east of GNR. Reach the Industrial, and look for this Behemoth in the backyard. Kill him with a mini-nuke.

04 Nov 2008 02:18

For Number 3, Theres a Super Mutant Camp By the blocked edge of Jury Street Tunnel(Unmarked Location), between Jury Street Metro and Evergreen Mills. If you follow the Misc. Quest "Searching for Cheryl" it will lead you here, in the camp, there is a trolley cage with a small bear in it, open this and the Behemoth will spawn.
By Cyphate on 12 Apr 2009 02:44
Thanks. Nice Guide.
By xWesDawgx on 01 May 2009 02:09
Is there any sort of stat figure that can tell me how many i got so far? Cause im not sure
By Mike Langlois on 28 Dec 2009 01:16
for #3, u have to find a cage like a shopping cart cage and inside it is a teddy bear and when u open the cage, the Behemoth will come
By wild affricans on 17 Feb 2010 23:12
With number 1, The BOS boys have been know to pick up the Fat Man and use it, you can get it off them by killing them and such but that's not advisable, so best bet is to run out real quick and grab it and then go hide.
By on 06 Apr 2010 23:05
Can you still get this if Fawkes kills them instead of me?
By on 18 Jun 2010 01:16
Yes, you still get the achievment, in the capitol building i found the behemoth dead and even if i don't kill him it count as dead.

for # 4 you don't have to kill him, just wait to the battle between the talon company and mutants is over they have the fat man so they kill the behemoth. Then just use sneak and kill the remaining of talon mercs
By CarSeg7 on 24 Aug 2010 02:38
thanks god i read this guide, i was thinking it was every single super mutant lmao
By on 08 Dec 2010 11:15
also if you have the pet dog the super behemoths attack it instead of you. And it's practically invincible
By BiG PaPa ChIlL on 12 Aug 2011 04:40
Neg vote for poor description on behemoth 3, saying on a certain patch of ground on your map really isn't helpful at all, and how far north-east? It looks great having all 5 locations but without sufficient detail it makes the guide redundant as we still end up spending too much time looking for stuff and may as well just youtube it
By Subliminal Cuts on 12 Feb 2012 23:48
Negative until some detailed descriptions of areas are given. I don't know where Takoma is its the one place I have never found.
By matdan on 16 Aug 2012 09:30
Not OP, but I can help:
@Subliminal Cuts, "The Jury Street Metro behemoth will spawn if you approach the cart cages, one of which contains a teddy bear. The cage can be found inside an overturned railway car, west of the Jury Street Metro, or east along the tracks leading out of Evergreen Mills. You may have to wait a moment for the behemoth to appear, but you'll see it start charging at you from over the hills a few moments later. If you leave and return after approaching the cages, the behemoth might be standing next to them. If the behemoth does not appear, fast travelling to Jury Street Metro should force the behemoth to spawn there."

@ matdan12, use the Vernon Square East Metro to get to here: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Takoma_Park
By BenJScar on 20 Aug 2012 16:14
Ok I stumbled across the Jury Street Metro entrance that led there, just was hoping that the top guide on here would link these things.
By matdan on 31 Aug 2012 16:56
For number 3. there is an unmarked super mutant camp halfway between the jury street metro station and evergreen mills (you should see metal sticking out of the ground and a gore bag hanging from one, usually containing 2 grenades and some caps plus the mutilated organs). The camp is in a wrecked train yard that is half destroyed. Inside the camp, the only part of a train carriage which is accessible has three shopping cart cages, one of which has a teddy bear inside it. Equip your mini nuke and open the cart, get to an open area and wait for the behemoth to spawn (it should only take 3 or 4 seconds so be wary!)
By TH3 BL4CKW0LF on 14 Nov 2012 08:33
*their locations.

This has been up for over five years without anybody posting this?
By Chaotic Fiasco on 01 Mar 2014 10:19
#2 is the only one I've seen. I didn't do any damage to him, but he died. I'm let him loose to kill all the raiders. Am I screwed?
By DCM7734 on 25 Nov 2015 00:39
#2 wont pop 4 me tried 3 times
By Uber Old Acc on 10 Jan 2016 06:38
#1 did work either. i was well past this stage until noticed it was a ceevo. maybe sumtyn 2do with backwrds compat, who knows
By Uber Old Acc on 10 Jan 2016 06:42
@Uber: I played backwards compatible. it popped for me.
#1 was when you first encounter the Brotherhood, when you go to meet 3 Dawg. If you don't do damage to THAT ONE, you're screwed.
#2 I didn't do any damage to ( I don't think. I let him loose to kill all the bandits... only about 3 survived, which I cleaned up), but it still popped for me.

Hopefully, that helps you.
By DCM7734 on 10 Jan 2016 06:52
Another negative vote for #3. Just update the guide so we don't have to open the comments to find the real way to get it.
By Failure Online on 18 Sep 2016 23:14
Yep i have to go with a negative too. When the comments are more helpful then your guide, your guide sucks.
By LuminousOrdo on 25 Oct 2016 06:38
Yep i have to go with a negative too. When the comments are more helpful then your guide, your guide sucks.
By LuminousOrdo on 25 Oct 2016 06:51
This might be nit-picking a bit but the Capitol Building Behemoth isn't in a basement room at all, he's in the Capitol's famous rotunda room, which we all know from images of the building from the outside as the domed top at the mid-section of the structure (if you look up in game you see the sky through the large holes in it).

Reason I bother to say this is because I spent the first half of my trip there last night in the game looking for a door that would take me to a maintenance tunnel or a sub-level (like most basements in this game are connected to) and ended up coming across the behemoth -what felt like randomly, though it wasn't- in this room as I was looking. "basement" is a little misleading and I can't help to think a lot of other folks will probably be looking for doors that don't exist too.. (not giving the whole guide a negative however, its solid for all the other behemoths and this discrepancy is pretty small)
By DauntingAbyss on 14 Aug 2011 20:27
Another easy way to kill them is to use Paralyzing Palm on it. I actually have never been hit by any Behemoths because of this. Four VATS attacks with the Deathclaw Gauntlets to paralyze it and then just go all out with pretty much anything else is the best way I've found so far.
By Gaberdude on 04 Apr 2015 07:33
For the Takoma Industrial one: There are a couple of busses attached with a dead merc on top and in the distance you can see the Behemoth. On his corpse is a note about artillery and on the table a switch. I just blasted all the super mutants by repeatedly pressing the switch and repairing it.
By MartijnTigurr on 24 Nov 2015 22:27
5. Takoma Industrial: Takoma is far to the east of GNR. Reach the Industrial, and look for this Behemoth in the backyard. Kill him with a mini-nuke.

It is also possible to kill this behemoth using the artillery button that can be found on top of a truck (guarded by a Tallon guy). The button can be used multiple times.
By bo ozz on 29 Dec 2008 08:58
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Just a note with the Number 3's that everyone is mentioning (northeast of Evergreen Mills). If you are having trouble getting this guy to show up, go to the end of the train tracks where there are 3 trains that are knocked over. In the middle of these are two shopping cart cages. Inside one is a teddy bear. "Rescue" the teddy bear (take it) and the Behemoth will appear.

I think that is the Behemoth's teddy bear so he gets upset that you stole it and usually appears right away. Just be careful as you can get stuck in the trains with him blocking your exit and unable to use the mini-nukes without hitting yourself.

Other than that one, the other guys are correct in finding all 5.

Edit: As many have pointed out to me, it can take up to 2 minutes for this one to show up. So run around the trains a bit, and he should come running for you.

17 Jul 2009 18:21

^ i find this to be funny too lol, i had to wait 3-5 mins but he showed up :) thank you for pointing that out
By Mortioccini on 09 Jun 2013 02:44
This advice is on point. I wasted a lot of time wandering before I read it.
By NrthrnLad on 06 Oct 2017 03:31
Worked perfectly. I grabbed the Teddy and a few minutes later he came running. Thumbs up.
By Games Erl Jonez on 26 Nov 2012 20:25
I lol'd
By Syntr on 10 Feb 2013 20:48
I can't believe this actually worked. Positive vote.
By EYEHUNTER 42 on 06 Feb 2011 07:39
The behemoth did not shot up when I picked up the teddy bear. After waiting around a while, leaving entirely and coming back much, much later, etc., I finally decided to just wander the area and look for him. I traveled east of where the teddy bear was, then saw him running for the train carts.
By cactido on 14 Oct 2010 07:09
Definitely worked. It took a minute or so but he came running. Thanks for the specific location! When I killed him (not with mini nukes), his corpse flew WAY up in the air and seemed to land miles away, but it landed just a little bit down the tracks back toward Evergreen Mills.
By Stavia on 27 Feb 2011 07:21
Worked like a charm, I had to wander around another 30 seconds after nabbing the teddy bear, but sure enough he came rumbling towards me.
By Crimson Drifter on 05 Jul 2012 17:20
Worked for me but took him awhile to show up. I wandered around then came back waited for 2 hours and he was there. So if he doesn't show up right away don't lose hope. Awesome guide btw.
By M1 462 on 23 Sep 2012 13:34
For me i had to go back to an old save lower the difficulty and then "speedrun" this i had a level 19 save i used as my level 30 save with 108 hours didnt work for whatever reason
By GangGangGibb on 05 Oct 2024 20:28
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Just a note with the Number 3's that everyone is mentioning (northeast of Evergreen Mills). If you are having trouble getting this guy to show up, go to the end of the train tracks where there are 3 trains that are knocked over. In the middle of these are two shopping cart cages. Inside one is a teddy bear. "Rescue" the teddy bear (take it) and the Behemoth will appear.

I think that is the Behemoth's teddy bear so he gets upset that you stole it and usually appears right away. Just be careful as you can get stuck in the trains with him blocking your exit and unable to use the mini-nukes without hitting yourself.

Other than that one, the other guys are correct in finding all 5.

Edit: As many have pointed out to me, it can take up to 2 minutes for this one to show up. So run around the trains a bit, and he should come running for you.

17 Jul 2009 18:21

The behemoth did not shot up when I picked up the teddy bear. After waiting around a while, leaving entirely and coming back much, much later, etc., I finally decided to just wander the area and look for him. I traveled east of where the teddy bear was, then saw him running for the train carts.
By cactido on 14 Oct 2010 07:09
I can't believe this actually worked. Positive vote.
By EYEHUNTER 42 on 06 Feb 2011 07:39
Definitely worked. It took a minute or so but he came running. Thanks for the specific location! When I killed him (not with mini nukes), his corpse flew WAY up in the air and seemed to land miles away, but it landed just a little bit down the tracks back toward Evergreen Mills.
By Stavia on 27 Feb 2011 07:21
Worked like a charm, I had to wander around another 30 seconds after nabbing the teddy bear, but sure enough he came rumbling towards me.
By Crimson Drifter on 05 Jul 2012 17:20
Worked perfectly. I grabbed the Teddy and a few minutes later he came running. Thumbs up.
By Games Erl Jonez on 26 Nov 2012 20:25
I lol'd
By Syntr on 10 Feb 2013 20:48
^ i find this to be funny too lol, i had to wait 3-5 mins but he showed up :) thank you for pointing that out
By Mortioccini on 09 Jun 2013 02:44
This advice is on point. I wasted a lot of time wandering before I read it.
By NrthrnLad on 06 Oct 2017 03:31
Worked for me but took him awhile to show up. I wandered around then came back waited for 2 hours and he was there. So if he doesn't show up right away don't lose hope. Awesome guide btw.
By M1 462 on 23 Sep 2012 13:34
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More information regarding Super Mutant Behemoths:

The only way to reach Takoma Industrial is through the metro. The only entrance to the metro that is linked to Takoma is Abernathy.

I found the number of Mini-Nukes it takes to kill a Behemoth per difficulty setting. The research was done at GNR using the original Fat Man. A Fat Man with better condition may take one less nuke on the easy difficulty setting, but the rest have been confirmed at a later point with a very pristine Fat Man.

The number of nukes (direct hits to the chest) is as follows:
On Very Easy: 1 Nuke
On Easy: 2 Nukes (1 if Fat Man is well maintained)
On Normal: 3 Nukes
On Hard: 3 Nukes
On Very Hard: 4 Nukes

An expierience guide:
On Very Easy: 25 XP (1x)
On Easy: 37 XP (1.5x)
On Normal: 50 XP (2x)
On Hard: 62 XP (2.5x)
On Very Hard: 75 XP (3x)

Some advice on damage taken (from your own nukes):

If you are cornered, use V.A.T.S. and target the head. This does minimal damage to yourself, and more to the Behemoth. When firing at the head, I only took about 20-60 damage out of my 290 heath max (on Normal Difficulty with full heath when firing and 18 armor). When firing at the legs/ground at a very similar distance, I was killed every time. Abdomen shots either killed me or left me with minimal health (0-50). Even upper torso/arms left me with 70-120. On any difficulty I advise only headshots if you are within 50 feet of the behemoth. As the difficulty increases, so does the advised distance. Even on Very Hard, headshots aren't fatal if you have more than about 80 health. A ground/leg shot on Very Hard was deadly within about 140 feet. When I had the Power Armor though, with full health (390), I could withstand a direct Nuke on Hard, so I think the information above is more helpful to anyone having problems with backlash from their own Nukes.

I hope that my experiments, data and other information can help you fight the Good Fight, and become a successful Behemoth head hunter. If you have any ideas for further testing, want to know my testing conditions, or anything else, just PM me, and I'll try to help.

20 Apr 2009 04:34

There are five Super Mutant Behemoths in the game. You'll encounter at least one during the main questline. The other four are hidden in various areas, some of which will take some work to find.

External image

Super Mutant Behemoths are much bigger and much tougher than their smaller brethren. However, the reward for killing one is usually great (at least one Mini Nuke, a few powerful weapons, and tons of ammo and caps... not to mention the achievement!).

Actually killing each one will not be easy, but there are plenty of tricks you can use to help you in your battles. One of the very best things you can do is create a Dart Gun. If you don't have the schematics, it is in your best interest to get them. There are three copies in the Wasteland, but you only need one to make your first Dart Gun. My suggestion is to travel to MDPL-05 Power Station, which is far to the northwest. If you open your World Map, you can find this location in the square that is diagonally to the southeast of the very top-left square (two down, two right). It is in the southwest corner of the square. Once here, you can squeeze through the fence and search the relatively small area for the schematic.

If you do not want to travel all the way out there, you can alternately purchase the schematics from Lydia in Tenpenny Tower (expect to spend around 1,000 caps, less if you have a high Barter) or complete Head of State, siding with the Abolitionists.

Once you have the schematic, you'll need:
• Surgical Tubing (1)
• Toy Car (1)
• Radscorpion Poison Gland (1)
• Paint Gun (1)

Specific locations of these components is beyond the scope of this guide, but other than at various shops, you can usually find the small blue Toy Cars in pre-war houses, Paint Guns in garages or factories, and Surgical Tubing around medical areas (this one is a little hard to see; check medical instrument trays). Any Radscorpion defeated drops at least one Gland.

You may wish to check the following achievement solutions for more information:
Fallout 3WeaponsmithThe Weaponsmith achievement in Fallout 3 worth 67 pointsMade one of every custom weapon

After you have these components, all you need to do is find a Work Bench and throw together a Dart Gun. The Dart Gun is a great stealth weapon; it is silent, it drains a target's HP for 8 seconds, and cripples both its legs! Super Mutant Behemoths are no exception. If you clear an area of other enemies and cripple the Behemoth's legs, you can back strafe in circles fast enough to stay away from the Mutant, which only has melee attacks.

At this point, whittling its health down with whatever weapons you have will be a leisurely and safe, yet somewhat long, process.

Beyond this tactic, the typical recommended method of taking down a Behemoth is heavy weaponry: Bottlecap Mines, Rocket Launchers, Nuka-Grenades, and Fat Man launchers will all work well, provided you stay at a safe distance.

Remember also that you can turn down the difficulty to Very Easy. This has no effect on obtaining the achievement. You will miss out on some experience this way, however (nothing too major, I do not think they give any more than a Deathclaw, for example).

The way I prefer to kill them requires the player to be fairly far into the game with an 'unarmed' build, but the method is hilarious and safe. When you have enough related perks (Paralyzing Palm being the key perk) and a high Unarmed skill (mine was in the mid-80s), you can use your devastating techniques to bring down the Behemoth in this manner:

1) Sneak (or run) up to the Behemoth and enter VATS as soon as possible. Empty your AP into your attacks. One of them should Paralyze him.
2) While it's on the ground, just punch it in the torso to whittle down its health (punching its head does not seem to do any damage). Alternately, use a powerful weapon to shoot it in the face.
3) By the time it gets back up again, your AP should be full. Repeat the process.

And now on to the locations (you do not have to kill them in this order):

1) The first Behemoth you will most likely encounter is during the main quest, Following in His Footsteps. Follow the steps in that quest until you reach Galaxy News Radio Plaza. After clearing out the regular Muties, run to the fountain in the middle and grab the Fat Man launcher from the dead Brotherhood member. The Behemoth will come crashing through some buses shortly. Since you have backup, this fight is not too difficult. Use the Fat Man to end the battle fast, or use regular weapons if you wish to save a Nuke.

2) This Behemoth is in the rotunda of the Capitol Building. I suggest going for this one early. The longer you wait (both level-wise and main quest wise), the more dangerous this area becomes (enemies become stronger and more numerous). If you have completed Three Dog's quest to boost the radio signal, you can fast travel to the Mall area. The Capitol Building is to the far east.

Be careful of the enemies as you approach. Either help them wipe each other out, or wait until the fighting dies down and mop up the survivors. This general strategy remains in effect for the interior areas as well.

Enter the West Entrance and proceed through the rooms and enemies, generally to the east. You will come across the rotunda fairly quickly, in which a heated battle is taking place involving a Behemoth. Stay out of the rotunda, since the Behemoth cannot leave (haha) and wipe out any other enemies. At this point it is a trivial matter to kill the Behemoth, as he will not be able to reach you if you stay out of the area.

3) This is the other really easy Behemoth. If you have not discovered Evergreen Mills, you can find it by heading to the fifth square from the bottom, fifth square from the left on your World Map. It is in the western-central part of this square (it is an almost straight walk west from Megaton).

Be careful when infiltrating Evergreen Mills; it is a Raider stronghold with plenty of traps. The main entrance to the area is on its east side, but I had success dropping in from the cliffs to the north, stopping occasionally to snipe Raiders. If you take the main entrance, watch out for snipers above and Frag Mines on the path. Once you are in the compound, wipe out all the Raiders while ignoring the Behemoth in the cage. Make sure you do not blow up the transformer; you want to keep it in the cage!

When the area is clear, head up the walkways on the north side of the area. From here you should have a clear shot at the Behemoth's head, and the Behemoth will stand there stupidly getting shot until it dies.

Alternately, you can stay up here and let the Behemoth loose by purposely blowing up the transformer. It will run around killing all the Raiders and losing a bit of health in the process.

4) Head directly west from Vault 101 (about three square lengths on your World Map) until you see some red container trucks at the base of a small cliff. This is slightly southwest of Jury Street Metro Station, should you have that location on your map.

Once here, take care of the Super Mutant rabble. In one of the containers, you will find a cage with a Teddy Bear inside. It is generally suggested that you open the cage, or at least approach it, as this seems to trigger the appearance of the Behemoth. You may need to either wait for it to run up (could take a minute or two) or look for it in the distance, especially if it gets caught up battling something else.

This particular fight is tough, and it is where you will want to employ aforementioned tactics. Try at least to cripple the Behemoth's legs with a Dart Gun, and you should be able to take it down without incurring too much damage. Beyond that, make sure you have some nice weaponry and plenty of healing items.

5) This is possibly the hardest mutant to locate. You will need to reach Takoma Park, but getting there requires work. Take the back entrance from Galaxy News Radio and enter the nearby Metro Junction. From here you'll want to find the exit that leads to Vernon Square (sort of in the northeast corner of the area; be careful as there are several other exits). Once out in this new area, you will see a location to the southeast, which is Vault-Tec Headquarters, and another location south of that (which is where you want to go). Unfortunately, because of the rubble, you'll have to head southwest, then south between some buildings, and then double back to the east and then north, all while fighting Super Mutants. The location, once you find it, is called Vernon East / Takoma Park.

Head through this straightforward tunnel. When you emerge, you will have to fight your way through even more Super Mutants. The area, however, is fairly linear! Head east down the road until you reach an open house. Travel through it and out the back door, and down a hill. At this point you will probably encounter a fight between some Talon Co Mercs and Super Mutants. Deal with them as you see fit and turn your attention to the water tower to the north. Head underneath it and you will finally see your Behemoth in the distance.

You can either fight this one the same way you did the last one, or you can head up to the truck that is next to the water tower and call a few strikes down on the Behemoth to whittle down its health (you may need to either use Repair or Science to fix it if it breaks).

The achievement should pop immediately upon the death of the fifth. If another party (e.g. some Talon Company Mercs) kills a Behemoth, this should not affect whether you get the achievement or not.

09 Dec 2011 13:21

For this achievement you need to kill each of the 5 Super Mutant Behemoths. Here's a list of the 5 locations so that you can mark them off as you kill the Behemoth in that location:
• Outside Galaxy News Radio
• Evergreen Mills
• The Capital Wasteland
• The Capitol Bulding
• Takoma Industrial

Given that you can pause the game and change the difficulty at any point you shouldn't have any difficulty with this achievement, if you're finding a particular Behemoth too hard try setting the difficulty lower. It's also a good idea to save the game before tackling a Behemoth. The last thing you want is to end up getting killed and having to work your way back to that location.

As for killing the Behemoths, I've linked in a video below which will show you how to get to each location and how to take down each Behemoth.

Once you kill the final Behemoth the achievement will unlock.

* Credit to RoosterTeeth for the video

02 Feb 2011 18:43

There are five Super Mutant Behemoths in the game. You'll encounter at least one during the main questline. The other four are hidden in various areas, some of which will take some work to find.

External image

Super Mutant Behemoths are much bigger and much tougher than their smaller brethren. However, the reward for killing one is usually great (at least one Mini Nuke, a few powerful weapons, and tons of ammo and caps... not to mention the achievement!).

Actually killing each one will not be easy, but there are plenty of tricks you can use to help you in your battles. One of the very best things you can do is create a Dart Gun. If you don't have the schematics, it is in your best interest to get them. There are three copies in the Wasteland, but you only need one to make your first Dart Gun. My suggestion is to travel to MDPL-05 Power Station, which is far to the northwest. If you open your World Map, you can find this location in the square that is diagonally to the southeast of the very top-left square (two down, two right). It is in the southwest corner of the square. Once here, you can squeeze through the fence and search the relatively small area for the schematic.

If you do not want to travel all the way out there, you can alternately purchase the schematics from Lydia in Tenpenny Tower (expect to spend around 1,000 caps, less if you have a high Barter) or complete Head of State, siding with the Abolitionists.

Once you have the schematic, you'll need:
• Surgical Tubing (1)
• Toy Car (1)
• Radscorpion Poison Gland (1)
• Paint Gun (1)

Specific locations of these components is beyond the scope of this guide, but other than at various shops, you can usually find the small blue Toy Cars in pre-war houses, Paint Guns in garages or factories, and Surgical Tubing around medical areas (this one is a little hard to see; check medical instrument trays). Any Radscorpion defeated drops at least one Gland.

You may wish to check the following achievement solutions for more information:
Fallout 3WeaponsmithThe Weaponsmith achievement in Fallout 3 worth 67 pointsMade one of every custom weapon

After you have these components, all you need to do is find a Work Bench and throw together a Dart Gun. The Dart Gun is a great stealth weapon; it is silent, it drains a target's HP for 8 seconds, and cripples both its legs! Super Mutant Behemoths are no exception. If you clear an area of other enemies and cripple the Behemoth's legs, you can back strafe in circles fast enough to stay away from the Mutant, which only has melee attacks.

At this point, whittling its health down with whatever weapons you have will be a leisurely and safe, yet somewhat long, process.

Beyond this tactic, the typical recommended method of taking down a Behemoth is heavy weaponry: Bottlecap Mines, Rocket Launchers, Nuka-Grenades, and Fat Man launchers will all work well, provided you stay at a safe distance.

Remember also that you can turn down the difficulty to Very Easy. This has no effect on obtaining the achievement. You will miss out on some experience this way, however (nothing too major, I do not think they give any more than a Deathclaw, for example).

The way I prefer to kill them requires the player to be fairly far into the game with an 'unarmed' build, but the method is hilarious and safe. When you have enough related perks (Paralyzing Palm being the key perk) and a high Unarmed skill (mine was in the mid-80s), you can use your devastating techniques to bring down the Behemoth in this manner:

1) Sneak (or run) up to the Behemoth and enter VATS as soon as possible. Empty your AP into your attacks. One of them should Paralyze him.
2) While it's on the ground, just punch it in the torso to whittle down its health (punching its head does not seem to do any damage). Alternately, use a powerful weapon to shoot it in the face.
3) By the time it gets back up again, your AP should be full. Repeat the process.

And now on to the locations (you do not have to kill them in this order):

1) The first Behemoth you will most likely encounter is during the main quest, Following in His Footsteps. Follow the steps in that quest until you reach Galaxy News Radio Plaza. After clearing out the regular Muties, run to the fountain in the middle and grab the Fat Man launcher from the dead Brotherhood member. The Behemoth will come crashing through some buses shortly. Since you have backup, this fight is not too difficult. Use the Fat Man to end the battle fast, or use regular weapons if you wish to save a Nuke.

2) This Behemoth is in the rotunda of the Capitol Building. I suggest going for this one early. The longer you wait (both level-wise and main quest wise), the more dangerous this area becomes (enemies become stronger and more numerous). If you have completed Three Dog's quest to boost the radio signal, you can fast travel to the Mall area. The Capitol Building is to the far east.

Be careful of the enemies as you approach. Either help them wipe each other out, or wait until the fighting dies down and mop up the survivors. This general strategy remains in effect for the interior areas as well.

Enter the West Entrance and proceed through the rooms and enemies, generally to the east. You will come across the rotunda fairly quickly, in which a heated battle is taking place involving a Behemoth. Stay out of the rotunda, since the Behemoth cannot leave (haha) and wipe out any other enemies. At this point it is a trivial matter to kill the Behemoth, as he will not be able to reach you if you stay out of the area.

3) This is the other really easy Behemoth. If you have not discovered Evergreen Mills, you can find it by heading to the fifth square from the bottom, fifth square from the left on your World Map. It is in the western-central part of this square (it is an almost straight walk west from Megaton).

Be careful when infiltrating Evergreen Mills; it is a Raider stronghold with plenty of traps. The main entrance to the area is on its east side, but I had success dropping in from the cliffs to the north, stopping occasionally to snipe Raiders. If you take the main entrance, watch out for snipers above and Frag Mines on the path. Once you are in the compound, wipe out all the Raiders while ignoring the Behemoth in the cage. Make sure you do not blow up the transformer; you want to keep it in the cage!

When the area is clear, head up the walkways on the north side of the area. From here you should have a clear shot at the Behemoth's head, and the Behemoth will stand there stupidly getting shot until it dies.

Alternately, you can stay up here and let the Behemoth loose by purposely blowing up the transformer. It will run around killing all the Raiders and losing a bit of health in the process.

4) Head directly west from Vault 101 (about three square lengths on your World Map) until you see some red container trucks at the base of a small cliff. This is slightly southwest of Jury Street Metro Station, should you have that location on your map.

Once here, take care of the Super Mutant rabble. In one of the containers, you will find a cage with a Teddy Bear inside. It is generally suggested that you open the cage, or at least approach it, as this seems to trigger the appearance of the Behemoth. You may need to either wait for it to run up (could take a minute or two) or look for it in the distance, especially if it gets caught up battling something else.

This particular fight is tough, and it is where you will want to employ aforementioned tactics. Try at least to cripple the Behemoth's legs with a Dart Gun, and you should be able to take it down without incurring too much damage. Beyond that, make sure you have some nice weaponry and plenty of healing items.

5) This is possibly the hardest mutant to locate. You will need to reach Takoma Park, but getting there requires work. Take the back entrance from Galaxy News Radio and enter the nearby Metro Junction. From here you'll want to find the exit that leads to Vernon Square (sort of in the northeast corner of the area; be careful as there are several other exits). Once out in this new area, you will see a location to the southeast, which is Vault-Tec Headquarters, and another location south of that (which is where you want to go). Unfortunately, because of the rubble, you'll have to head southwest, then south between some buildings, and then double back to the east and then north, all while fighting Super Mutants. The location, once you find it, is called Vernon East / Takoma Park.

Head through this straightforward tunnel. When you emerge, you will have to fight your way through even more Super Mutants. The area, however, is fairly linear! Head east down the road until you reach an open house. Travel through it and out the back door, and down a hill. At this point you will probably encounter a fight between some Talon Co Mercs and Super Mutants. Deal with them as you see fit and turn your attention to the water tower to the north. Head underneath it and you will finally see your Behemoth in the distance.

You can either fight this one the same way you did the last one, or you can head up to the truck that is next to the water tower and call a few strikes down on the Behemoth to whittle down its health (you may need to either use Repair or Science to fix it if it breaks).

The achievement should pop immediately upon the death of the fifth. If another party (e.g. some Talon Company Mercs) kills a Behemoth, this should not affect whether you get the achievement or not.

09 Dec 2011 13:21

I found out a simple and easy wasy to kill the behemoth in evergreen mills and get a awesome show: first sneak up on the entire base by keeping up on the cliff then snipe the generator that keeps the fence electricuted then watch as the behemoth tears the raiders apart (you might need to help him get the ones that cower behind buildings) after the carnage he will have slightly low life shoot from the cliff or carefully make your way down the cliff face (yes you can do that) and kill him where he can hit you.
I found out a simple and easy wasy to kill the behemoth in evergreen mills and get a awesome show: first sneak up on the entire base by keeping up on the cliff then snipe the generator that keeps the fence electricuted then watch as the behemoth tears the raiders apart (you might need to help him get the ones that cower behind buildings) after the carnage he will have slightly low life shoot from the cliff or carefully make your way down the cliff face (yes you can do that) and kill him where he can hit you.
refer to TheMasonX's guide and Axe Argonian's guide for information and locations.

When you steal the teddy bear for the trainyard one, he always appears within one minute and thirty seconds of the theft. Also, for all Behemoths I've faced, if you have Dogmeat with you, it would be best to send him back to Vault 101, as behemoths often attack him, and not the guy with the Gatling Gun.

24 Oct 2009 00:28

Tip: Having trouble with Behemoths try shooting them in the leg "pref with a Rail gun" that will slow'em right down & you dont need Mini nukes either just keep popping about at them with the 45 magnum if they cant walk there sitting ducks ,errrmm Behemoths :), The Behemoth in Takoma Industrial you can kill without firing a shot, go true the gate and in front of you is a van/coach thing go up the ramp to the roof there you will see a switch now click it and watch what happens :), you will need 33 science to refix it when it breaks though.

05 Nov 2009 13:28

Although I never personally tried the Fat Man/Mini-Nuke method to kill the Behemoths, I did find a very easy way to kill them. If you've ever found the crashed alien spaceship, then you've probably found the extremely powerful Alien Blaster gun. With my Energy Weapons skill at 90, this thing does 84 damage per bullet. You do not need the Mothership Zeta DLC in order to find this area. It's 6 squares from the right and at the very top of the 4th box from the top of your world map. Once you have obtained this, you can easily kill each behemoth in the game with no worries of killing yourself. Simply use VATS to shoot him 3 times, it'll take nearly half of his life away and then just freely shoot him in the head until you get the pleasure of watching him turn to dust(if you critically hit him).

04 Jul 2015 05:44

To obtain this trophy you must kill a total of 5 Super Mutant Behemoths. They are located in 5 different locations in the Capital Wasteland. Many people use the Fat Man Mini Nuke Launcher to vanquish the beasts. If you do not have one of these fascinating machines, any gun or explosive will suffice. I personally would just walk backwards and drop Frag Mines and let him hit them as he chased me. But it's up to you how you want to do it!

1. The first Behemoth is located outside Galaxy News Radio. This is the only Behemoth that is tied to the main story. This means you (or the Brotherhood of Steel that is also on the scene) have to kill this Behemoth. There is a convenient Fat Man that you can pick up just before he shows up to help you kill him quickly.

2. The second Behemoth is located in the Capitol Building on the Mall area of the wasteland. If you enter the building and generally follow the Talon Company Mercs they will eventually lead you to a huge rotunda. The Behemoth is in the big open area. He can easily be killed by standing behind the small doorway since he is too big to go through it! Be cautious of the other Super Mutants in the rotunda with the Behemoth!

3. The third Behemoth is located in Evergreen Mills and has been "captured" by Raiders (the Behemoth is locked behind an electric fence). The way I see it is you have 2 choices. The first being to kill every Raider in Evergreen Mills and then take on the Behemoth. Or you can go way up on the cliffs overlooking Evergreen Mills and try to snipe the generator that keeps the electricity flowing on his cage. If you can successfully do this, the Behemoth will storm out and start killing all the Raiders for you! That way you save some ammo and can focus on just killing him!

4. The fourth Behemoth is a little harder to locate. Not only that, he is probably the toughest one to kill too! The easiest way that I found to locate him was to travel to Jury Street Metro (which is roughly located in the middle of the map). From there, walk South-West and look for some overturned/derailed train cars. In one of these cars are some cages. In one of the cages is a teddy bear. Open the cage, take the teddy and wait about 30-60 seconds. The Behemoth comes running up and is ready to smash the crap out of you! I recommend maybe laying a few Frag Mines around the area before grabbing the teddy so he is wounded before he runs into your face!

5. The fifth and final Behemoth is located at Takoma Industrial. You will need to do a lot of traveling through the underground areas to get here. You start by taking the Metro Junction behind the GNR Building. Then you need to look for Vernon Square exit. When you enter Vernon Square you will see the Vault-Tec HQ. You need to go behind this building to the Vernon East/Takoma Park metro junction. Then travel through that underground area to finally reach Takoma. The Takoma area is filled with Talon Company Mercs and Super Mutants that are battling it out. Either let them kill each other off for awhile or go in guns blazing if you want some XP! The Behemoth himself can be killed by using any weapons you are carrying or the handy mortar strike console/switch on top of a truck that is near the gate where the Behemoth is.

Once you kill your 5th Behemoth, the trophy will pop. Note that if Talon Company Mercs or the Brotherhood of Steel actually killed the Behemoth, you still get credit. As long as you witness the Behemoth die, you are golden!

27 Mar 2014 17:39

To obtain this trophy you must kill a total of 5 Super Mutant Behemoths. They are located in 5 different locations in the Capital Wasteland. Many people use the Fat Man Mini Nuke Launcher to vanquish the beasts. If you do not have one of these fascinating machines, any gun or explosive will suffice. I personally would just walk backwards and drop Frag Mines and let him hit them as he chased me. But it's up to you how you want to do it!

1. The first Behemoth is located outside Galaxy News Radio. This is the only Behemoth that is tied to the main story. This means you (or the Brotherhood of Steel that is also on the scene) have to kill this Behemoth. There is a convenient Fat Man that you can pick up just before he shows up to help you kill him quickly.

2. The second Behemoth is located in the Capitol Building on the Mall area of the wasteland. If you enter the building and generally follow the Talon Company Mercs they will eventually lead you to a huge rotunda. The Behemoth is in the big open area. He can easily be killed by standing behind the small doorway since he is too big to go through it! Be cautious of the other Super Mutants in the rotunda with the Behemoth!

3. The third Behemoth is located in Evergreen Mills and has been "captured" by Raiders (the Behemoth is locked behind an electric fence). The way I see it is you have 2 choices. The first being to kill every Raider in Evergreen Mills and then take on the Behemoth. Or you can go way up on the cliffs overlooking Evergreen Mills and try to snipe the generator that keeps the electricity flowing on his cage. If you can successfully do this, the Behemoth will storm out and start killing all the Raiders for you! That way you save some ammo and can focus on just killing him!

4. The fourth Behemoth is a little harder to locate. Not only that, he is probably the toughest one to kill too! The easiest way that I found to locate him was to travel to Jury Street Metro (which is roughly located in the middle of the map). From there, walk South-West and look for some overturned/derailed train cars. In one of these cars are some cages. In one of the cages is a teddy bear. Open the cage, take the teddy and wait about 30-60 seconds. The Behemoth comes running up and is ready to smash the crap out of you! I recommend maybe laying a few Frag Mines around the area before grabbing the teddy so he is wounded before he runs into your face!

5. The fifth and final Behemoth is located at Takoma Industrial. You will need to do a lot of traveling through the underground areas to get here. You start by taking the Metro Junction behind the GNR Building. Then you need to look for Vernon Square exit. When you enter Vernon Square you will see the Vault-Tec HQ. You need to go behind this building to the Vernon East/Takoma Park metro junction. Then travel through that underground area to finally reach Takoma. The Takoma area is filled with Talon Company Mercs and Super Mutants that are battling it out. Either let them kill each other off for awhile or go in guns blazing if you want some XP! The Behemoth himself can be killed by using any weapons you are carrying or the handy mortar strike console/switch on top of a truck that is near the gate where the Behemoth is.

Once you kill your 5th Behemoth, the trophy will pop. Note that if Talon Company Mercs or the Brotherhood of Steel actually killed the Behemoth, you still get credit. As long as you witness the Behemoth die, you are golden!

27 Mar 2014 17:39

To gain this trophy, you will need to kill all the Sper Mutants. There are 5 in total.

I found the easiest way to kill them, is to use the Fat Man mini nuke, or use the plasma rifle if you have one.

These are the locations where they can be found:

1. Before entering Galaxy News Radio: You will encounter the first behemoth before entering the Galaxy News Radio building. Wait for him to breach though the flipped over truck and then wait for the Behemoth to kill a few of the Brotherhood of Steel Soldiers. The body near the statue will contain the Fat Man mini nuke.

2. Evergreen Mills: The Behemoth is trapped behind an electric fence. First dispose of the Raiders in the area then, go towards the Behemoth but do not open the gate. Instead just keep shooting him though the fence. You can either kill him really fast with the mini nuke, or save your ammo and do it with whatever weapon you have with a good supply of ammo. It will take a while, but you can save yourself another Nuke for later.

3. The Capital Wasteland: Northeast of Evergreen Mills go to the end of the train tracks where there are 3 trains that are knocked over. In the middle of these are two shopping carts. Inside one is a teddy bear. Take the Teddy bear, and the Behemoth will appear shortly after. Reccomended to use a mini nuke on him, as he can easily kill you in 2 hits.

4. The Capitol Bulding: This is located in the heart of Washington D.C. The Behemoth is located in the basement of the building. An easy way of killing him is by staying back behind the door where he does not fit though. He will not be able to attack you making this an easy kill.

5. Takoma Industrial. Takoma is quite far to the east of Galaxy News Radio.He will be in the industrial part, in the backyard area. Reccomended to use a Mini nuke.

I have added a video guide for those who prefer to visually see where all the Behemots are located. All credit for the video goes to Overkill360 on Youtube.

Happy hunting!

19 Apr 2014 18:34

To gain this trophy, you will need to kill all the Sper Mutants. There are 5 in total.

I found the easiest way to kill them, is to use the Fat Man mini nuke, or use the plasma rifle if you have one.

These are the locations where they can be found:

1. Before entering Galaxy News Radio: You will encounter the first behemoth before entering the Galaxy News Radio building. Wait for him to breach though the flipped over truck and then wait for the Behemoth to kill a few of the Brotherhood of Steel Soldiers. The body near the statue will contain the Fat Man mini nuke.

2. Evergreen Mills: The Behemoth is trapped behind an electric fence. First dispose of the Raiders in the area then, go towards the Behemoth but do not open the gate. Instead just keep shooting him though the fence. You can either kill him really fast with the mini nuke, or save your ammo and do it with whatever weapon you have with a good supply of ammo. It will take a while, but you can save yourself another Nuke for later.

3. The Capital Wasteland: Northeast of Evergreen Mills go to the end of the train tracks where there are 3 trains that are knocked over. In the middle of these are two shopping carts. Inside one is a teddy bear. Take the Teddy bear, and the Behemoth will appear shortly after. Reccomended to use a mini nuke on him, as he can easily kill you in 2 hits.

4. The Capitol Bulding: This is located in the heart of Washington D.C. The Behemoth is located in the basement of the building. An easy way of killing him is by staying back behind the door where he does not fit though. He will not be able to attack you making this an easy kill.

5. Takoma Industrial. Takoma is quite far to the east of Galaxy News Radio.He will be in the industrial part, in the backyard area. Reccomended to use a Mini nuke.

I have added a video guide for those who prefer to visually see where all the Behemots are located. All credit for the video goes to Overkill360 on Youtube.

Happy hunting!

19 Apr 2014 18:34


The problem with this trophy is that two of the Super Mutant Behemoths are glitchy but the one near the Jury Street Metro is really buggy and may not appear at all. The best thing to do is make a save some distance away from where any given Super Mutant Behemoth is supposed to spawn, then back it up somewhere and reload if something goes wrong. If all else fails then you'll have to start a new character.

Providing you do the majority of the damage on a Super Mutant Behemoth, then it doesn't matter if someone/something else kills it or you don't plant the fatal shot. The fastest way to kill one is to have a decent Heavy Weapons Level and use either The Fat Man or the Experimental M.I.R.V. (which are the only two weapons that can even hurt these things).

This is an example of what a Super Mutant Behemoth looks like:

There are 2 other variants as well, one with no weapons at all and another that’s similar to the above only with a trolley/shopping cart of some sort sticking out of its back.

Here is a written list of all their locations:

  1. Galaxy News Radio Building Plaza - Story related and unmissable.
  2. West of Jury Street Metro (in the train area) - You need only open the Trolley Cage containing the Teddy Bear to make this SMB appear, though do note it may take a few moments for the Behemoth to appear. This one may glitch and not appear so make sure you save before opening the cage just in case it fails to appear. We recommend leaving this one until last due to its buggy nature, that way you can reload if the trophy fails to pop. In some cases you may have to reload anyway if the kill doesn't register (credit to UndergroundHipHopHead for this heads up).
  3. Evergreen Mills (locked in a pen) - You'll have to destroy the generator to free it but you can also kill it whilst it's still in the cage, if you can get to the cliff above it.
  4. In the Capitol Building rotunda - This one will lose a lot of health from the two teams fighting each other so let them do most of the work then finish it off.
  5. In between Takoma Park and Takoma Industrial - Like the Capitol Building SMB, this one is being attacked by a group of enemies, to help kill it you can use the artillery on the truck. This one is also a little glitchy as using the Artillery can cause it to spawn on top of you so make sure you save before you start your attack.

See here for a video Guide to their locations:



(Credit to OverKill360 for the video. Although this for the Xbox 360 version, the info is still valid).

The trophy will pop after killing your 5th Super Mutant Behemoth.


There are five behemoths total in the game. Their locations and some strategies to defeating them can be found here.

Note for PC Users: Instead of running around finding these guys, use the console command "player.placeatme 0001CF95 X" where again X is the number you want to spawn. I'd suggest one at a time unless your system can handle it, in which case a fight against all five at once for the achievement would be fun, even with God Mode enabled.


There are five behemoths total in the game. Their locations and some strategies to defeating them can be found here.

There are a total of 5 such super mutant behemoths in the game. Location on the map.

1) In the raider plant Evergreen Mills in an electrified cage.

2) Inside the Capitol.

3) Near the Galaxy News building when you first meet Behemoth while moving along the storyline.

4) There is a factory somewhere near the Tacoma location.

5) Southeast of Fort Bannister, northeast of Evergreen Mill, southwest of St. Jury Street metro station. You should find fallen carriages in the center of these locations. Next to the red carriage there are carts with a teddy bear inside. There is an opinion that until you take this bear, the hippopotamus will not appear, take it and go to the hill, the super mutant hippopotamus will appear on the hill.

13 Jul 2011 10:17