Fallout 3

Fallout 3

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The Wasteland Survival Guide

The Wasteland Survival Guide

Completed "The Wasteland Survival Guide"


How to unlock the The Wasteland Survival Guide achievement in Fallout 3 - Definitive Guide

The Wasteland Survival Guide quest is picked up from Moira in Megaton. The Guide contains 3 chapters, each with 3 missions. You start with Chapter 1, but can choose which missions you want to do first. Each mission contains a Main Objective and an Optional Objective. With a high enough Speech level, quite a few of these can be skipped by lying to Moira about them. However, you may not be as highly rewarded if you do so.

Chapter 1

Find food at the Super Duper Mart
Main Objective: Find food at the Super Duper Mart.
Optional Objective: Find medicine at the Super Duper Mart.

Contract Radiation Sickness
Main: Contract 200 Rads.
Optional: Contract 600 Rads.

Traverse a Mine Field
Main: Travel to the playground in the middle of Minefield.
Optional: Collect and return a Frag Mine to Moira.

Chapter 2

Test the repellent on Mole Rats
Main: Test the Mole Rat Repellent on 3 Mole Rats.
Optional: Test repellent on an additional 7 Mole Rats.

Place an Observer Unit inside a Mirelurk nest
Main: Moira will give you an Observer Unit. Place the unit inside a Mirelurk Egg Clutch in the Anchorage Memorial.
Optional: Do the main objective without killing a Mirelurk.

Acquire injuries that are more than 50% of your total health
Main: Return to Moira with less than 50% of your total health.
Optional: Return to Moira with a crippled body part.

Chapter 3

Research Rivet City's history
Main: Find out the history of Rivet City.
Optional: Find out the true history of Rivet City.

RobCo Production Facility Mainframe
Main: Moira will give you a Processor Widget to install in the RobCo production facility mainframe.
Optional: Hack the RobCo production facility mainframe.

Arlington Public Library
Main: Access the Card Catalog in the Arlington Public Library.
Optional: Retrieve the entire Library Archive.

Completion of the Wasteland Survival Guide quest will grant you many rewards and more importantly, you will gain the Survival Expert perk. The perk will have various stats depending on how you completed the quest. All levels of the perk consist of some type of Poison and Radiation Resistance.
If you have a high enough Speech level when you begin this quest, you can talk Moira out of doing the guide to receive the Dream Crusher perk. This will reduce an enemies' chance of a critical hit by 50% and give you a discount at Moira's. Note, this will complete the quest but will also result in Negative Karma.

For further information on how to complete the various missions, go to http://fallout.wikia.com

27 Sep 2010 00:10

1 Comment
Sweet I never did first run , my save got corruption, so I brought dlc were get early pwer armour, just doing easy run , this mop up achievement or try to , Ty guide
By LIAM SLANEY86 on 04 Nov 2022 11:13
The Wasteland Survival Guide quest is picked up from Moira in Megaton. The Guide contains 3 chapters, each with 3 missions. You start with Chapter 1, but can choose which missions you want to do first. Each mission contains a Main Objective and an Optional Objective. With a high enough Speech level, quite a few of these can be skipped by lying to Moira about them. However, you may not be as highly rewarded if you do so.

Chapter 1

Find food at the Super Duper Mart
Main Objective: Find food at the Super Duper Mart.
Optional Objective: Find medicine at the Super Duper Mart.

Contract Radiation Sickness
Main: Contract 200 Rads.
Optional: Contract 600 Rads.

Traverse a Mine Field
Main: Travel to the playground in the middle of Minefield.
Optional: Collect and return a Frag Mine to Moira.

Chapter 2

Test the repellent on Mole Rats
Main: Test the Mole Rat Repellent on 3 Mole Rats.
Optional: Test repellent on an additional 7 Mole Rats.

Place an Observer Unit inside a Mirelurk nest
Main: Moira will give you an Observer Unit. Place the unit inside a Mirelurk Egg Clutch in the Anchorage Memorial.
Optional: Do the main objective without killing a Mirelurk.

Acquire injuries that are more than 50% of your total health
Main: Return to Moira with less than 50% of your total health.
Optional: Return to Moira with a crippled body part.

Chapter 3

Research Rivet City's history
Main: Find out the history of Rivet City.
Optional: Find out the true history of Rivet City.

RobCo Production Facility Mainframe
Main: Moira will give you a Processor Widget to install in the RobCo production facility mainframe.
Optional: Hack the RobCo production facility mainframe.

Arlington Public Library
Main: Access the Card Catalog in the Arlington Public Library.
Optional: Retrieve the entire Library Archive.

Completion of the Wasteland Survival Guide quest will grant you many rewards and more importantly, you will gain the Survival Expert perk. The perk will have various stats depending on how you completed the quest. All levels of the perk consist of some type of Poison and Radiation Resistance.
If you have a high enough Speech level when you begin this quest, you can talk Moira out of doing the guide to receive the Dream Crusher perk. This will reduce an enemies' chance of a critical hit by 50% and give you a discount at Moira's. Note, this will complete the quest but will also result in Negative Karma.

For further information on how to complete the various missions, go to http://fallout.wikia.com

27 Sep 2010 00:10

1 Comment
Sweet I never did first run , my save got corruption, so I brought dlc were get early pwer armour, just doing easy run , this mop up achievement or try to , Ty guide
By LIAM SLANEY86 on 04 Nov 2022 11:13
You can also pick up this quest in the Underworld in History Museum.
(I destroyed Megaton, prolly Miora lives nowin Underworld)

The Wasteland Survival Guide quest is picked up from Moira in Underworld

17 May 2013 14:19

the most important optional objective is the radiation quest getting the 600 rads will allow you to get the rad regeneration perk.

The perk allows you to mend broken limbs when you get radiation sickness, this perk isn't the best but trust me if comes in handy when you run out of stimpacks

26 Nov 2011 23:41

If your speech skill is high enough, you can also talk moira out of writing the survival guide.
You will still get the achievement, along with the dreamkiller perk, XP, and a 30% discount at craterside supplies.

This is either one of the longest or shortest quests in the game, depending on how you wish to finish it. Speak with Moira in the supply shop at Megaton to acquire the quest. If you take the long route, you will have 10 various tasks (see the link below) to complete that will take you from one end of the world and back. If you choose the short option, you'll finish it in the same conversation as you start it. If you need the experience, go ahead and do the entire quest. If you don't, talk your way out of it.

To talk your way out of it you will need a high Speech skill. So either focus on that early or come back for this quest later in the game. Ask her about one of the missions and then ask why she can't do it herself. Eventually you should have an option to tell her the idea isn't good and she should not write the book. Once you convince her of this the quests ends and you will still get the achievement without running all about the Wasteland.

Warning! It is possible to lose this quest if you blow up Megaton during another side-quest. Moira will survive as a ghoul initially, but she may be killed by Raiders on her way to the Underworld once she turns into a ghoul. To be safe, disarm the bomb when doing "The Power of the Atom."

See The Wasteland Survival Guide for more specific info and all 10 missions.


This is either one of the longest or shortest quests in the game, depending on how you wish to finish it. Speak with Moira in the supply shop at Megaton to acquire the quest. If you take the long route, you will have 10 various tasks (see the link below) to complete that will take you from one end of the world and back. If you choose the short option, you'll finish it in the same conversation as you start it. If you need the experience, go ahead and do the entire quest. If you don't, talk your way out of it.

To talk your way out of it you will need a high Speech skill. So either focus on that early or come back for this quest later in the game. Ask her about one of the missions and then ask why she can't do it herself. Eventually you should have an option to tell her the idea isn't good and she should not write the book. Once you convince her of this the quests ends and you will still get the achievement without running all about the Wasteland.

Warning! It is possible to lose this quest if you blow up Megaton during another side-quest. Moira will survive as a ghoul initially, but she may be killed by Raiders on her way to the Underworld once she turns into a ghoul. To be safe, disarm the bomb when doing "The Power of the Atom."

See The Wasteland Survival Guide for more specific info and all 10 missions.



This is a lengthy Side Quest trophy and can be missed because if you kill Moira or she dies on the way to Underworld (if you nuked Megaton), then the Quest will fail. It should also be noted that you can mess up the Scientific Pursuits trophy if you haven't already got it so get that before doing the "Research Rivet City's history" objective for Moira.

To start this Quest, you need to speak to Moira Brown at the Craterside Supply Store or in Underworld if you chose to nuke Megaton.


  • It is also possible to complete this Quest without doing any real work by telling Moria the book is a waste of time and not to bother writing it but doing this is a really bad idea because you will miss out on lots of XP, caps and gear, as well as seriously slowing down your progress towards certain other trophies.
  • We recommended doing all the optional objectives because you will get much better rewards for doing so, especially at the end when you hand in the final objective. Credit to The Great American Savior for providing info regarding what the optional objectives are called and confirming a couple of other details.

Chapter 1: Survive

Primary objective: Find food at the Super-Duper Mart
Optional objective: Find medicine in the Super-Duper Mart

Be careful here as the place is swarming with Raiders both inside and out. Once you get inside, clear the place out and grab the medicine and as much food as you can carry then exit and Fast Travel back to Megaton.

Primary objective: Contract radiation Sickness
Optional Objective: Contract 600 RADs

The way Harry did it was to stand next to the Megaton Nuke but the fastest place is at the old water tower by Springvale High School, because it has loads of radioactive barrels and the water inside the tower is highly radioactive. If you go down the barrel route then stand on top of the barrels to ensure you absorb +8 RADs a second. Once you've absorbed 600+ RADs for the optional objective, walk or Fast Travel back to Megaton and tell Moira how sick you feel. Moira will then cure your radiation and give you a new Perk.

Note: Do this early on in the game, else you will be almost immune to radiation due to all the Perks and specialised gear you will inevitably get.

Primary objective: Traversing a minefield
Optional objective: Retrieve a land mine for Moira

For this you have make your way to the settlement of Minefield which is directly East of the Germantown Police HQ. When you get there, pick your way through the minefield and make your way to the Playground. Be warned though because there's a sniper at the other end of town that will be taking pot-shots at you and the unexploded cars so kill him before he kills you. Also, make sure you grab a few mines so you will have one to give to Moira to complete the optional objective and be able to sell the rest to her for a good price.


  • You can also wait until you hit Level 14 and take the Light Step Perk (providing your Perception and Agility are at 6 or higher), then you won’t trigger any of the mines.
  • The sniper is called Arkansas and is part of the Strictly Business trophy.

Chapter 2: Thrive

Primary objective: Test the repellent on Mole Rats
Optional objective: Test the repellent on 7 or more Mole Rats

Moira will send you to the Tepid Sewers for this Quest so make your way there and kill all the Mole Rats you see with the Repellent Stick but watch out for traps and Raiders whilst you're there. There are also several Mole Rats round the back of Megaton (providing you haven't already killed them) and the more you kill before entering the Tepid Sewers, the less you will have to kill when you're in there. This is one of the easier objectives because you just have to keep on killing Mole Rats until the game says stop.

Note: There is a chance the stats for optional objective may glitch and not count correctly, if this happens then you will need to kill 10 Mole Rats before the objective will be marked as complete (credit to The Great American Savior for this information).

Primary objective: Place an Observer unit inside a Mirelurk nest
Optional objective: Complete the objective without killing a single Mirelurk

If your Sneak Skill is high enough and you have a Stealth Boy handy then the optional objective to complete this without killing any Mirelurks will be easy but if it isn't, then you will have to run to the nearest nest on the lowest level of the Memorial, plant the Observer Unit and get out of there before the Mirelurks kill you!

See here for an alternate method involving the Service Entrance (it has an "Easy" lock):



(Credit to TopSpec-Gaming - TopSpec Players for this video. Although this is for the Xbox 360 version, the info should still be relevant).

Note: Only Mirelurks inside the Anchorage Memorial count towards the optional objective, it doesn't matter if you kill any on your way there (credit to The Great American Savior for this information).

Primary objective: Return to Moira with injuries equalling more than 50% of your health
Optional objective: Come back to Moira with a crippled limb

There are several possible ways of doing this but the most efficient are the following:

  • Get attacked during Mirelurk Nest objective, get badly injured and cripple at least one limb in the process.
  • Blow yourself up with some Grenades or the Missile Launcher, you can't overcook Grenades so you will have to throw them close by you.
  • Place some Frag or Plasma mines (Pulse ones don't count), stand on top of them then shoot one - this works best when you're at a low level because you’re weaker and have fewer Perks.
  • Jump off the balcony outside Craterside Supply in Megaton.
  • Re-arm a Bear Trap (there a some in Meresti Trainyard), step on it then re-arm it again and repeat until you get crippled.

Make sure you don't heal yourself by mistake else you will have to cripple yourself again.

Chapter 3: Survive

Primary objective: Research Rivet City's history
Optional objective: Find out the "true" history of Rivet City

WARNING: Do not do this mission if you haven't done the Scientific Pursuits Quest, else you could render that trophy unobtainable for your current playthrough.

Talk to the following people:

Vera Weatherly - Weatherly Hotel (Upper Deck)
Seagrave Holmes - Rivet City Supply (Marketplace)
Pinkerton - Broken Bow (required for the optional objective)
Bannon - Potomac Attire (Marketplace)

Primary objective: Go to the RobCo facility and use the Mainframe
Optional objective: Hack the RobCo production facility Mainframe

The bulk of the enemies in here are Raiders, Radroaches and Mole Rats but take plenty of Pulse Grenades and/or Pulse mines when you do these objectives because there will be loads of Robots after reprogramming the Mainframe. If you don't do the optional objective, then you will face far more hostile robots in the Capital Wasteland.

Primary objective: Arlington Public Library
Optional objective: Retrieve the complete Library Archive

The only enemies you will face in the Library are Radroaches and Raiders so nothing too taxing. Be warned though, that there are a couple of turrets in one of the back rooms so make sure your Hacking Skills are up to scratch else you will have to tackle them the hard way.

The Archives are held in the Arlington Library Media Archive but you will face a lot of enemies in there so be prepared. In one of the rooms is a box marked "Restoration Supplies" which is part of the Stealing Independence trophy but do not remove the Ink Container because you will be stuck with it for the remainder of the game due to a glitch. In a back room you will find a terminal called the "Arlington Public Library Public terminal", access it and choose the "Access Card Catalogue" and "Transfer Library Archives" options.

If you choose to finish The Wasteland Survival Guide in its entirety then the trophy will pop after your conversation with Moira is over but If you chose to avoid doing any work and just convinced Moira the book is a bad idea, then the trophy will pop soon after she agrees with you.

this is perhaps one of the longest or, on the contrary, the shortest tasks in the game. Talk to Moira, the owner of the Crater Shop in Megaton. If you choose the long path, then you will need to complete 9 tasks scattered across different parts of the world. If you don't want to take the long route, then you just need to dissuade Moira from writing the book. This can be done even in the dialogue where you receive the task. Just ask her why she can’t do what she asks of you and you should be able to tell her that the idea of ​​writing a book is not a good one. You will receive the achievement immediately and you will not need to run around the entire Wasteland completing tasks.

Warning: There is a possibility of losing this quest if you blow up Megaton during the Atomic Power quest. In the event of an explosion, Moira will survive and turn into a ghoul. Therefore, this task is best completed before you blow up the city, if, of course, you will blow it up.

13 Jul 2011 10:06