Fallout Shelter

Fallout Shelter

19 Achievements

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Better Settler

Better Settler

Level up a dweller from Level 1 to 10

1,000 XP


How to unlock the Better Settler achievement in Fallout Shelter - Definitive Guide

Dwellers get experience for doing jobs, stopping emergencies and various other things while they are out in the wasteland. Dwellers in the vault need to be manually "tapped" to level up once they have enough experience for the next level. Dwellers out in the wasteland will level up on their own when ready. The easiest way is to send a level 1 dweller out to the wasteland and let time do the work for you. The other option is to just tap the dwellers as needed... eitherway this is easy to unlock with a little time.

Achievement may be glitched, some reports of criteria being met but no achievement pop

08 Feb 2017 01:57

Not working. I've leveled dwellers up from 1 to 10 several times both ways now, neither way pops the achievement for me. And you don't even have it yet, what gives?
By russolini77 on 08 Feb 2017 04:30
Ive played the iphone version for months...ill have my first (xbox)level 10 by the next time i play it. the solution is for how to get to level 10 quickly. I dont know why it wouldnt pop the achievement for you though. That is always crappy
By LLAMAP0CALYPSE on 08 Feb 2017 05:18
Yeah, and I've played the Android version for months as well. Maybe you shouldn't rush to write a solution until you're sure it works.
By russolini77 on 08 Feb 2017 05:37
Again, its a how to level dwellers up quickly. It also might be a glitchy achievement.
By LLAMAP0CALYPSE on 08 Feb 2017 05:47
Chill out Russ. He wrote a helpful guide based off the mobile version of this game. If the achievement didn't pop, it is not his fault. Dont give a negative vote, or be rash because of the devs or MS servers fault. I thumbs up this guide!!
By on 08 Feb 2017 07:53
My critique of his solution is valid - he still doesn't have the achievement, and his achievement solution doesn't work for me. It's not my problem if it's a buggy achievement or whatever. If he wants to write an achievement solution and get anything but thumbs down, the very least he should do is wait until he's actually GOTTEN the achievement. While I admire you coming to the defense of someone in a public forum when they've gotten critiqued poorly on something they've written publicly, remember that public forums are places where people are allowed to share their frank and valid opinions of someone else's work. I'm not flaming or ripping him a new one, but my negative critique is perfectly valid. Now, I suggest instead of letting this get personal you back off and mind your own business.
By russolini77 on 08 Feb 2017 19:39
I unlocked the achievement btw. Just has updated on the site yet. So no, your critique isn't valid Russ. As you said, everyone is entitled to their opinion. So telling me to back off and mind my business is very hypocritical of you. His guide works, and is definitely the best method to unlocking this achievement!! Appreciate it Llama!
By on 08 Feb 2017 20:10
It unlocked just fine for me like i figured it would using the method described...
By LLAMAP0CALYPSE on 08 Feb 2017 20:52
You could have written your own perfect review by now dude. Move on with your life
By LLAMAP0CALYPSE on 09 Feb 2017 02:46
For real Llama. This guy has got to get a life. He sent me a paragraph long private message!! SMH!!
By on 09 Feb 2017 03:26
I think I may also have this glitched. I have a dweller exploring that has gone past level 10, do you have to wait until they return for the achievement to pop?

If it is glitched it maybe because I received a legendary dweller already at level 10 in a lunch box.
By VivaFavom on 10 Feb 2017 10:52
Yea glitched for me. Sent a dweller out into the wasteland and went from 1 to 25 with him. Got the level 25 achievement but not this one.
By sirbradenwalker on 13 Feb 2017 06:01
The dweller has to be starting from level 1 for the achievement to work. Also, yes, they have to return from the wasteland before it pops!
By on 13 Feb 2017 07:24
The problem is now that I've glitched it, it won't unlock no matter what. I've raised probably 20 dwellers from 1 to 10 since then and nothing.
By sirbradenwalker on 14 Feb 2017 06:06
Hasn't unlocked for me either - have a level 11 dweller :(
By metallicafan459 on 15 Feb 2017 18:11
Has anyone tried starting a new vault to see if it will help? I know before you enter the vault you made there is a vault list in top left corner? I too am glitches just trying to brainstorm ways to fix it.
By Sensei zack h19 on 22 Feb 2017 08:24
Yep same here, got the 1 to 25 achievement but not this 1 to 10 achievement. Bugged :( (ps - playing on Win10)
By F1 Viking on 28 Feb 2017 12:14
Glitched for me too
By RAVIOLICAPONI on 09 Mar 2017 04:23
It is, indeed glitched, but Russ is still a douche and yeah, this guide explains how to get to the point where, normally, the achievement WOULD unlock.

+1, the only thing I suggest is mentioning that this MAY be glitched for some.
By Leo Ascendent on 04 May 2017 15:41
To anyone who's is glitched, what worked for me was to delete all my save data then uninstall and reinstall my game. 1st dweller to 10 popped the cheevo. Did this on Windows 10.
By iLactateYou on 14 Apr 2018 08:20
I get the impression that it tracks what the highest level follower is and nothing else. So if you jump past 10 (or 25) you won't get those achievements. Uninstalling/deleting saves and restarting with great attention paid to not overshooting worked for me.
By Tarvu on 07 Aug 2018 19:18
Tarvu seems right !

I started a new game, manually edited save file to boost one dweller's level to 9, and restarted game => levelling the dweller instantly gives me this achievement.
I've done it one more time for the 1-25 achievement.

More than 1.5 year after getting the 1-50 achievement laugh
By The Eres on 07 Sep 2018 16:57
Here we are December 2018, still won't pop for me. I made a new vault and got a few to 10, nothing. If the solution is to completely delete your existing vaults and try from new, I'll go on Win10 and manually back up my save, wipe what's "saved" and start new that way, get the achievement then restore my ~150 dweller vault. I guess it'd be too hard for them to just patch it.
By OneFastJedi88 on 12 Dec 2018 12:48
I can confirmed achievement is glitched (July 2019). Not sure if it's because my first dweller became level 10 while out in the wasteland. Will try what others have suggested to delete save files and report back with results.
By Strykerz911 on 05 Jul 2019 06:19
Since I'm still oh-so-patronizingly entitled to my opinion, this is a poorly written achievement guide, and it didn't work for me. And because I'm a mature adult, I'll leave the personal response out and send it directly to the person that decided to make it personal. Consider it a revision.

Facts, unbiased by personal opinion: This guide didn't work for me. The author did not have the achievement at the time of the writing of it. It is poorly written, because it's full of typographical errors, hastily written, and grammatically incorrect. The only reason I bring these things up is so the author knows why it got a negative vote. If these things were corrected, I would change my vote. Now please, no more personal commentary to my critique, I assure you these are facts and not opinions.
By russolini77 on 09 Feb 2017 02:05
Just got the achievement. Took some playing around, although I'm not sure how much of what I did was necessary (FYI I am on Windows 10). The first thing I did was sign out of Xbox Live (via Xbox app) while Fallout Shelter was open. When the prompt was asked to sign in, I created a new windows account (live gamertag) using another email address and used that. I then signed out and returned to my regular account (again, while Fallout Shelter was open).

Looking at my vaults, I had 2 files, 1 I recently starting playing (my main file), and 1 from a long time ago when the game first came out. I deleted the old file. In my more recent file, I leveled up a dweller who just happened to be at level 9 while in the lab that creates stimpaks.

That is how I popped the achievement. Hopefully this helps.
By Strykerz911 on 05 Jul 2019 07:31
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This achievement is obtained through natural progression

You can level up your dwellers in multitude of ways; working in the assorted resource rooms, rushing said rooms, detering the various hazards (radroaches, molerats, rad scorpions, fires, raiders, deathclaws), sending them to the wasteland, completing quests etc. This does not require you to level up any of the specific S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats through training rooms, just the overall level of your vault dwellers

If you need more explanation:

09 Feb 2017 02:25

The first thing you'll want to do is get enough dwellers so you can build a science lab which allows you to produce stimpacks. Build 3 of these next to each up then upgrade them to full. Then find a dweller with high Intelligence and ideally high Luck as well, you can also argument this by put them in formal ware and training them in a game room to boost luck or put them in a lab coat and train them in the class room to boost intelligence.

I recommend having at least two dwellers with these stats in the lab, then all you do is simple rush the room, with higher luck you can risk a higher failure percentage, but I wouldn't risk going over 50% unless you've got luck maxed at in which case you can push to around 60 to 65%.

The finally thing I would suggest and is up to you as its kind of cheating. But you can also change the time on your xbox/PC and speed the whole thing up. I suggest just jumping 20 minutes at a time while leaving the game open (which makes it a lot easier to do on PC). Then rush the room until it can't be rushed anymore and then jump another 20 minutes. Just bare in mind if you do jump your time while a room is panicking it wont reset your rush cool down correctly and you'll miss out on xp.

The same time skipping can be used to train the skills faster or get to quests faster so you don't need to you Quantum cola.

08 Feb 2017 13:16

The goal, obviously, is to get one of your Vault Dwellers to level 10. To do this, your Dweller needs to preform a task. This can simply be working in one of the many rooms in the Vault. This process is pretty automatic. You put them in a room, they work, and you occasionally click on them to level them up. To level them up quicker, you can send them into the Waste Land. However, you'll need to keep an eye on them, as they are likely to loose heath and die.

14 Nov 2018 03:01

1 Comment
Just found out the hard way, this seems to be glitchy - i unlocked the trophy for leveling up a dweller from level 1 to 25, still did not get this trophy..
By xMarcelXP on 19 Feb 2021 22:19
This will come naturally as you play. Dwellers level up while they work or if you send them into the wasteland.

07 May 2017 00:00

See "Overseer".


See Overseer.