Fallout Shelter
19 Achievements
Blast From The Past
Collect 20 Legendary Dwellers
How to unlock the Blast From The Past achievement in Fallout Shelter - Definitive Guide

13 Feb 2017 08:26
1) Create a new vault
2) Build the minimum power, water and food resources
3) Have however many dwellers you wish inside the vault.
4) Minimise Fallout Shelter window
5) Open the "Adjust Date/Time" Setting in Windows 10
6) Turn off "Set time automatically" and click the change date and time button, adding exactly 7 days to the current date.
7) Alt tab back to the game, it should reload in about 1 second and display a completed daily report.
8) Click to collect all daily rewards including the lunchbox. Click off the report so it closes.
9) Alt tab back to the date time window and enable "Set time automatically"
10) Alt tab back to the game so the in-game time re-adjusts.
11) Alt Tab back to the date time window and repeat from step 6
This should allow you to get infinite lunchboxes, one every 10-20 seconds.
NOTE: Make sure to go back to the automatic date time, if you continue to advance 7 days each time the game seems to crash. Reverting back to the present each time stops this happening.
Update: It has taken me a grand total of 631 lunchboxes to get 20 legendary characters. Imagine how much that would have cost if you'd purchased them...
Edit: One final precaution, only open the lunchboxes when you have the present time set. Do not open them in the past or future. I found when I did this my achievement progress would stop updating. Maybe a coincidence, but I wouldn't risk it.
Welcome to the grind.

13 Feb 2017 08:26
I recomend that you do it when you have a Mr Handy (collector robot), then build a level with water, meal and electro producing - so the happienes of the dwellers stay on high level.
Also you can train them while doing this (collect training when at actual time)

Would it work if you stated a fresh vault with a date of five years ago and did the same?

P.S. Phenomenal guide!
@Kanchanaburi I do not think the number of dwellers influences the characters in my experience. I think it's just purely random.
I don't see how changing the system date could be worse than that

Thumbs up for this solution on PC! Took me 545 lunchboxes to unlock.
But, on my Xbox it only said 25 % progress. My solution was to restart the PC, then restart my Xbox. This solved the sync problem.
for theme achievements open xbox app on win 10 an klick on the achievement to see the progress, than it should unlock when progress is 100% - but without popup
Finally got this today after 528 lunchboxes.
I've solved it by adding one day (instead of 7) each time till I get the lunchbox. From then on, back to normal.
Tracker also only counts for one single vault apparently.
Any tips on how to get it working again?
Should I stop and wait to it to unlock or should I continue the grind?
Update: Nevermind I got it. It didnt pop up but I got it
Couple of things to add - it crashed a LOT on my pc, so keep your vault small if you're having issues. I had 8 dwellers, 4 in a power room, 2 each in food & water.
And watch out for daylight savings time. Mine was glitching every 20 boxes or so, turned out it was adding an hour in-game each time. Switched to different dates, problem solved.
Just to confirm in case anyone else has my issue:
I would change the time ahead a whole week and collect the rewards for days 1-7. Once I went to collect the rewards for days 4-7, they would "collect" and unhighlight themselves but they would not actually add onto the caps I had nor did I acquire the lunchbox.
Also my waiting list for dwellers is full, how do I get rid of them? It won't let me open lunchboxes because of this.
I have met the requirements for 2 of them (20 legendary dwellers and all 8 themes) and they still wont unlock
I've tried loading the game on a different laptop and the Xbox one and still nothing.
Anyone got any ideas on how to fix this?
I play on PC and to open them, i install an auto-clicker.
By group of 50, i use 400 lunchboxes, the drop rate seems to be higher.
This type of achievements are awful :(
My achievement is locked... I have more than 10 legendary dwellers and the achievement count locked on 15% =/
Any idea how to make it count again?
Is anyone else seeing this behavior or is it just my vault/game?
I can totally recommend picking up an Autoclicker to do this; I was letting the Clicker do the work on my PC while I was playing something else on my Xbox. It may take you a bit to set this up (30 minutes for me) but then you save a lot of time afterwards.
Thanks a lot British Legends!
I used @LeiChat's powershell command and autohotkey to automate as much of this as I could. It took 756 lunchboxes.
The other thing is I couldn't get adding 7 days at a time to show up the eval screen so I had to do one day at a time but it just meant leaving my laptop to let the autohotkey do its thing.
I could've been playing this game legitimately for nearly 17 YEARS and not get this achievement. There's something wrong if I could theoretically go from being childless to a grandfather before earning this achievement. So to you haters that think this is "cheating", I say: Lighten up, Grandpa.
Also I found doing quests would mess with the daily bonus too, so I wouldn't do quests while grinding boxes. Hope this helps
i get one box every 10sec makes this grind fast and easy (2hrs for 720 boxes) and after i finished this i make a task for open the 700 boxes automatic. feel free to add this to your guide if you need further information feel free to ask.
round 600 boxes later achievement poped thx guys :)

Some people reported that the trick stops working. I had this too. My take on it was to go back to the former date before glitching and pass day by day. Or pass day by day (revisiting the game, of course, at each change) from where you stand or your save file was created. I think it has more to do with 'day of the week' then the exact date.
However, my theory is that the method may still work if you've received a lunchbox upon logging in.
Great guide, you've saved us all a lot of money and time my man. Like others are saying, achievements like this are begging to be broken by any means necessary.

If anyone has encountered similar and got a fix let me know

would have cost £284 to buy all those lunchboxes from the store.

Thank you for the guide!

O legendary.
So frustrating.
Someone help please.
Edit: Does starting a new vault really matter?
Example: 3 day old vault, skip 4 days (not 7) this may only be necessary the first time you do it. Just play about with it.
I would suggest to always play online. When it is messing you up, make sure you're using the current date/time and close the fallout shelter. Leave your PC for 5-10 minutes, hopefully this will force it sync your save with the cloud in the background. Re-open and try the lunchbox grinding again. If it pops up don't click to cancel or close it, simply let it complete. If it fails then try what I said above. Other than that, i'm afraid that's all I can suggest.
Make game window smaller, open cmd as admin
then use commands:
date "actual day" [enter]
date "actual day + 7" [enter]
click game window collect all (and let this collect window open)
switch to cmd an use commands again
- now you can use arrow down [enter] arrow down [enter]
and collect (maybe you have to double click or close "collect window"
today i used (german date format)
date 20-02-17 [enter]
date 27-02-17 [enter]
[down arrow] [enter]
[down arrow] [enter]
Also all of this is way easier/faster with the command prompt like mentioned above.
Good luck
You'll notice that the evaluation timer jumps around a little bit, since not all months have the same number of days, number of hours, number of minutes. I think that has something to do with ancient Mayan star charts or whatever. You'll notice the timer climbing each time you see the eval screen to collect the lunchboxes. Once it zeroes out, about every 25 or so lunchboxes, you'll notice that when you click on the lunchbox it doesn't collect it. Simply set time automatically then switch off as you've been doing, but advance the time by just one day. You can collect that lunchbox and go back to switching by month.
And this solution worked. Fucking 80 boxes for the last guy.
If you haven't already, have a read through some of the other suggestions people have mentioned above. It may provide alternative.
Edit: I started over again and what seems to screw it up is if you change the date while the eval screen is still up. So 1. Fix date. 2. Add 7 days 3. collect 4. close 5. back to step 1.
Edit 2: took me about 4 hours work. Farmed 500 lunchboxes, got it in about 475. Saved after I got each legendary dweller and it popped immediately as I opened the last lunchbox. Your mileage may vary of course, but saving manually after each legendary ensured my achievement tracker was correct.
Also, you will learn to hate legendary junk.

Set-Date -Date (Get-Date).AddDays(7)
You could create a powershell script, save it on your desktop and double click it, or keep the PowerShell window open and use the up arrow key + enter to keep repeating between minimising and maximising the Fallout Shelter window.
I may try and see what happens with a new Vault. See if the progress tracker increases.
Will let you know.
If you have issues with getting the lunchbox, go ahead 7 days -> click the caps/box -> go back to the current date -> check how many days are left for 7 days and the lunchbox -> add that number of days to the date -> lunchbox should now be available- > go back to current date -> all caps and lunchbox should be ticked -> add 7 days and all should be available time and time again
It is a bit of a fiddle to get it to start, but then it works like a charm.
Chance to get 20 LD from X lunchboxes without manipulating the boxes by rerolling them:
001.16% from 296
010.09% from 385
025.00% from 444
050.27% from 518
075.18% from 599
085.84% from 650
092.49% from 700
099.99% from 1050
Please remember that odds like this are never guaranteed and there is no such thing as removing the luck (see shiny Pokémon hunting, winning the lottery, etc.). However, constant rolls will eventually remove luck from the equation due to the incredible amount of rolls. Basically, you should be hitting 20 LD with 700 lunchboxes unless you're one of the unlucky 7.5% of players and half of players should be hitting 20 LD at around 500 lunchboxes.
To get the USD cost of the lunchboxes, divide the number of lunchboxes by 2 and add a dollar sign. Please do not spend $525 on 1050 lunchboxes.
Time Played: 124h 54m (7d 11h 20m ish)
Lunchboxes Opened: 790
Average Lunchboxes Opened to Get a Legendary Dweller: 39.5
I played this game for a long time before finishing all other achievements and then grinding this cringe-worthy, cash grab of a dinger. Here are some tips for those running into issues:
1. If you are having syncing issues where the game itself is all like "no we can't sync. Sorry, but just play offline" just close the game and run it on console for a bit. Then save and swap back.
2. If you're having syncing issues where there is a discrepancy between the achievement tracker and the game just wait a few days and it will correct itself.
3. One cause of the issue above is not opening the lunchboxes with the time set automatically. After making sure I was always opening the boxes up after setting the time automatically I had no issues here.
4. Leaving the Daily Report up while switching the time around won't do anything bad.
5. This achievement is stupid.
It took me about 550 lunchboxes to get all 20. Rather than move the clock forward and back alot, I launched the game, set the time back 11 years, created a new vault and didn't even invite the initial dwellers in or build anything. I just minimized, advanced the date, collected rewards, closed reward screen, repeat... Took an hour to get 600+ lunch boxes and enough caps to set up a vault that is pretty close to my end game layout (modulo not having unlocked nuke reactors or nuka cola plants - but everything was in the right place to allow easy upgrades later). Then I set the date to current and started the worse grind of opening them. I automated both steps but it was still a grind since you can only open a few dozen at a time before getting too many dwellers waiting in line. So, I'd open 20-30, collect food & power and evaluate the new dwellers. Once I got to 100 and unlocked nuka cola I stopped keeping the new rare dwellers (just invite them into the vault room then evict them) only keeping legendaries. I'd also periodically sell off everything green and most blues in storage to make room but you can exceed storage limits and not lose stuff so I didn't do it often.
Given how close I got to using all 600 if I were doing it again I would have set my clock back 15-20 years and gotten more like 750-1000 lunchboxes just to make sure I wouldn't have to touch the clock again once I'd opened any boxes / invited any dwellers into the vault.
The glitch is. On a certain day (Out of 7) you'll stop receiving your daily reward, it will show you have one available but once clicked it will get activated and you will get no reward.
You could start a new vault but that would be a hassle especially if you've gotten very close to your goal. I discovered a fix so you won't have to go through that.
On one of those 7 days you'll stop receiving your reward .(Ex: I received my reward on day 2 and stopped earning on day 3.) Set you date to present then instead of advancing 7 days, advance only the amount to get to the 7th. (Ex: I advanced 5 days from the present day since I stopped receiving rewards on day 2.)
Once you tab back to the game the rewards window should pop up and hopefully you'll start receiving your rewards like usual as this happened to me. I had to do this twice, when I advanced the 5 days I got my rewards up to day 5 but not 6 and 7, don't fret just use the same tactic but instead just advance 2 days from the present.
Your issue should be fixed and your daily reward collecting should be back to normal, I hope this helps.
Edit: Totally did not see that this was already mentioned up above the comments, I was just adding my experience. This is just a recent assisting comment so new people don't need to scroll through the comments as far.

08 Feb 2017 13:33
There are 23 legendary dwellers in the game, all of which are characters from the fallout series. While this may make the achievement seem worse, I have James twice and can confirm duplicates do add to your percentage towards this achievement!
The only way of getting legendary dwellers is through lunchboxes. I bought 40 as a test and ended up with 8 legendary dwellers. You may get more and you may get less, but either way youre looking at a fair amount of money if you intend to get this solely through purchasing lunchboxes.
(Note: it seems I got incredibly lucky with my first set of boxes, Ive since opened about 40 more and got no dwellers. While high numbers of legendary boxes are possible, the consensus from comments seems to be around 1 dweller per 20 boxes)
Luckily boxes can also be earned through quests and objectives, so keep hammering at those and hope to get lucky!
As a side note; almost all legendary dwellers come with legendary outfits, weapons or both. The weapons and outfits they carry will add to your percentage for their respective achievements.
EDIT: Sasha has mentioned in the comments that there are at least a few quests where legendary dwellers can join your vault upon completion. With this being the case and the fact you can earn lunchboxes for quests, it would seem if youre willling to spend money on the game then buying nuka cola quantum (for instant travel time) would be more beneficial than buying boxes!
As with many of the other achievements, all 20 dwellers must be in a single vault.
08 Feb 2017 13:33
The amount of dwellers you have supposedly affects which legendaries you can get, but that shouldnt matter because Ive definitely had a percentage increase from duplicates. You dont need 20 unique legendaries.
If you go offline (on PC), you can open packs. If you don't get anything, uninstall/reinstall the game. You have to be online to play, but your packs will be back in your inventory after the cloud sync.
However, I've opened 17 lunchboxes 6 times in a row with no legendaries. I had just opened Star Paladin Cross before I did this.
In addition, I've seen many of the same cards. I'm not sure if it's even random.
Let me test it some more.
I can unfortunately confirm that this achievement (and seemingly nearly all others) is only tracked on progress in one single vault. You need 20 in the same vault.

Well out of the 40 lunch boxes I got 1 legendary dweller... Never again!
I hate luck based achievements!
Completed all of the other achievements and i have 4 Legendary Dwellers... 20% and i unlocked 45-50 Vault-TEC lunch boxes..

Anyway. I have 9 legendary dweller now and I can confirm, this achievement is suuuuuuuck! I done almost all of the quests, open countles boxes, and I have only 9 of them. It seems I have to spend a smale fortune in real money is I want this achievement done. Or I could play this game in the rest of my life, hoping, that I will find the other 11 legendery dwellers in boxes, waht I can find in quest...
You can only jump ahead one day at a time no matter how you mod the date.
So this achievement really needs updating with the shopping basket flag. It;s a whopping big basket too. I estimate it would be at least £150 spending on lunchboxes to complete the set after tasks.
Random luck cheevos can gtfo
This sucks.
I've yet to see hard info about other sources for legendary dwellers that can be considered up to date; everything I can find is old forum posts regarding the mobile versions. I would love to see some official word about how to get these that pertains to the X1/W10 version.
It took 572 lunchboxes for the 20 (3 duplicates counted). That's around 1 dweller out of every 30 boxes for a round figure.
To legitimately unlock, assuming you get 2 from Quests would require circa 540 boxes. You can decide for yourself if that's achievable without spending £230

I think this is the worst designed achievement...
This isn't true. Since there's only 4-5 legendaries available through quests you'll still have to get a lot of lunchboxes before reaching the 20th legendary

Enter in to your vault in the International date line time zone (UTC-12). While in the vault change to Kiritimati Island time zone (UTC+14) Wait about a minute for the game to register the time difference. It will count and give you an extra day toward your weekly progression. Return the main menu and switch back to International date line before entering the vault again. Rinse and repeat. It takes about 5 min per date register but it definitely beats buying these stupid lunchboxes.

I got two legendary dwellers early on and I have been leveling my dwellers stats at 49 dwellers and haven't received any in a long time.
Edit: finally got it after 601 lunchboxes opened. Gametime counter says it's been 3h 57mins and that's just for this one achievement...

I think last Christmas, they did something ridiculous like 80% off lunchboxes
Shame buying boxes is the way to (hopefully) shorten this instead of grinding boxes otherwise.
273 lunchboxes and I got the 20 dwellers.
The thing is. I probably got 12-15 of them in the past 3 months or so from roughly 150 boxes as I started picking this game back up again.
Either way. Still a pain. Good luck. God speed. Time to move on for myself.
This places the rate at 1 dweller per 30 lunchboxes for me.
If I bought them all, this would have cost £200ish.
My advice: don't give them a penny, and don't even bother trying to do this legit. Lunchboxes are too few and far between to be able to do this in any reasonable time frame.

so i guess this will speed up the process
EDIT: I just passed 20 legendary dwellers. But no achievement.
Legendary babies dont count :(

On my iPhone I have 75 freemium-earned boxes and at least 4 Legendary dwellers.. too bad I can't sync that up to Xbox somehow.

Today it's 4,800 points for $5 card (not on sale). And in Fallout Shelter it's $13 or 40 lunchboxes (it's on sale).
Bottom line, don't expect lunchboxes to get anyone to 20.
I just remembered a lunchbox exploit that worked on mobile but Im unsure if it still works. The idea is as follows:
- Start a new vault
- Play normally until you get the challenges "equip an outfit on a dweller" and "sell an outfit"
On mobile the game would then get stuck in an infite cycle of giving you the same 3 very easy challenges in the final spare objective slot, all of which can be completed very fast and one of which awards a lunchbox, effectively allowing you to farm them forever. If someone could test whether this still works on the xbox one version Id be very grateful.
I'm averaging 10:1 lunchboxes/legendaries. I'm embarrassed to say how much I've spent.
I've got 6 radio stations each with 6 characters with full stats. Drawing in dwellers, but not legendaries. My vault has 180+ people, because there's a theory that more legendaries only show up with more dwellers.
I have 15 so far, including the 2 from missions. I think that the only way is lunchboxes. Ridiculous.
As far as getting the legendary dwellers, it is entirely possible to have them show up at your vault door. The chances are incredibly slim, and hard numbers on chance are difficult to come by, but 3 merged radio rooms fully upgraded and staffed with high charisma dwellers will increase the odds.
Legendaries are Lunchbox only, rare dwellers will come at your vault every once in a while. I've got an Android vault which is running neatly (a 100 person optimal vault, used for optimized questing and scavenging the wasteland), and equipped with 4 single and 4 double room radioshacks, never had a single legendary.
Piper - can't recall how but got her really early
Sarah Lyons - found her in one of the shacks you randomly get to enter while a dweller is out exploring. Instead of bad guys there she was and after a short conversation joined me
Harkness - this guy was in a lunchbox

Anyway (constructive) you should strikethrough the part about lunchboxes being the only method even though you edited later on saying that quests can give Legendary chars. Sarah Lyons is one that you may get through a quest.
The first quest (for Preston) in the "A Settler Needs Your Help" quest line is called "Following His First Steps"
EDIT: I've just completed the quest "Run, Three Dog, Run!" which is quest 3/6 of "Horseman of the Post-Apocalypse Part 3". I already had Three Dog from a lunch box. When he returned to the vault my progress went up by one.
EDIT: Just received Amata in a weekly lunchbox on a second vault and my progress in the Xbox app has not increased. She arrived in a vault suit with a Lone Wanderer pistol.
EDIT: Just received another Amata in a weekly lunchbox, this time on my main vault and the progress has increased in the Xbox app this time.
EDIT: Completed the Sarah Lyons quest on second vault and no progress in achievement tracker.
I got Sarah Lyons and Preston Garvey and Three Dog in quests, I got Elder Lyons in the Starter Set, and the rest were in lunchboxes I earned on Quests/Objectives or paid money during a sale (Eulogy Jones, Piper, Old Longfellow, Star Paladin Cross, Jericho, Abraham Washington, Lucas Simms, Doctor Li, Colonel Autumn, Harkness, two of Scribe Rothchild, and two more of Sarah Lyons and Preston Garvey each). That's my 20...
Really, REALLY hate this achievement!
Legendries can be duplicated.I have 5 Piper's lol
The legendary rate is higher than last time I played. Just keep at it. Will take awhile. Got one to two legendary(s) from 10 - 20 - 40 box ratio.
Most of the time it was one every 20 boxes. I think you get around 20-40 boxes every hour. Time spent watching movies and going on youtube to keep you from boredom while going for this. Don't focus on vault just keep doing the dates. But if you are like me and want a perfect vault than try both but will take way too long to do.
Total Opened: 555
Quantum Drops: 291
Legendary Crafting Items Dropped: 227
Legendary Outfits Dropped: 67
Legendary Weapons Dropped: 46
Legendary Characters Dropped: 20
After doing the math it seems that I was getting roughly a 4% drop rate for legendary characters, although at the beginning it was more like 3% (So 3 per ONE-HUNDRED boxes). Definitely the worst achievement in the Fallout series

1) from the main menu select settings then system from the left hand side then time. Click on time zone and place it on (UTC - 12:00) International Date Line West
2) Load your game and when your vault appears press your home button
3) go back into the time zone (see above) and scroll down to UTC +14:00)Kiritimati Island your screen will go black in a minute or two and this will advance your game 24 hours or so. This is useful to get dwellers to their location(s), speed up training and just advance days towards the 7 day streak lunchbox.
*Note after I do this exploit I just quit out of my game and change the time back to the first one and rinse and repeat *

17 Aug 2017 08:47
I sincerely recommend reading through the 'common questions/answers' section pronto!
This guide will be in two sections:
1) How to obtain Legendary Dwellers
- 1.1 The 'Freebie' Dweller
- 1.2 Quests: Which?
- 1.3 Lunchbox Method (Credit to British Legends)
- Update: Picture of all Legendary Dwellers + Names -
2) Common Questions/Answers
- 2.1 Do duplicates count?
- 2.2 My Lunchbox Method isn't working?
- 2.3 Have I glitched my achievement?
- 2.4 Can you get Legendary Dwellers from the Radio Station?
- 2.5 What about the Piper-Quest?
1) How to get Legendary Dwellers
1.1 - The Freebie Dweller
To begin with - http://imgur.com/a/daeix - , when you begin you may buy a 'starter pack'. It does cost real money but does include a legendary dweller for a relatively low price. It's not required, I didn't, you don't have to, but this is your time/money graph not mine.
1.2 - Quests
There are three legendary dwellers to be gotten from quests:
1) Three Dog - Horseman of the Post-Apocalypse Part 3 - Quest 3/6
Has been reported that some people have had the opportunity a bit later in the
quest-line than this, but he *will* be in this quest-line unless you turn him down.
2) Preston Garvey - A Settler Needs your Help! - Quest 5/5
Just remember to *accept* him into the vault at the end.
3) Sarah Lyons - Climbing the Ranks - Quest 4/4
Same as above.
1.3 - The Lunchbox Method (Windows 10 only)
This method is the method of the previous guide from 'British Legends', I give him full credit and recommend you read his guide for this part, but if not here's a brief summary.
Firstly, if you weren't aware you get a free Lunchbox once a week from your objectives interface (the thing that pops up when you enter the game each day).
While you're in-game: go into your time & language settings (sub-part of your general computer settings), then date & time, then turn your 'set time automatically' setting off, change the date to 7 days ahead, collect lunchbox and open the lunchbox before you change the settings back. Then, turn on the auto-update feature, turn off again and repeat. Here's a picture! http://imgur.com/a/JX0Yw
It does take a while, yet this is by far the quickest method.
It took me 492 Lunchboxes after getting the 3-quest dwellers: http://imgur.com/a/VAMbQ
Update: Here's a pic of all the Legendary Dwellers:
And their names, in alphabetical order:
Abraham Washington, Allistair Tenpenny, Amata, Bittercup, Butch, Colonel Autumn, Confessor Cromwell, Dr. Li, Elder Lyons, Eulogy Jones, Harkness, James, Jericho, Lucas Simms, Moira Brown, Mr. Burke, Preston Garvey, Sarah Lyons, Scribe Rothchild, Star-Paladin Cross & Three-Dog.
2) Common Questions/Answers
2.1 - Do Duplicate Dwellers count?
Yes. Here's a screenshot of my duplicates after getting my achievement:
Moira is highlighted to prove it's her as she got pregnant before I snapped the pic'.
2.2 - My Lunchbox method isn't working... why?
The most common problem is that you are part of the way into your week and have set it 7 days in the future, which does not equal a lunchbox.
Turn your auto-set time back on to the correct time, then go into your objectives and check your current progress into the week; then set the time ahead however many days you need to get to the lunchbox.
THEN after that FIRST 'fix', set it 7 days ahead until your done your lunchbox boosting.
2.3 - Is my achievement glitched?
If you've been opening lunchboxes on a different day than you acquired them, possibly yes.
By this I mean, opening doing the time/date trick, obtaining the lunchbox but then switching back to the correct time before you open it.
This doesn't glitch it for certain, but it has been reported to.
2.4 - Can I get Legendary Dwellers from my Radio Station?
No. This has been confirmed by developers, it was possible for a short time but not now.
2.5 - I heard about a Legendary-Quest for Piper?
Yes, you did. However, this is an exclusive for the Apple version.
I know, upsetting. But we have the time/date method and they don't.
I hope this guide has been helpful! If you have any negative critique or ways I can update this to be more helpful, feel free to inbox me!
17 Aug 2017 08:47
Please include their names and gear as well in your solution. Good job!
The original guide for this says:
"Edit: One final precaution, only open the lunchboxes when you have the present time set. Do not open them in the past or future. I found when I did this my achievement progress would stop updating. May be a coincidence, but I wouldn't risk it."
So, which one is it? I know there's been issues with the tracker not updating so I just wanted to clarify. Thanks!

Just an update comment to let you all know that I still regularly check this guide and if there are any questions or suggestions for improvement; please feel free to message me!
Good luck on those lunchboxes

Is only missing 2 last achievements, after getting the other I will use the " Lunchbox Method from British Legends"
I sympathise, I watched 5-6 movies whilst doing this. Sadly, it is the fastest method by far.
Good luck! Let me know if you have any confusion.
I currently have 21 Legendary dwellers obtained this way
- 1 from the welcome vault tec box
- 1 gained through quest (Sarah Lyons - Quest: Climbing ranks)
- 19 gained through lunchboxes (here i show you which "numbers" of lunchbox gifted me a legendary dweller... i think it is important because it let everyone understand how often you can get one!)
Lunchboxes: 302-325-352-382-406-407-413 (These were my last 7 boxes that gifted me a legendary dwellers, i haven't kept track of the previous ones...)
Moreover another important point is that if you want Preston Garvey's quest to unlock you must first complete the "Vaultopolis" quest and "A Wasteland tail" quest (the Bigsby dog quest just to be clear, i say this because it has a very different translation in my language)
Normally I wouldn't complain about grinding, but I've done some of the daily tasks and it didn't track them: Daily Poll, Browser Bonus Quiz, Microsoft Quiz, Rewards Challenge. Also it didn't track Add Bing as mobile search engine, or add Browser extension either.
I earned 720 points today but only got 90. Cummon Microsoft! I tried each broken one a few times, it still won't work.
EDIT: Figured it out at about 1am. You need to sign in to

Thank you, feel free to PM me any questions!
The original guide for this says:
"Edit: One final precaution, only open the lunchboxes when you have the present time set. Do not open them in the past or future. I found when I did this my achievement progress would stop updating. May be a coincidence, but I wouldn't risk it."
So, which one is it? I know there's been issues with the tracker not updating so I just wanted to clarify. Thanks!
I’d like to know the same thing. Can the solution poster please respond to this question. Many thanks
EDIT: the op responded to me via pm, and what he has said is to open them when you receive them, before you reset the date to automatic
There is a myriad of glitches that are frequently reported about this game, the odds of this being glitched for you for any of a hundred potential things you may have done are high.
However, I will tell you what I can about human error. If you have mistimed some of your box openings as described in the guide when performing the lunchbox method it is highly probable that some of your dwellers haven't 'counted'. If this is the case, there are a few possible outcomes.
1) Fully restarting the game may cause your game to acknowledge your achievement completion at your game's next weekly reset.
2) Unlocking another legendary character (either legitimately or the lunchbox method) may force a character recount.
3) The game is honestly just awful at unlocking achievements, it is possible that this issue will rectify itself with time; many of my achievements (that were even unlocked pre-lunchbox method) took anywhere from a few hours to several days to pop).
4) It is sadly possible your game is in a permanently broken state regarding this achievement, it has happened and that will be up to you to determine when you begin to consider this possibility as the most likely one and will likely have to start a new game.
Again, this game has far, far to many glitches and it is highly probable you have encountered one. If I can help in any other way, please let me know.

07 Mar 2018 19:36