Fallout Shelter

Fallout Shelter

35 Achievements



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More Than Handy

More Than Handy

Crafted an Outfit, a Weapon and a Theme



How to unlock the More Than Handy achievement in Fallout Shelter - Definitive Guide

This achievement requires three buildings:
    - Weapon Workshop (unlocks at 22 dwellers)
    - Outfit Workshop (unlocks at 32 dwellers)
    - Theme Workshop (unlocks at 42 dwellers)

    Building a weapon and an outfit happens soon enough. Simply select a cheap weapon (one that requires a single piece of junk ideally) from the lists of default crafting recipes, and let your worker build them for you.

    The theme requires a little more time and effort. To craft a theme, you need to assemble its nine fragments. Such fragments can be found during quest or exploration in the wasteland. They are similar to crafting recipes (blueprints), but they glow briefly once they are acquired. It has been said that theme fragments can be found even before the theme workshop has been built, so there is no need to build the workshop early. There are 8 themes in all, so finding all pieces of a single theme takes a while.

    By the time you build your first theme, you will have unlocked the following achievement:

    Fallout ShelterPaint 'n Elbow GreaseThe Paint 'n Elbow Grease achievement in Fallout Shelter worth 44 pointsCollect all Fragments of a Theme Recipe

    You'll also have made a little progress towards these other achievements:

    Fallout ShelterWeaponsmithThe Weaponsmith achievement in Fallout Shelter worth 19 pointsCraft 10 Weapons

    Fallout ShelterFashionistaThe Fashionista achievement in Fallout Shelter worth 22 pointsCraft 10 Outfits

    Fallout ShelterDecoratorThe Decorator achievement in Fallout Shelter worth 62 pointsCollect all Fragments of 4 Theme Recipes

    Fallout ShelterInterior DesignerThe Interior Designer achievement in Fallout Shelter worth 77 pointsCraft every Theme

    09 Mar 2017 14:53

    Currently this cheevo is Locked at 1000% for me.. -_-
    By Spec K89 on 10 Apr 2017 13:35
    I've been lucky with this game personally, but I feel your pain. :|
    By Christian Doe on 10 Apr 2017 13:38
    I've never seen 1000% and still locked. It's a bold move cotton let's see if it pays off. Nice quick and easy guide, well done!
    By Spec K89 on 10 Apr 2017 18:23
    You might want to add that if you are one of those more impatient people that you can use Nuka Cola Quantum to unlock missing pieces via the theme shop. Personally I think it is a waste of a Quantum, but some people waste their real money on this game and have Quantum to burn.

    P.S. Don't copy and paste my suggestion if you use it. I can come across harsh. Edit it to your writing style.
    By The Dawn of Don on 28 Apr 2017 15:12
    Great solution. Sadly, I've crafted all three and the achievement hasn't popped. cry

    I read online that you might need to craft them all in one session to get it to work. Some people have said that crafting all the themes before getting this achievement will also mess up the game. If anyone can confirm it, that would be great.
    By NicoleRenee00 on 20 Jan 2019 17:47
    It's been nearly two years, but I'm fairly sure I crafted my first theme quite some time after I got my weapon and outfit. But I'm sure the game has been updated several times since. But that's certainly something that would be worth adding to the solution if other people are having the same issues. Please keep me posted.
    And thanks for that +1.
    By Christian Doe on 22 Jan 2019 00:23
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    This is a little misleading as I found you have to have a weapon, theme and outfit collected all in the same gaming session and not individually so timing is key to get all finished at about the same time or before your next game session. THIS TROPHY IS TECHNICALLY MISSABLE as you can only craft each theme once and cannot do it again so if you have crafted all of the themes already you will have to start another game.

    09 Aug 2018 13:13

    Yeah that is totally misleading. I've crafted lots of weapons and outfits so, according to the description, I should have gotten this trophy when I just now crafted my first theme. That's pretty messed up. Thanks for posting this. I would have been left to wonder whether this trophy was just completely broken.
    By Hi-Ed on 01 Sep 2018 17:42
    Finally a valid use for the quantums I've stocked up ;D
    By djsmiley2k on 09 Sep 2018 19:45

    To obtain this achievement you will first need to build an Outfit Workshop, Weapon Workshop, and Theme Workshop. Then, you will need to build a weapon, craft an outfit and make a theme in each workshop. The outfit and weapons are easy, just put a dweller in there, select a recipe and craft it. The theme is a bit more complicated as you will have to collect all 9 pieces of that theme before you can craft it. Theme fragments are obtained from quests so this portion of the achievement will take the longest. Once you have crafted at least one of each, this achievement will unlock.



    Either the description of the trophy is misleading or the trophy is glitched, because you need to craft an outfit, a weapon and a theme and collect them in the same session without leaving the game.

    If you craft and collect an outfit and a weapon then leave the game and craft a theme in a new session, you won't unlock the trophy. This is why it can be missed, as once you've crafted all 8 themes, you cannot craft them anymore. Even destroying and rebuilding the Theme Workshop won't let you craft new themes. Make sure to get this trophy as soon as you craft your first theme, craft a cheap weapon and a cheap outfit and collect them all at the same time.

    Not that you can still use the time skip exploit, providing you don't close the application.

    I'll add to the previous tip:
    1. You can get it until you have collected all the topics
    2. Then they should hang ready in one day/moment - costume, weapon and theme
    3. You need to collect in this order - costume, weapon and theme

    16 Jun 2018 20:20

    Daverc is wrong, I checked. I did not receive the trophy when lifting objects at different times. The second time I did exactly as described in the hint (I kept the same order just in case, although I’m not sure that this particular condition is relevant) - I got it.
    By Del-Vey on 02 Jul 2018 00:35
    I found out what the problem was because the robot assistant was turned on. When he launched the shelter, he collected resources and thus the game did not count the collection in a row! It's better to turn them off
    By filosov_men on 03 Mar 2021 13:28
    I received a similar trophy in X1. All topics really shouldn't be open. As for consistency and simultaneous discovery - nothing like that, there is no need to complicate anything and mislead people.
    By Daverc on 20 Jun 2018 11:34
    The trophy is buggy, I tried different combinations and didn’t get it
    By filosov_men on 15 May 2019 11:08
    I’ll give a little clarification to the main hint so that you don’t get confused:

    1. If you have created a topic, it will no longer be possible to create it again . Since there are 8 themes, you have 8 attempts to get the trophy.
    2. This is the longest time to create themes, put any weapon, any clothes and theme into production on one day, and rewind the time exactly to the period when the production of the longest one ends, so that all three items are ready to hang at once .
    3. The order in which you need to collect items is complete nonsense , the main thing is that they are collected in one day. Personally, I collected the theme first, then the costume and only then the weapon, since they went in order from top to bottom and the trophy calmly fell out.
    The only thing that can be recommended here is to collect them one after another, so that when collecting a suit and weapons between them you do not collect energy or water, for example.
    By UniqueAmar on 12 Aug 2018 12:28
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    You can skip it if you have done all the topics.

    We need to raise weapons, armor and the topic at the same time.

    15 Jun 2018 22:53