Fantastic Pets

Fantastic Pets

51 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Epic fail

Epic fail

You didn’t win any medals in an entire Talent Show.


How to unlock the Epic fail achievement in Fantastic Pets - Definitive Guide

Select the "Talent Show" from you cellphone. At the start of every round you'll see a big counter on your screen. Then stand in the "pause" position (raise your hand at 45 degrees) and select SKIP from the pause menu.

You will finish a round with 0 points and will not get any medal. Repeat on the beginning of every round.

Please note that below achievement will not pop in the same time:
Fantastic PetsFailThe Fail achievement in Fantastic Pets worth 8 pointsScore no points in any event during a Talent Show.

02 Dec 2011 13:00

Start a talent show and purposely fail every event. You need to score low enough to not get any medals. Manage to do this while not getting any points on a single event to also unlock "Fail" at the same time. You will probably have to actually TRY to get a low enough score. The events are randomly selected so you may have to keep trying until you get a good batch.

Here are some basic tips:

  • If the event has a timer, just stand there and let the time run out.
  • If the event has a way of penalizing you, be sure to get the penalty as often as possible.
  • On the 2 running events, just run off the mat at the end all 3 times.
  • On the ball throwing events, try your best to drop the ball as close as possible. These are the worst events to score low in.
  • And finally, avoid the “Strike a Pose” bonus events while going for this achievement. Just stand to the side out of the silhouette to avoid getting any bonus points.

You may want to combine this achievement with “Poor coordination”.

olcsi2 has an alternate and quicker method (assuming you are not combining this with "Poor coordination"): At the start of the first minigame, assume the Kinect pause / cancel position (hold your left arm out at 45 degrees) and then from the menu that pops up, select "skip" and you will get 0 points and no medal for the event. Do it 4 more times and achievement unlocked!