Fantastic Pets

Fantastic Pets

51 Achievements



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One of everything!

One of everything!

You won all of the Trainers Headquarters awards at bronze or above.


How to unlock the One of everything! achievement in Fantastic Pets - Definitive Guide

After struggling to get this myself, or rather figuring out the 'quicker' route to success I've found the issue.

Although it is mentioned briefly in the comments for another solution here, (but then partially debunked in a reply), I can state that your MUST have unlocked ALL locations on the atlas first, and sent Dr. Menagerie to explore ALL locations first.

Once you have done this then you can simply buy each award that you are missing for 1000 gems each via the Trophy Cabinet and the new option that appears when you select a trophy to view.

Aside from that, you'll need to rinse every game of it's gems. The best approach is as follows:

- At the start of a new days play. Head to the mini games selection.

- Each mini game yields a 'maximum' of 150 gems before dropping +1 gem pay outs.

- Play Sit making sure to hit maximum running speed. You will get 50 gems at the first three checkpoints. Finish the next two runs and quit out.

- Play Power Pounce and again hit the max speed. Payout is slower (in tens this time), but you should earn 150 over the course of your three runs.

- Play Brush Time and keep the bar in the middle green for another 150 gems.

- Next Wash Your Pet and complete each section as quickly as possible for 50 gem bonuses.

- Finally play Fetch, Target Throw and Pet Rampage. Here you'll need to aim your throws to collect the 50 gems (diamonds) and 10 gems (orange) before your round ends. Maximum number varies greatly here.

- Finally play that days talent show aiming to perform as well as possible each time. You'll get a decent number of gems plus a bonus at the end.

- Quit to your Xbox Dashboard (make sure you're offline if you're not already) and advance your system clock by one day (to unlock the talent show again). Rinse and repeat as needed to earn the 1000 gems needed a piece to complete your trophy case.

You should be able to earn close to 1000 gems a day using this approach and it may help speed things along.

04 Jul 2011 14:16

I found that the game "forgets" that you played the mini-games after you have played the Talent show and you can get 150+ from each game again.

So, play the games then the Talent show, then play the games again.
By Komentr on 01 Jan 2012 23:48
Going offline does not work if you started playing the game online...when cutting of internet the game tells you to go online before it will proceed. Clearing your cache will not work as well...only starting a game offline seems to work :(
By Weerwolff on 24 Feb 2012 14:03
Having deleted my game save from my hard drive to do everything offline, I looked at the awards case and I have almost half of the awards already, I have the rank awards up to rank 8, even though it is a new game, I also have the secret ones and other ones from the bottom half of the shelf which I unlocked in my previous online (now deleted from HDD) save, but the ones from the top half (free play, talent show awards etc) are unlocking normally, and the stat tracker says I have unlocked 15 even though I have the 50% awards unlocked award. Will I have to buy these unlocked ones, or start another new game after clearing my cache?
By anomalystic777 on 10 May 2012 16:11
Thanks Komentr! I'd prefer to get this and all the other achievements in this game legit, so rinsing the mini games, doing the talent show and then rinsing the mini games again is the way to go. Can get over 3000 gems every day like this.
By Sparkz1977 on 22 Nov 2015 13:51
I also found that if you have the Flight Pack DLC, you can play a full game of Take Off! to reset the mini games.
By Sparkz1977 on 22 Nov 2015 17:11
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For all the awards that you do not want to go for all you have to do is save up some gems (1000 per award) go to your cabnet select the award you want and you can pay and it will give you the award

p.s. if you have any questions feel free to ask

22 Apr 2011 22:54

who ever gave me a negative vote is a punk
By Knuck13z1 on 25 Apr 2011 10:31
wow, I did not realize that. Awesome! Thanks for posting this.
By knight0fkh0nshu on 28 Apr 2011 22:58
no problem ill help if i can!
By Knuck13z1 on 28 Apr 2011 23:49
do you have to unlock everyhting in the atlas first i went to the cabinet
and i coundlt buy the awards yet or do you have to do something else
big thnaks :)
keep up the great work
By RTHLPegasus on 06 May 2011 00:13
ya you have to do the atlas but i dont think you have to do it first
By Knuck13z1 on 06 May 2011 02:36
thank you :)
for your quick reply
By RTHLPegasus on 06 May 2011 03:35
I can`t buy anything from the awards but i have bought anything from the atlas. Did i overlooked anything?
By Hunter#8335 on 18 May 2011 10:28
Forget it now i can buy the awards. I did not had 1000 Gems so i couldnt see the option. xD
By Hunter#8335 on 18 May 2011 10:46
So do you have any suggestions for getting GEM's quickly? Certain mini-games and whatnot?
By knight0fkh0nshu on 20 May 2011 22:49
i didnt do any certin one at the end i only needed to buy 2 awards but i think the ball toss or the rampage might give you the most gems
By Knuck13z1 on 21 May 2011 01:29
For getting gems quicker, I've noticed that the first time you play a game each day in free play you get more gems than ever time you play it after that.
By JGravert on 23 Jun 2011 02:10
HOW do you buy rewards? Is it via the smartphone, then trophy case? I had 3k gems saved and can't buy anything!
By BrassBrum on 26 Jun 2011 22:06
go in to the area where the trophys are located select the ones you do not have and it should give you the option to buy it
By Knuck13z1 on 27 Jun 2011 06:46
Unfortunately, that's exactly what I'm doing. Are there certain awards/trophies that can't be bought directly via the cabinet drawers?

It's looking like it's glitched to me. Where *should* the option to purchase appear? I access a drawer in the cabinet and find an award I haven't won (i.e.: is blacked out on screen). Hovering over the blackened area doesn't do anything, and selecting the award I'd like to buy from the bottom menu simply opens a window showing the award (again blacked out) with a description of how to earn it. Beyond that there's just a single OK button.
By BrassBrum on 27 Jun 2011 07:45
dang that sucks big time if i find away around it ill let you know
By Knuck13z1 on 27 Jun 2011 09:17
Cheers mate. In the meantime, I'm going to try going offline, clearing my cache of an update and seeing if that re-enables the achievement. I feel an easyish 1000G slipping through my fingers here.

If I sort it, I'll report back should anyone else come across this issue. Wish me luck!
By BrassBrum on 27 Jun 2011 13:00
when did the 100% trophy unlock for people, i have 61 of 62 trophys and the only one unlocked is the 100% and it has stayed black. Any ideas?
By Steviefull on 05 May 2012 20:22
look at the date stamps mine was posted first but you are entitled to your opinion
By Knuck13z1 on 11 Feb 2013 05:08
I know this is an old game, but I had the same problem as DavieMarshall and decided to help anyone else going through this.
So I had bought all locations at rank 9 and there was no option to buy a trophy. I thought maybe I needed to be at rank 10, but once I got it, still no buying option. So by now, I'm desperate thinking my game glitched and I must start a brand new save. So I tried doing what I could to unglitch my game and that's when I finally purchased the last activity and played it (I was saving those achivements for later). And finally the buying option shows up!
So definitely there are more requirements than just unlocking the entire Atlas and having over 1000 gems.
By princit on 24 Jul 2021 00:35
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To gain this achievement you must unlock 62 awards from your Trophy Cabinet. There are more than 62 awards in your Trophy Cabinet but you must unlock the following for the achievement;

Big Show Awards (12)

Saturday Winner
Win 2 Saturday Talent Shows in a Row

Main Event Award
Win the Main event in the Saturday Talent Show

Ball Fetch Play Saturday
Win a Ball Fetch event in the Saturday Talent Show

Pet Wash Saturday
Win a Pet Wash event in the Saturday Talent Show

Brush Time Saturday
Win a Brush Time event in the Saturday Talent Show

Power Pounce Saturday
Win a Power Pounce event in the Saturday Talent Show

Sit! Saturday
Win a Sit! event in the Saturday Talent Show

Take Aim Saturday
Win a Take Aim event in the Saturday Talent Show

Pet Rampage Saturday
Win a Pet Rampage event in the Saturday Talent Show

Bubble Dodge Saturday
Win a Bubble Dodge event in the Saturday Talent Show

Pinatas Saturday
Win a Pinatas event in the Saturday Talent Show

Strike A Pose Saturday
Win 3 Strike a Pose events in a Saturday Talent Show

Talent Show Awards (11)

Daily Winner
Win every local Talent Show for 1 week

Ball Fetch Local
Win a Ball Fetch event in a local Talent Show

Pet Wash Local
Win a Pet Wash event in a local Talent Show

Brush Time Local
Win a Brush Time event in a local Talent Show

Power Pounce Local
Win a Power Pounce event in a local Talent Show

Sit! Local
Win a Sit! event in a local Talent Show

Take Aim Local
Win a Take Aim event in a local Talent Show

Pet Rampage Local
Win a Pet Rampage event in a local Talent Show

Bubble Dodge Local
Win a Bubble Dodge event in a local Talent Show

Pinatas Local
Win a Pinatas event in a local Talent Show

Strike A Pose Local
Win 3 Strike a Pose events in a Local Talent Show

Free Play Awards (11)

Ball Fetch Free Play
Play 10 rounds of Ball Fetch with your pet in Free Play

Pet Wash Free Play
Play 10 rounds of Pet Wash with your pet in Free Play

Bubble Bubbler Free Play
Play 10 rounds of Bubble Bubbler with your pet in Free Play

Brush Time Free Play
Play 10 rounds of Brush Time with your pet in Free Play

Power Pounce Free Play
Play 10 rounds of Power Pounce with your pet in Free Play

Sit! Free Play
Play 10 rounds of Sit! with your pet in Free Play

Acrobatics Free Play
Play 10 rounds of Acrobatics with your pet in Free Play

Take Aim Free Play
Play 10 rounds of Take Aim with your pet in Free Play

Pet Rampage Free Play
Play 10 rounds of Pet Rampage with your pet in Free Play

Bubble Dodge Free Play
Play 10 rounds of Bubble Dodge with your pet in Free Play

Pinatas Free Play
Play 10 rounds of Pinatas with your pet in Free Play

Rank One Pet Trainer Awards (5)

Talent Show Show Off
Win every Talent Show for 5 days and succeed at Strike a Pose

Talent Turn Up
Attend a Talent Show every day for a week

Main Event Master
Win a total of 5 Main Events

Succeed in 30 Strike a Pose events

Bubble Dodge Perfect
Get a perfect score in a Bubble Dodge Event at a Talent Show

Rank Five Pet Trainer Awards (4)

Rank Up A Pose
Improve the medal you win from Silver to Gold by Striking a Pose

Multi Talented
Win Gold 3 times for every event type in Talent Shows

Exceptional Talent
Win every event at every Talent Show for 1 week (Rank 5 or above)

Advanced Bubble Dodge Perfect
Get a perfect score in a Bubble Dodge event at a Talent Show (Rank 5 or above)

Rank Ten Pet Trainer Awards (1)

Expert Bubble Dodge Perfect
Get a perfect score in a Bubble Dodge event at a Talent Show (Rank 10)

Pet Care Awards (4)

Keep It Clean
Wash your pet every day for a week

Keep It Fed
Feed your pet for 7 days in a row

Attentive Owner
Play with your pet every day for 2 weeks

Little Friends
You own 3 pets

Pet Trainer Awards (4)

Command your pet to sit 10 times in Free Play

Barrel Roll
Command your pet to do a barrel roll in Free Play

Chase Tail
Command your pet to chase its tail 10 times in Free Play

Chase Me!
Chase your pet for a total of 10 minutes

Olympian Petathalon Awards (10)

Incredible Throw
You hurled the ball 100 meters in one throw

Power Pouncer
You scored 100 points in one Power Pounce

Hurling Obsession
You threw the ball a total of 1000 meters

Spend a combined total of 10 minutes brushing your pet

Bubble Fanatic
Play with 1000 bubbles in total

Pro Pouncer
You scored 2500 points in a total Power Pounce

Lightning Reactions
You Scored 2500 points in total in Sit!

Precision Aim
You hit 5 balls in a row in Take Aim

Smash Hit!
Totally clear the field 10 times in Pet Rampage

Pinatas Veteran
You smashed a total of 100 Pinatas

You unlock the awards by completing the task assigned to it. Once Dr. Menagerie (your uncle) has visited every location on the atlas (including the two that are locked at the start) you gain an option to purchase any award for 1,000 GEMS each. To purchase an award simply view it from the Trophy Cabinet and you will notice an "UPGRADE" option. You must have 1,000 GEMS in your possession for this option to appear.

As far as earning GEMS quickly: another guide provides a list but I do not agree with most of it. Once you have finished all the Free Play awards play the game "Sit!" every day before and after the Talent Show. You will earn 150 GEMS in about thirty seconds each time. Once you have the 150 GEMS (three 50 GEMS), quit the game. You will keep the GEMS you have earned and there is no need to finish the game if you already have the awards associated with it.

Aside from the "Sit!" game the fastest way to earn GEMS is to "Chase Your Pet". Just walk (or run if so inclined) around your play space on the main screen, where you can see yourself and your surroundings. You will hear the game tell you to "Chase Your Pet" as well as see it in the upper left hand corner of the screen. For every 33-36 seconds you do this, you will earn 60 GEMS (one 10 and one 50). When the music changes and "Chase Your Pet" ends it will start right back up again as long as you don't stop moving. There does not appear to be any limit on the amount of GEMS you can get from doing this. You can get well over 1,000 GEMS in under 15 minutes.

Hope this helps you out, I know there are other guides but I didn't feel like they covered everything regarding this achievement. If you're going to vote negatively, please let me know how I can make this guide better for you.

28 Feb 2013 09:54

There are 62 awards total and a complete list can be found HERE. This list can also be found in the game by selecting “Trophy Cabinet” from your Smart phone menu found at the upper left corner of the screen. You will unlock achievements for completing the specified percentages of the awards and they are at 25, 50, 75 and finally 100 percent. The description under each award tells you what you need to do in order to unlock that award.

It is important to note that ANY award you cannot earn, you can buy for 1000 gems. This includes the horrific Perfect Bubble Dodge awards. Just buy all the objects from the Atlas and then go into your Trophy Cabinet. Select the award you are missing, and on the description screen for that specific award it will now show an "Upgrade" option next to "OK". I just bought the last eight awards I was missing to get this achievement.

Important Note: If you buy an award it will not count toward your total immediately. You need to return back to the smart phone menu by pressing the large "X" on the top right hand corner. From there, select "Back" which is also in top right corner and this will take you back to the main gameplay screen and the achievement should unlock. If it doesn't, play a quick mini-game and it should unlock once the game saves.

I'd like to give a special thanks to ZknucklebabiesZ for letting me know about the ability to buy the awards. I can't believe I didn't see it myself.