Fantastic Pets

Fantastic Pets

51 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Victory is mine!

Victory is mine!

You won the Main Event two weeks in a row.


How to unlock the Victory is mine! achievement in Fantastic Pets - Definitive Guide

The Main Event occurs on Talent Shows each Saturday.

To win the Main Event, you need to average a gold score over the entire show. The Main Event is a little harder than most Talent Show games, but not by much.

In order to unlock this achievement, just sign in to the game two Saturdays in a row and win the Talent Show. You are not required to play any talent shows in between, but you can if you need to.

You can either do this in real time, or, you can use the offline system clock settings to change the dates on your xbox. To do this, unhook your internet connection, go to System Settings, Console Settings, and then Date and TIme. Change the date to a saturday. From here, you win the Talent Show and repeat the process, choosing the very next Saturday.

Also note that Main Event shows give you about twice as many Trainer points for winning, so it will help you level up a little faster as well.

11 Aug 2011 15:06

Changing date doesn’t work once the gamesafe was done will keep on asking to go online (also after clearing cache)...
By Weerwolff on 24 Feb 2012 12:47
Try using a date in the future, not in the past. Also, once you start changing dates to earn achievements, you should finish the achievement you are working on before connecting to Live, or you will experience an issue.
By Johnny Sinister on 25 Feb 2012 05:16
Is this achievememt at all glitchy? I played the main event for my first time last week and got second. I loaded the game up today and the achievement popped at the menu. I didnt do any offline date switching either. Has this happened to anyone else?
By Bongo on 14 Oct 2012 03:36
Haven't heard of this issue before. But at least it glitched in you favor, my luck usually puts me on the other end.
By Johnny Sinister on 14 Oct 2012 06:16
haha I'm usually on the other end as well. I finally caught a break. I guess it is what it is. Thanks for the response.
By Bongo on 14 Oct 2012 13:35
Bongo, this just happened to me too
By Mrsod on 29 Apr 2013 20:49
The requirements are to just beat the 5th event in the Saturday show two weeks in a row. Not necessarily the whole event. I got second, and it unlocked.
By SincereSeeker6 on 28 Feb 2021 04:53
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Every Saturday you will be able to participate in a Big Show. The last event of the big shown is the Main Event. Win this event back to back and the achievement is yours. This can be done by playing offline and manipulating the Xbox clock to immediately jump to the next Saturday.