Feeding Frenzy

Feeding Frenzy

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Shark Eater

Shark Eater

Awarded for eating 1000 sharks.


How to unlock the Shark Eater achievement in Feeding Frenzy - Definitive Guide

You must do this by playing through the Orville levels. The Shark King DOES NOT count toward this goal.

Easiest way to do it is get play a level that has mines in it. Grow to the biggest you can and then just eat sharks. When you are about to pass the level kill yourself. Again try to just eat sharks until you are about to finish it and kill yourself again. Just repeat this pattern. You can have a game over and use your continues just make sure you finish the level before the last life of your last continue. I got up to 100 sharks once using this strategy

17 Sep 2008 07:38

The best level to get this achievement on is 37. Get one shark away from passing the level and die. Rinse and repeat through all of your continues. You can get close to 70 sharks per game.
By Sparky6565 on 15 Mar 2009 04:30
I have a ? ive played this game and done basicly the same as which you say, my ? is do you have to keep this pattern going or can u pick up on a different day?
By Reapers Lil Sis on 24 May 2009 18:31
It's good to know that the shark king doesnt count as I had been doing level 40 over and over. The achievement would be alot easier! At least I didnt waste too much time.
By HemogoblinSS on 24 Jun 2009 03:20
Yeah thanks for letting us know that level 40 doesnt count, i was ready to put some hard time into that, but after a lot of time grinding on Lv 37 ive finally just got it... and came on here to say thanks!
By Dat Boi Treezy on 24 Nov 2009 03:52
AAArrrrrgh. Just hit 1016 sharks (that I counted, probably 100 more or so) and it didn't unlock so immediately thought "oh no, what if..." Ah well, off to regrind an earlier level. Should have checked here first :/
By talkstogod on 27 Jan 2010 07:13
This is one bs ach....who the hell really wants to play this game for 10hrs eating 1000 sharks????!!!! I guess I do...because Im going to do it....still weak...but thanks for the advice.
By D1v1dedL1nes on 21 Apr 2011 20:46
10 hours is the least of your worrys, its the time attack, and shark eater thats really gonna get yeah.
By zX KiNGxKoNG Xz on 21 Apr 2011 22:31
To answer the 2-year old question, no, this does not have to be completed in one gaming session. It is cumulative.
By Mental Knight 5 on 05 Jun 2011 03:43
i never ate 100 but the solution is good ; o always ~70 sarks per gam. Just write down on a piece of paper how many u already ate ; D
By Szakal oO on 12 Sep 2011 21:14
For those who don't have the Food Bank achievement, Love Canal is a great level to boost for both achievements as the smaller fish will count towards your food bank (they don't count in Midway Madness).
By MasteroftheVG on 12 Sep 2011 21:39
Question to an old comment, but why do small fish on Midway Madness not count...?
By EMOesque on 21 Jan 2012 14:22
Thanks for the solution, I found Midway Crossing to be the best way to grind the 1000 I was making 50 sharks a go and got it in no time
By Deranged Asylum on 09 Jul 2012 22:24
Just a heads up for people trying this, on the Continue screen where it says "Continues Left: 1" I assumed it meant I had one more after that one...but that was it. You only get 2 continues, not 3 like I originally thought, so don't waste sharks by going for extras!
By EMOesque on 16 Dec 2012 02:45
Just want to say that you can eat up to 9 sharks and then the 10 shark will finish the level. So go up to 9 sharks then kill yourself.
By jordaOwO on 10 Aug 2013 19:31
This achievement is straight b/s the makes must have realized it was straight crap considering Feeding Frenzy 2 is so easy to complete. Stuck on this ridiculous achievement and it's complete crap! Time consuming!
By iOWNlive on 02 Oct 2013 07:12
Level 37: Merry Go Round is absolutely the way to go for this achievement!
By liviaro on 28 Oct 2014 11:09
I use this same method to get the 300,000 point achievement quicker, fyi. It's a great way to stack up points if you have the patience :)
By BananasGirl23 on 31 Dec 2014 00:38
Thank you for the shark king info. Only wasted an hour eating the king.

Ate about 750 sharks in adventure and the rest in time attack.
By varkylfus on 16 Feb 2017 02:11
I am currently going for this - and it's so boring cry. The 40.000 fish in the foodbank will be my death...

Edit: Everything done.
By Orran Durai on 31 Jan 2018 19:17
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Says what it is. Eat 1000 sharks. When you read this you might think to yourself "Well that's easy, I'll just replay the last level and keep eating the big evil shark guy". Apparently that doesn't count. Yes, it will show up in your foodbank I believe, but it doesn't count towards this achievement (from everything I've read). Therefore, if you're going to want this achievement, you're going to have to replay levels. Note: You must finish the level you're on for the sharks eaten to count towards the achievement (running out of all lives/continues will prevent it from registering).
1) Combine this achievement with 10 Hours, Frenzy Fanatic, and Shark Eater.
2) You can do one of two things. You can either just keep replaying through the game or you can keep replaying certain levels. I recommend altering between the two to make it less repetitive.
3) Start by working towards "Shark Eater" by replaying a level with Sharks in it. I recommend one that has "Mines" in it so that you can kill yourself before you beat the level so you can eat some more sharks with your plentiful lives. Level 37 is a good level to do this on. NOTE: YOU MUST BEAT THE LEVEL TO HAVE THE SHARKS COUNT TOWARDS THE ACHIEVEMENT. DO NOT LOSE ALL YOUR LIVES BEFORE BEATING THE LEVEL.
4) You don't get points in your foodbank while playing Time attack mode, so make sure you're in adventure mode.

Credit to lozzy for the sweet video which he linked in the comments and uses in the walkthrough.

01 May 2009 09:06

Merry Go Round (level 37 for those too lazy to count) has mines and the level right after it has clams at the bottom, just make sure you're in the right spot when it snaps shut.
By Lethivant on 03 Aug 2009 22:32
Ah, btw you might as well add my video to this;

By Lozzy Denton on 04 Jan 2010 10:57
Shark Eater popped between continues for me. Adventure and Time Attack already complete.
By varkylfus on 16 Feb 2017 02:19
Hey you might want to read my solution at the bottom. smile
By jordaOwO on 10 Aug 2013 21:14
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For those of you who think this is overwhelming, its really not. 1.5 - 3 hours guaranteed with this method.

1. Go to level 37, "Merry Go Round"
2. Grow 2 times as fast as possible, preferably without dying.
3. Float around avoiding eating anything but sharks. (especially do not eat the piranha power-up)
4. Before you complete the level kill yourself by either running into a bomb, or getting eaten by a clam shell
*NOTE: If you have the Safeguard power-up you cannot die by clam.
5. Repeat as many times as you wish, keep in mind that you have 2 continues that both reset you with 3 lives. (use all lives, continue, all lives, continue, then all lives for the biggest number of sharks in one run through)
*NOTE: You may want to finish the level with a few lives left just in case you actually die, if you get a game over without any continues remaining, the sharks you've eaten will not count.

You must complete the level for these to count towards your running total.

I hope this helped anyone who hasn't gotten this or passed on it because it seemed too overwhelming.

28 May 2012 08:21

1 Comment
This should be the top solution. Easy, and described perfectly.

I would also add that failing the level still counts.

I got a game over screen and still unlocked the achievement.
By Cashin on 12 Sep 2020 22:54
Best way to get this is to grind on the levels midway crossing and merry go round. when you're about to grow the next size after eating the sharks run into a mine and keep repeating until you're on your last life. when you have one life left beat the level and restart it. I found a good run gives you between 70 to 100 sharks eaten.

Note* don't waste your time on the shark king level as the sharks eaten in that do not count*
Note that you can kill yourself with seashells if there is no mines around, independent of your size. However watch out for pearls that bring your foodmeter over the top.

26 Dec 2011 16:33

A trick I used to get massive lives is going to the 4th or 5th lvl with the 3rd fish, Big head small tail and a rod on its head. its the first time you meet the Killer whales and you can tail bite them... just bite their tail and go under before they turn around to eat you... I managed to get the chain all the way to 14000 points per bite.. giving an extra life to 2 lives per bite...( I believe its every 10,000 points gives an extra life or near it ) I went from 2 lives to 73 by the end of it..

I didnt mean to finish the level. I wanted to die but I was too gutsy and tried to push the bar as close to completion as possible..

doing this will allow you to do what other guides suggest with the mines to get anywhere from 400-500 sharks if not all 1000 in just 1 round. if you build enough lives.

19 Dec 2011 04:43

Just want to say that while doing the method on Level 37 Merry Go Round, it is ok if you run out of both lives and continues.

I was playing and probably got up to 100+ sharks on my last continue and last life. I killed myself thinking that I still had another life but I didn't.

I was like "Oh shit, I just lost all of my kills!" Then before the Game Over screen popped up I got the Shark Eater achievement.

So that means you don't have to finish any of the levels for your fish or shark kills to count. They count even if you get the Game Over screen. smile

10 Aug 2013 21:12

Merry Go Round is definitely the level that works best for this achievement as I just passed it using this level today. Another tip for this level is stay at the bottom of the screen until you grow to the size that allows you to eat sharks. A good share of the time the clams will give out free lives instead of pearls and you can get four or five more extra lives with this method at times which should see you eat an extra 30+ sharks per play through of the Merry Go Round level.

17 Feb 2017 17:46