53 Achievements
Every Second Counts
Knockdown an opponent in a Ranked Match with less than 10 seconds left in the round
How to unlock the Every Second Counts achievement in FIGHT NIGHT CHAMPION - Definitive Guide
Can be boosted with a partner. Head to Online Gym with the Saved By the Bell option on and the time set to 3 minutes to give yourself more time. Damage your opponent with jabs and continuously stun him throughout the round but don’t knock him down. At around 15 seconds, spam the jab and the second he’s stunned, knock him down to earn this trophy.
Find a boosting partner, choose Ranked Match and keep trying to get matched up with your partner. If you hit search, and your partner waits about five seconds, you should be able to get matched up together. Wait until there are 25-30 seconds left in the round, and start throwing hooks/uppercuts at your opponent's head. At around 12 seconds, his health meter will be red. Make sure you knock him down when the clock is in single digits.
And I ask the narrow-minded moderators not to delete my comment, but to correct errors, which is, in principle, what is required of them.