Fight Night Round 4

33 Achievements



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Win the Heavyweight Championship Belt in Online World Championship Mode.


How to unlock the XXL achievement in Fight Night Round 4 - Definitive Guide

There are 2 methods of getting these title achievements in 'Fight Night Round 4.'

METHOD 1 : Get whoever currently has the title to give you a title shot and either get themselves disqualified so they drop the title to you, or beat them legitimately. This method most likely will not work for you. Why? Because the title system is set up in such a way that you have to defend your title six times every 36 hours otherwise the title will reset back to whoever is #1 on the leaderboards. It just so happens that most of the players in the top 10 on every division's leaderboards are boosters who either don't have the game anymore, or are protecting their TA ratio and would never actually defend the title or help out another booster. So the opportunity to snag a title via legitimate means is extremely rare.

That brings us to...

METHOD 2 : Get to #1 in the leaderboard for whichever division you're hunting the title for. I'm not going to lie, this method is a pain in the ass. You're going to need either a group of 6-8 other trustworthy (with achievements like this, there's always the risk of someone getting the title and running away with it, essentially screwing over everybody else who worked for it) boosters, or one or two other friends of yours with time to spare who would be willing to buy a few one month XBL cards for building a dummy account ladder.

Me and my friends did the latter.

Basically, there were four of us, which gave us access to our four main accounts. Then two of us went out and bought two one month XBL trials and shared the account information with the rest of the group, giving everybody access to multiple accounts, and bringing our total number of XBL accounts up to eight - Just enough to do our job.

The Heavyweight division is set up to where you currently need just over 6,900 points to reach the number 1 spot - Middleweight is around 5,700 points, and Lightweight is around 4,500 points.

You can tackle whichever division you want to first - Lightweight is the easiest, Middleweight is normal, and Heavyweight is basically an exercise in slave labor. Knowing that, we decided to hit Heavyweight first to get the hardest part out of the way right off the bat.


Basically, you're going to be bringing a minimum of four different accounts into the top 100 on each leaderboard by using either dummy accounts or other boosters to get you there by giving those four accounts constant wins. For the sake of clarity for this solution, we'll call the four accounts going into the top 100 the COLLECTORS, and the other accounts will be referred to as the GIVERS.

The skill points system is set up to where everytime you get a win off of a certain player/dummy account you get less points fighting that player again. Your player hub holds your 10 most recent opponents - Keep fighting the same guy over and over again and you'll find yourself getting fewer and fewer points. This means that you'll alternate givers after every 3 fights to ensure a steady stream of points into your collectors.

IMPORTANT NOTES - The givers NEED to reset their boxer after every 3 wins. Everytime the givers give out 3 wins they need to back out to the OWC hub, highlight their boxer, and press X to REMOVE BOXER to reset. Why? Because boxers with LOSING RECORDS give LESS points. The more losses these accounts have, the less points the main accounts will be getting. So don't forget to reset the stats on the givers accounts after every 3 losses.


Each collector's player hub should look something like this...


Rinse and repeat.

For Heavyweight, you're going to want to have have your collectors accounts at 4,500 - 4,000, 3,500, and 3,000. You then decide which account is going to go to number 1 in the leaderboard and the other 3 collectors then become givers for that account.

DO NOT RESET THE NEW GIVERS. It doesn't matter if they end up with losing records or not, they'll still be giving a solid amount of points to the main collector due to their high skill level.

For Middleweight and Lightweight you want to do the same exact method with boosting four collectors into the top 100, but with less points. For Middleweight, you should have your collectors at 4,000 - 3,500 - 3,000 - and 2,500. For Lightweight, you should have your accounts at 3,000 - 2,500 - 2,000, and 1,500.
So you made it to #1, now what?

Now you play the waiting game. If the title is currently on a booster (k4ng4rooz, nv kid robot, latefullm - pretty much everybody in the top 10) all you have to do is wait until the title resets back to #1 in the leaderboard, because these people don't even play anymore. If the title is on a legitimate player you're going to have to wait longer if they're actually defending it. Odds are they'll either lose it to someone who won't defend, or they themselves won't defend enough and will be stripped of it when it resets after 36 hours. Just make sure you remember to login and claim your newly awarded title before another title reset happens.


In closing, I hope this guide has been of help to you. This is my first submitted solution, so if you have any questions or comments, feel free to reply and I'll do my best to help you out.

Happy boosting.

12 Mar 2014 19:37

Great solution. It's good to see you putting this out there for people who have this game but don't think they can get these achievements.
By TheviusRacoonus on 13 Mar 2014 06:19
Awesome effort guys
By Robhill on 19 Mar 2014 23:08
Any idea about how much time does it take for each belt?
By Dracgnar on 23 Mar 2014 18:12
Great guide - Will probably use this when I start boosting this achievement.
By Foolzparadice on 25 Mar 2014 10:48
Great guide, thank you very much.
I did'nt know why no guide was posted since the begining.
I understand better now ... ratio ...
Hopefully some good boosters will share this cheevo.
By Danydan1 on 05 Apr 2014 11:09
You're in luck, Dany. Guys on TA have them as we speak.
By Evandalist on 05 Apr 2014 19:39
Method 1 worked like a charm
By BRARROW on 04 May 2014 02:50
Hi! Does it mean it's possible to boost the Method 1? I've just ordered the game, so hopefully I'll be able to get the 1000G :) It'd be awesome, because this game deserves it.
By FifiRaceR on 04 May 2014 17:48
I forgot to look again for this cheevo ... damn
The belt isn't anymore on TA ?
By Danydan1 on 13 Aug 2014 22:40
Not that I'm aware of, Dan. There may be some guys from Foolz's group of boosters that are still somewhat close to the top of the leaderboards, though. Might want to message him and see if anybody is in the top 10.
By Evandalist on 13 Aug 2014 23:43
Thanks a lot dude. I don't understand why i'm not advised by TA when somebody answer on a post that i previously answered. I need to check my settings. let me know ;)
btw thanks again for your great work on that.
By Danydan1 on 14 Aug 2014 10:40
Thanks a lot dude. I don't understand why i'm not advised by TA when somebody answer on a post that i previously answered. I need to check my settings. let me know ;)
btw thanks again for your great work on that.
By Danydan1 on 14 Aug 2014 11:57
Great solution. I was lucky enough to get all 3 belts around april 6th 2014 from some cool guys I didnt know and they did all the work. Friend of a friend I hardly knew thing, right place right time thing. I did help 2 of the guys by running 3 boxes for them on a different game for a few hours each. Didnt take them long to lose the belts, sorry guys.
By troyoy on 20 Nov 2014 00:35
One TA member (Seriporix) won the achievement yesterday, i've sent him a message to know if he can give me the belt for the cheevo, i wait for his answer. Hope he will be cool.
By Danydan1 on 09 May 2015 14:33
Did you guys tried it with 3 consoles to pair up like this:

By Giincee on 09 Dec 2019 20:40
Does anyone hold the titles and does anyone got those three belts already still. I need it and we need it too. Let me know because the servers are shutting down on March 9th, 2020. Do you have those belts already for all of you guys? Please let me know it. Thanks! GT: Brett Evans15
By Brett Evans15 on 02 Jan 2020 22:30
Giincee - Exactly.

Brett Evans15 - I have no idea who has the belts anymore. I haven't been involved in the Fight Night community since I de-ranked and passed the middleweight belt around like a bad STD.

My advice to you would be to message the guys in the top 10 and see if you get any replies and try to build from there. If not, you're gonna have to squad up with 2 people and work your asses off grinding wins before they shut down the servers.
By Evandalist on 14 Jan 2020 08:26
Oh ok. Thanks for the message man. Thanks for asking!
By Brett Evans15 on 26 Jan 2020 00:59
Nice solution. I was part of the last TA team to go out and get them (I was playing under D0N CH33V0 13 at the time) and it took about 50 of us 2 months to get it done. We started by doing all 3 belts simultaneously but ended up concentrating on 1 belt at a time. I might be up for doing it on this tag now this solution has been put out there.
By D0n Cheev0 on 22 May 2014 13:25
For the record, neither my group of boosting buddies nor Foolzparadice's group have the titles anymore. We all did our best to keep them for as long as we could while Foolz organized the TA users who still needed the achievements but it gets really tiresome having to constantly switch the belts over to different accounts every 36 hours.

We did what we could to help everybody out (Foolz went above and beyond the call of duty in that regard) but we all have lives to live and other games to play.

If you want these achievements now then my solution should serve as a pretty solid guide to attaining them.
By Evandalist on 03 Jul 2014 03:45
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Beat the person with the Heavyweight Championship Belt in World Championship Mode. This will be a challenge because only 1 person will hold this belt.There is no easy way to get this achievement, in truth, just track down who has the belt, challenge them to a match and if by chance they luckily accept a fight, beat them and get the Belt for yourself. Yes, it's a bitch of an achievement. Good luck!!

Getting these three achievements is almost impossible, getting them will be related to luck and your communication skills. At any given time, only one person in the world can have the heavyweight, middleweight or lightweight championship belt, you need to defeat him and get the belt. You can try to negotiate with him to “give” it to you. If it doesn’t work out, you will have to wait and hope that he fails or misses the next title confirmation, which happens once every 72 hours and the belt will go to the masses, where you can get it fairly by defeating the next champion. Because usually people start demanding money and other real things for the opportunity to get this achievement.

22 Jul 2011 05:30