Fighters Uncaged

Fighters Uncaged

50 Achievements


Xbox 360
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El Luchador's nightmare

El Luchador's nightmare

Win 20 fights against El Luchador in the open league


How to unlock the El Luchador's nightmare achievement in Fighters Uncaged - Definitive Guide

Good Ole El Luchador... the only guy I can take seriously in this game.

He is fast and he is a rude awakening to those not expecting it.

Heres a strategy I used to defeat him (should work for the lower difficulties as well to score)

Start by gaining enough meter for a Super Strike. I normally just straight punched him to keep it simple.

Once you gain a Super Strike do the following (without giving him a chance to recover):

Super Strike Straight Punch
Right Knee
Left Low Round Kick (causes leg pains if used in a diversity combo)
3 more different kicks for diversity damage

You should do about 70-90% of his life from gaining the super strike and this strategy.

Get another Super Strike and finish him off.

One thing to note is that he WILL sweep you if you're in the process of kicking when his Leg Pain runs out, so stop early.

If he somehow dodges a strike in that string of hits, go back to dodging and gaining another Super Strike and repeat the process.

With this strategy, I got 14,263 in the Open League.

26 Jun 2012 01:40