

10 Achievements


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Ol' Shoshone

Ol' Shoshone

Listened to the tape of "Ol' Shoshone." Cavorted among the aspens.


How to unlock the Ol' Shoshone achievement in Firewatch - Definitive Guide

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In the above photo, is where you need to go to find the recording. Just before you get to it, will be a dead elk. Nearby is some bushes you use cn_RT to move out of the way, then you will need to clear the way with your axe. Once through, you will see a chair, and some other useless junk, except for a note with a tape on it. Simply pick up the tape. I didn't even have to listen to it.

Also, directly east of this location, will be an outhouse. Go past here and you will find a destroyed lookout called Hawks Rest. Enter and go downstairs. Go over to the stove and interact with it for another achievement The Life and Times of Racoon Carter.

Let me know if there could be any changes to the guide.

21 Sep 2016 19:36

where would i find the axe
By Dembe Hisham on 21 Sep 2016 19:49
Story Related buddy.
By FullMoonBeaver on 21 Sep 2016 21:03
You can get this cheevo at Day 77 (like the Raccoon),not before ;-)
By Clad master on 21 Sep 2016 22:09
Can you find this IN freeroam after beating the game and trigger the achievement?
By NO PULSE on 21 Sep 2016 22:36
That's how I got it. My photo says Free Roam at the top.
By FullMoonBeaver on 22 Sep 2016 00:55
How do you get to freeroam?
By Oriole2682 on 22 Sep 2016 02:41
You have to beat the game first before freeroam is opened up to you I believe.
By NO PULSE on 22 Sep 2016 02:50
You should probably note that if someone tries to go there from Freeroam that they MUST pick up the axe sitting next to the backpack in their look out cabin. Otherwise you cant get to the tape. And, the tape isn't where it should be in the main story...
By NO PULSE on 22 Sep 2016 03:36
I did beat the game, it puts me at a checkpoint at the very end in Delilah's cabin...when I beat it the credits roll and when I load the game i'm right back at the it under New Game or something?
By Oriole2682 on 22 Sep 2016 03:46
Free roam is under Special Content section I suppose.
By b0d1 on 22 Sep 2016 06:39
Free Roam is under Special Content. Just make sure to pick up that axe.
By FullMoonBeaver on 22 Sep 2016 13:34
Thanks Clad on mention day 77!
By Zombified on 22 Sep 2016 14:54
FWIW, I ran thru the game and as I was about to evac, I decided to get this cheev as well as the raccoon one. The raccoon cheev popped, but the cassette one did not. When i went back into freeplay, and picked up the cassette, the cheev popped...
By SneakyStabbalot on 11 Oct 2016 17:30
This wouldn't pop when I was playing with Xbox Cloud Gaming. I made a save just before grabbing the tape and loaded it on Series S and it worked alright.
By Toalete WC on 12 Dec 2022 19:52
Glitched for me too
By jaimeTGN on 17 Aug 2023 08:14
yup both the bee and this one glitched for me :(
By Jamesjan25 on 03 Oct 2023 23:44
Not able to get this. Didnt pop in story - got it at day 77 - think this is what bugs the achivement. Your not supposed to find it before you have both the tracker and the walkman. Guessing day 78 is when you are supposed to get it.

Tried to start two different free roams and picked it up - no luck.
By Hratgard on 08 Dec 2016 22:52
I'll shoot an email to the Devs and see if they're aware of issues regarding this achievement.
By FullMoonBeaver on 09 Dec 2016 00:02
Unlocked for me on Day 77. Not when I picked it, but once I held cn_B to keep it.

Edit: Actually might have been the day before that as the Day 77 screen popped up after I'd unlocked this.
By Mr Fiddler on 18 Dec 2016 02:09
Worked for me on day 77 in story as well, just after keep it with B button.
By AlbertCampde on 06 Jan 2017 18:40
Glitchy achievement. I got the tape on day 77, no achievement. Reloaded last save and got the tape again and still nothing. I completed the game, deleted that save and started a free roam. Got the axe then the tape. Still no achievement. :( Wtf
By o0EviIToaster0o on 15 Jul 2017 03:05
Hmm, apparently letting your game sit for a few (about 15 minutes) and it'll pop. I guess it comes with a delay.
By o0EviIToaster0o on 15 Jul 2017 03:07
Strange. My mate played it recently and said there was a short delay, but only by about 15 seconds for him.
By FullMoonBeaver on 15 Jul 2017 09:03
Perfect solution. It was the only one I needed after finishing the game blind. Thanks for the map! +1
By C64 Mat on 09 Jan 2018 10:58
Not a problem dude. Glad to be of help.
By FullMoonBeaver on 09 Jan 2018 11:25
Thank you, i got this on day 77! smile
By ZoZombify on 31 Jan 2018 05:58
Unlocked for me when I held B to put the tape in my inventory like Mr Fiddler did.
By SERPENT SUICIDE on 16 Feb 2018 12:38
Got this as well in FreeRoam. The trick is definitely keeping it by holding B!
By FalloutImminent on 20 Jul 2019 23:27
Only one I missed before finishing the game. Kind of tricky to find. Thanks for the location, you led me right to it👍
By SpartanWolf 187 on 18 May 2020 03:42
Glad this had been a helpful guide for so many people.
By FullMoonBeaver on 18 May 2020 08:26
I followed the walkthrough which suggests you can get this on day 77. However the achievement didn't pop for me. On day 78 after getting the walkman I went back to the site and the tape was sitting there again. I picked it up and kept it (holding B) and the achievement popped.
By ToastiestCape0 on 21 Dec 2020 23:17
Do you have to do this in campaign or can you do it in free roam
By CodyyOn120hz on 07 Mar 2021 07:56
Thanks for the help, was the last one I needed to complete the game 👍
By W0LV3Z x on 19 Dec 2021 01:48
You're welcome WOLV3Z. Glad I could help.
By FullMoonBeaver on 19 Dec 2021 12:07
This didn't pop for me in story mode.
By Saw3d 0ff on 30 Dec 2021 04:40
I didn't find it in story mode, and it didn't pop first time round in free roam. Tried starting a second free roam save, and this time it worked. Just keep trying, if it doesn't pop for you the first time round. (I played on PC, xbox game pass)
By jvest on 01 Jan 2022 12:51
Glad you got it to pop in the end.
By FullMoonBeaver on 01 Jan 2022 15:30
BEFORE you do this in free roam, you do need your axe. Go to the scout camp in the SE where it was in the story to retrieve it.

Oh, picking it up doesn't pop for you, going to your inventory after picking it up does.
By THEELECTR1CWOLF on 16 Jan 2022 05:52
Found it while on the way to evacuate but didn't pop, but it popped on Free Roam
By GhostBRUTUS on 26 Mar 2022 13:42
Did it during free roam, and it popped no problem once I picked up the tape! Thank you OP for the info, much appreciated! 👍🏾
By PARANOID365 on 13 Apr 2022 12:59
You're welcome.
By FullMoonBeaver on 13 Apr 2022 17:04
This and the raccoon achievement are both refusing to unlock for me despite completing them multiple times.
By ggallinftw on 15 May 2022 16:47
It's bugged, the "table" nor the tape didn't appear. And free roam didn't unlock even after completing the game.
By Jakub1471SS on 26 Jun 2022 10:55
both just worked for me in free roam - thanks!
By Clacktone on 06 Aug 2022 04:18
Glad it worked for you. Shame it's bugged for a few others.
By FullMoonBeaver on 06 Aug 2022 10:32
Glitched for me. The note & stump are there, the tape is not. :(
By ALoneWolf42 on 02 Nov 2022 02:27
Not sure if this would work but it's possible saving and loading the game again could make it appear.
By Nerf Sav on 08 Dec 2022 03:32
Seems there's a bug where certain objects fail to load in. Just went to the location on Day 77 and the tape and bench seat are missing for me. The note, bottles, chair and bench legs are there, just the tape and seat missing. Reddit says the solution is to try again another day
By CiphriusKane on 18 Feb 2024 11:37
rockdidn't pop in game and didn't pop in free roam. just brilliant.
it was exactly where you said and i tried day 77 and free roam after completing the game...nothing
any ideas anyone?

EDIT there i am starting another free roam to see if it will pop, i'm in the lookout doing nothing (i was looking online to see if anyone was having similar problem) and lo and behold it just popped about 30 mins late....yaaaay
By scotwolf2 on 24 Oct 2016 23:37
For this and other buggy achievements, my found solution: upon the completion of an achievement but it doesn't pop...

Open the Xbox app on your phone. Touch your profile in the bottom right. Then touch Achievements tab and then click on Fire watch. The achievement should unlock in about 5 seconds.

I assume the problem is the game not talking to Xbox servers and checking the game on your app forces it to.
By The Baird Bus on 28 Nov 2023 04:12
I went up and down the map for over half an hour, grabbed the tape but I thought it'd play automatically, so I went back to the watchtower to see if I had to grab a walkman or something that I had missed, there was another cassette there so I picked it up, went back to the site, didn't do anything again, went back to watchtower, and repeat a couple times more.

Finally I bothered to check on the console, turns out the achievement had unlocked the first time, it just didn't pop up on screen at all. Don't be me, guys.
By oromexbox on 17 Mar 2024 10:18
I would suggest complete the story and do those other achievements afterwards. My game got bugged at Day 77. I was so eager to get stung by the bee., That I went into Wapiti Station to get stung by the bee. Then I followed the story and I had to go to Cottonwood Creek, to get the NEW walkie-talkie, the code 5,6,7,8, I opened the box but NO new walkie talkie, and the mission stayed "Go to Cotton Creek", no matter what I did... So sadly I had to restart the game, what is not bad at all, the game is not that big, so I was not that mad... I just want you warn you guys out there!!!

I didn't check the forum yet, maybe someone also experienced what I had. I saw some other sites and found others also experienced what I had. Here someone who had the same as I did.
By ComesBrothers on 05 Oct 2016 01:25
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For those who need more visual guide, I made the below Youtube video. This can be achieved using the free roam option, just remember that you'll need the fireaxe which you can grab from the table as you are leaving your watch.


24 Jan 2018 19:22

If you haven't gotten this before you reach the final day, you will not be able to unlock it during that playthrough. However, you can unlock this (and all the other collectible achievements) in free roam. To access free roam, go to the main menu > special features > Thorofare Free Roam. Be sure to collect all of the gear sitting on your table before leaving the tower as you'll need it to access the different areas (for this achievement you'll need the axe to get to the area).

If you head north from your tower and follow the trail to the cave, and then head north out of the main cave entrance. Once you see the old abandoned outhouse head to the west of that area. You'll see a dead elk and beyond that are some bushes you'll need to push through. Just beyond that will be the part that needs the axe to clear it. Once through there you'll see a small clearing with a bench and a chair. The tape is on the bench. Pick it up and hold "B" to keep it. The achievement will unlock after that but you'll never actually to hear the song.

28 Jun 2020 23:06

Thanks. Using free roam saved me from missing this achievement.
By FreedSquare4945 on 08 Dec 2022 22:57
I picked this up during free roam however the achievement did not pop.
I made my way back to the tower. Saved the game. Quit to Desktop. Restarted the game and loaded the same save. Upon doing so, on the desk in front of me was that same tape. Picking it up this time, popped the achievement.
By Calmer Llama on 15 Sep 2023 07:49
Start a free roam game. Make sure you take the axe with you from the lookout.
Go to the area marked on the map and clear out the bushes where the arrow is pointing. Continue through and you will see a chair and a bunch of junk. Pick up the tape and the achievement should pop.

External image

26 Dec 2016 00:00

This trophy can be obtained as early as Day 77. After unlocking the The Life and Times of Raccoon Carter trophy, leave the Old Cabin and head directly west. You will find a Gap In Bush there that you can press to make a path through the bushes. Now look for a Blocked Trail in front of you and use the Axe to chop it down with . You will find the following items: A Rusty Seat, Empty Bottles, an Old Note and a Cassette Tape. Pick up the Cassette Tape with , then press and hold to keep it and unlock the trophy.

Below is a photo of where the Raccoon is located at:

In order to gain the "Ol' Shoshone" trophy in Firewatch, you must first reach Day 77. Please see my solutions for preceding days if you need help getting to this point. It's worth noting that the below trophy is very close by when going for this one, so it's worth doing both at once:

FirewatchThe Life and Times of Raccoon CarterThe The Life and Times of Raccoon Carter trophy in Firewatch worth 30 pointsGot attacked by a raccoon; probably didn't get rabies.

From your tower, head down the path behind to the cave. On the far side, follow the wires as per Day 2 until you see a sign stating Beartooth Point / Thorofare Fire Lookout (if you've gone for the Raccoon Carter trophy first, just retrace your steps to the above sign). With the sign in front of you, head left (west), past some big rocks to some overgrowth which you can cut through. Pick up the cassette on the bench and hold cn_O to keep it. Trophy unlocked.

14 May 2018 20:37

This can be completed as early as Day 77. You will need the axe before you can complete this. The axe is obtained on Day 76.

When you start Day 77, head north toward Beartooth Point. About halfway there (between the words "Thorofare Trail" and "Telephone"), the trail splits once and then again. At the first split, head left and search in the western area for bushes you can push aside and then roots you can use your axe on. In this area is the recording. The achievement unlocks when you keep the tape.

On day 77 (after receiving the ax), watch the video . You don't need to listen to the tape.

08 Oct 2016 11:22

You can get it in free play after completing the story.
By gravitydaze on 21 Feb 2017 09:08
In free mode, in order to get this trophy, you must first go around the locations where you found the ax and ropes, since in free mode it all disappears at the end of the game.
By stichman on 09 Apr 2018 16:07
It is possible in the 78th day - it’s even more logical - on the way to the cave we go further and with the detector we find a Moose, and there is a chair in the bushes.
By ZwerPSF on 06 Jan 2022 21:13
Glitchy trophy.
I'm listening to this song for the third time in free mode! The trophy doesn't give out...
By Russian_Jok8r on 06 Nov 2019 22:29
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This trophy can be obtained on day 77. But if you miss it, you can start a free game and pick up the tape.

Here is the video guide:
  • Firewatch: Audio Tour - Ol' Shoshone (Trophy & Achievement Guide) [PS4/Xbox One]
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    26 Dec 2016 19:54