First Class Trouble

First Class Trouble

18 Achievements


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Well at least I tried

Well at least I tried

Use a scanner on a Personoid and get killed within 20 seconds


How to unlock the Well at least I tried achievement in First Class Trouble - Definitive Guide

3rd card. The scanner lies to the right of the entrance behind the door that they should help you open.
We scan the personoid (or hope for a random one or gather a party) and die or ask them to kill you within 20 seconds.

07 Nov 2021 09:42

1 Comment
scanner spawns on all maps, including CIIS, except lobby
By UrMammaBoi on 07 Nov 2021 23:59
The scanner is always on the 2nd and 3rd cards. The trophy needs to be done this way, at least that’s the only way it worked for us. As a human, scan the personoid, then the other 2 people kill you (one holds you, the second strangles you).

28 Nov 2021 18:27