45 Achievements
Endless Score: One Hundred
Reach a score of one hundred in Endless.
How to unlock the Endless Score: One Hundred achievement in Flagsplosion - Definitive Guide
Whilst this may seem daunting for those of us who aren't into vexilology, there's actually a trick you can use to get this a lot easier.
Put the game into windowed mode and then run Endless mode. If you're unsure of an answer, right-click on the top of the game's window which will effectively pause the game. Whilst it's paused you can use another device such as a phone, tablet or laptop to look up the answer via Google. Unfortunately, if you click anywhere else using the computer you're using to play this game, it will unpause.
Put the game into windowed mode and then run Endless mode. If you're unsure of an answer, right-click on the top of the game's window which will effectively pause the game. Whilst it's paused you can use another device such as a phone, tablet or laptop to look up the answer via Google. Unfortunately, if you click anywhere else using the computer you're using to play this game, it will unpause.