Floppy Knights

Floppy Knights

18 Achievements

1000 XP

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Completed Squad Attack in a single turn

50 XP


How to unlock the Efficiency achievement in Floppy Knights - Definitive Guide

Won this with a deck of 15 cards, the idea is to get Spitunia over to the rock and fire over it within 1 turn. Try this before doing the challenge mission.

My deck
Commander: Captain Thistle
-5 Moves (Minimum required)
-3 Attack
-2 Grow
-1 Spitunia
-1 Sunshine

NOTE: I've done the first 4 levels to have the gold to craft all mentioned cards. Extra copies of the cards will pad the RNG of the hand draw.

Here are the steps to ensure you get it.
1. Start up Squad Attack from World 1 Mission 2
2. Place Commander on 2nd spot from the left, draw initial hand.
3. Retry mission until you get this hand
(Plow Ahead)(Grow)(Spitunia)(Attack)
4. Use (Grow) on (Spitunia) *NOTE: You must use Grow on Spit here's as she doesn't get more stats if you only upgrade her attack.
5. Play (Spitunia) on the 3rd spot from the left.
----You should have 3 energy now.----
6. Use (Plow Ahead) on (Spitunia) Move directly behind the rock, putting it between you and the satellite.
7. Use (Poison Shot+) on (Spitunia) for the first attack, dealing 5HP
8. Use (Attack) on (Spitunia) dealing 3HP
9. Use (Spitunia) free attack to finish off the Satellite.

With some RNG luck, this will be an easy unlock. There will no doubt be a better strategy in time but this was the quickest way to unlock with so little play time.

To be honest, I got this achievement before seeing this is a challenge mission too. The card set up is weird though so this might be easier.

Ask questions if you're stuck before you down vote

24 May 2022 03:33

Perfect thanks!
By Leap Of Faith77 on 24 May 2022 21:24
Just a side note...
After you win, make sure you select 'Exit' and not 'Retry' or the achievement will not unlock.
By NottartsBakery on 04 Jun 2022 17:05
If you are going back and getting this achievement after finishing most or all of the main missions, there is a very easy and minimal RNG way to win on the first turn.

The level for this achievement is 1-2, the second level of the game.

The strategy is to use the Hooligans deck with Concoctor as your commander. Concoctor has 5 speed and two range, allowing them to get into a position where they can attack the satellite with only one move. The card that is cycled when using Concoctor, After Effect, is a move card that works for this, so you don't have to worry about not getting a move card.

In your deck, only use cards that allow you to attack or draw more cards. Any attacking cards will work, and the more you have the more likely you are to get at least two on the first turn. Since Concoctor has 3 attack, only two additional attacks are needed after the free one.

Here are the steps:
- Place Concoctor directly below the satellite.
- Make sure you have at least two attacks in you hand, if not simply retry.
- Use After Effect to move right below the rock, in range of the satellite.
- Use your free attack and two additional attacks to destroy the satellite.

04 Jun 2022 04:55

1 Comment
Concoctor only has 4 speed now, but this setup still works pretty reliably. Created small deck with a few attack and Draw cards. Restart until initial draw is two moves and two attacks. After winning, click Exit (instead of Retry) and cheevo pops after the load screen. Thumbs up, thanks!
By Sir Spink on 23 Oct 2022 17:45

Plant Deck
Commander: Captain Thistle
5X Move
3X Attack
2X Grow

Load up the level Squad Attack. Place your Commander to the left and see if your hand pulls a Spitunia, Grow, a Move, and at least one Attack card. If not, pause and retry the level. Once you pull that hand, use Grow on Spitunia. Place Spitunia in line with the Satellite. Move Spitunia in between the two Goblins and attack the Satellite with everything you got!

07 Jun 2022 20:20

If like me you decide to tackle this achievement after beating the game. Then an incredibly reliable method for unlocking this achievement is to use the following deck:

Hooligans Deck -
  • Commander - Concoctor
  • 5x movement cards (forced)
  • 1x Sunshine
  • 1x Devilish Deal
  • 1x Bootleg
  • 1x Drifter
  • 1x Now & Later
  • 4x Attack cards
This deck offers numerous ways to draw free cards in the event you don't get the necessary two movement cards and two attack cards that will be required to beat the level in your initial draw.

The strategy here is the same as mentioned in the other guides, simply place your Commander in the third spot from the left, use two movement cards to reach the satellite and then use your free attack and two attack cards to destroy the satellite.

I tested my deck several times in a row and was able to beat it on the first turn every time.

24 May 2023 11:52

Plant Deck
Commander: Captain Thistle
5X Move
3X Attack
2X Grow

Load up the level Squad Attack. Place your Commander to the left and see if your hand pulls a Spitunia, Grow, a Move, and at least one Attack card. If not, pause and retry the level. Once you pull that hand, use Grow on Spitunia. Place Spitunia in line with the Satellite. Move Spitunia in between the two Goblins and attack the Satellite with everything you got!