

14 Achievements


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Beyond all flowers lies another room.


How to unlock the Dream achievement in Flower - Definitive Guide

In order to get this trophy, you must find all the hidden flowers. There are 3 on each level. There are plenty of videos out there, but I found the majority of them were either badly recorded or I couldn't tell the flowers apart.

So I found a text version of the locations, which I used and it was so much more simple.

Credit to Laccard Zimone of IGN for the solution:

Yellow Flower (Area 1)

Secret 1 - At the first field, bloom all the flowers and look for the rock in
the middle. If you bloomed all the flowers in the first field, there is a cut
scene to show you the secret flower.

Secret 2 - In the second field with the patches of brown grass, bloom all the
flowers (I think) and the secret will appear near the depression on the left
(if are floating over the center obstacle and looking towards the tree in the
third field).

Secret 3 - Behind the tree is a rock. Behind the rock is the secret!

Red Flower (Area 2)

Secret 1 - Bloom all the flowers near the first stone henge (it is on top of
the hill when you turn left). The secret should appear on that same hill but
like near your starting flower.

Secret 2 - Right after you destroy the rock wall, bloom the whole second field
before going to the third field. The secret will appear on the hill side to the
side of the rock wall.

Secret 3 - As you go from the second to the third field, follow the wall on
your left and you will find the secret!

Pink Flower (Area 3)

Secret 1 - Bloom all the flowers in the first windmill field. The secret will
appear near the windmill in the center. The cut scene will be different
depending on which flowers you bloomed last.

Secret 2 - While you fly through the windy canyon, there is a single windmill
on the side of the canyon wall. There is a cave near this windmill. The secret
is in the cave, on the right side of the path. Once you get it, the cave will

Secret 3 - As you leave the windy canyon to the last windmill field, follow the
right wall to the secret!

Blue Flower (Area 4)

Secret 1 - When you have to light up 5 haystacks, you can barely see a road
past them. The left fork has the secret.

Secret 2 - At the crop circle, there is a broken wagon. Light the grass around
the wagon and the secret will appear.

Secret 3 - The lake near the wagon (secret 2) has this secret on its shore.

Purple Flower (Area 5)

Secret 1 - From your starting flower, you can fly left to a small canyon with
this secret.

Secret 2 - In the second field, provided you have bloomed all the flowers in
the field, the secret will appear once you topple that one tower in the cut
scene (the one near the rocks). I'm not sure what happens if you topple the
tower before you bloom all the flowers though.

Secret 3 - As you enter the maze area, you can follow the right wall to this
secret. If you want, you can bloom all the flowers in the maze first so the
towers won't electrocute you, but don't try to bloom the set of red flowers
at the start of the windy canyon (or you can't get the secret).

Lavender Flower (Area 6)

Secret 1 - In the final city part with the skyscrapers, there are two fans on
the ground. Behind one of them is this secret.

Secret 2 - This secret is in the highway section. At the spot where you can
take three roads (left goes to the final part), take the right road to an area
that is under a highway. The secret is there.

Secret 3 - In the second part of the city (after the first city section), there
is a fan that blows you to some buildings, the last of which are twin towers.
Go into the large square hole in the last twin tower and the secret is inside.
1 Comment
Also if you have already gotten one of the secret flowers, regular flowers will be in its place. At least that was the case on level one flower three for me, which is fine because the trophy can be done on multiple play throughs. The leaves in the flower pots mark how many you have gotten in each level.
By ILLUSIONOFCHOICE on 25 Aug 2015 16:03

Find and collect all three secret flowers in each primary stage. These can be found in the following locations:

Level 1
1. Collect all the pink flowers in the first area to spawn first flowers.
2. Collect all the pink flowers in the second area to spawn next flowers.
3. Behind the rocks behind the dead tree.

Level 2
1. Follow the winding path of red/yellow flowers to spawn the flowers.
2. In the area with the different colored grasses, complete the area and before leaving, circle round to the beginning to see a new branched area, follow to flowers.
3. In the final area, follow the left side of the opening towards the valley top and you'll encounter the flowers just short of the top.

Level 3
1. In the first area of the level, the flowers to collect are indescribable as there are so many, so just go after every flower you can until you see the flowers.
2. In the canyon area with the flOw cave entrance, bear left in that area as approaching the cave and you'll see the flowers. (Thanks to Shemsen!)
3. Just after the canyon area, after being freed, turn to the left and it's on a cliff wall.

Level 4
1. Behind a haybale in the first area. follow the paths in the level to find it, it is far away from everything.
2. Approach the overturned wagon to make them appear.
3. Before completing the final "puzzle", illuminate the pond closest to it. From the spiral puzzle, face the over-turned wagon and the pond is just to the right. The flowers will appear after illuminating it. (Thanks to Landulf!)

Level 5
1. At the start, turn around and follow up the hill then follow the section that turns into a valley. The flowers are in the valley. (Thanks to madcrabs!)
2. In the area with the three towers, collect flowers from the non-key towers. This will cause some of them to fall over. (CAUTION: if they fall on you, you will take damage!) At the base of one of the fallen towers will be newly spawned flowers. (Thanks to Landulf!)
3. After the part with the three towers, enter the maze area and keep taking the right path and looking behind you as you do, the flowers are tucked away in a small space. (Thanks to madcrabs!)

Level 6
1. In the second area with the playground set, fly into one of the tallest buildings, with the hole in the roof and find them on the horizontal beam.
2. On the expressway area, follow the road to the under ramp to the underground area where the green flowers will be.
3. In the area with the buildings with giant twisted pieces of metal jutting out of them, just before the ending, behind one of the air conditioning units.

(Thanks to madcrabs, Landulf, Shemsen and FlyyMartyyMar for putting together the locations.)

You need to collect three secret flowers at each level.

Video hint Flower [Walkthrough] (Complete): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis...XuZBhknrokDzG4

16 Oct 2016 19:42