

14 Achievements


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Completely awaken the city.


How to unlock the Urban achievement in Flower - Definitive Guide

You need to light up EVERYTHING in the city (level 6). Basically, this means that the grass should all be green and the buildings shouldn't be black.

Notable things to watch out for:
- Destroy any of the metal you run across anywhere.
- In the third "area", there's playground equipment - fly through it to make it active.
- Make sure you activate all of the highway.
- In the last section, make sure you destroy all the metal protruding from the buildings.
- When you're going up the tower, that's the end. Before you do this, go back through the previous sections and make sure you haven't missed anything.

28 Nov 2013 08:33

1 Comment
IMPORTANT DETAIL: You HAVE to go back through each area after you reach the final one, you gain the ability to light up the grass after you reach that point, you have to go back and move over every bit of ground in the level so that the grass is fully green and has hondeydew glowing on it, and I do mean EVERY LAST BIT, don't neglect a single spot. There's one tricky spot in the second area, where you first encounter fans, one building has an extremely skinny area behind it that you can only seem to get into from one side, I'm not entirely sure if this small strip is needed, but be aware of it just in case.
By MisoFoomin on 16 Jan 2022 02:36

In stage six, the small pink flower on the right, you need to not only open the flowers but there will also be areas that need to be flown over such as playgrounds. Just make sure that in any area you are in, the grass is completely green and there are no colorless areas.