Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China
28 Achievements
Flotilla Killah
Sink a Japanese destroyer during the Invasion of Malaya mission.
How to unlock the Flotilla Killah achievement in Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China - Definitive Guide
During the campaign single player mission, you will first need to destroy the search lights of the ships and destroy the supply ships. Afterwards, you get control of a different plane with torpedoes. Don't go straight away for the cruiser, but focus your torpedoes on one of the escorting destroyers. It should pop straight away once the destroyer has been sunk. (takes 2-3 torpedoes, or as few as 1 on easy difficulty)
Thanks to Epsilon Theta for corrections
Thanks to Epsilon Theta for corrections
After you destroy the search lights, you need to first bomb the supply ships. You can't bomb the destroyers here as it won't count. You need to wait for the following sequence where you are in control of the biplanes. On casual, one torpedo suffices.
By Epsilon Theta on 02 Apr 2018 09:29
Thanks, I've adjusted the solution
By Itzz Sh0wt1m3 on 03 Apr 2018 11:55