Football Manager 2007

Football Manager 2007

50 Achievements


Xbox 360
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10 Seasons At One Club

10 Seasons At One Club

You have stayed at one club for 10 seasons


How to unlock the 10 Seasons At One Club achievement in Football Manager 2007 - Definitive Guide

For this achievement the best club to be is Celtic in the Scottish Premier League. There are less teams in the scottish league, and what I did was took charge of ALL teams. Of course Celtic is the main team, but taking charge of all teams and messing up their formations ensures you don't get sacked, you win the league (sometimes finish undefeated unlocking that achievement), winning lots of manager of the months and year's too.
Simply make sure every other team other than Celtic has a bad formation. Make sure an outfield player is put in goal, and put every position out wide. Then, go on holiday with all the managers, making sure "use match tactics and squad selection whenever possible" is selected. For yourself (as manager of Celtic) make sure you select the option not to sell players and leave everything else unchecked.
Of course you will need to do this around every season, or maybe just do half of the teams. The managers will eventually get sacked, but if you return to your xbox every few hours then repeat the process. Sure, this process is very long but its not nearly as long as playing properly and your most likely to knock out other achievement's in the process.
After a few season's you will find that you may have alot of money. Here you can invest in some very good players, increasing your chances of completing a season undefeated and if your really lucky, winning the european cup. Of course you can win the European Cup properly, which I would advise.
One last thing, make sure auto-save is for every year. The more it saves, the slower the game becomes when on holiday. Just make sure you save every now and then so if you do get sacked (which is unlikely if you keep an eye out) you can re-load a save which isn't too far back.
Remember this is exactly what I did, and it is probably the best method for the 10 years in charge. If you want, you can take charge of a team in the lowest league in Scotland (I think Queens Park are the best) and repeat this process to get the promotion achievement which will also gain towards the 10 years achievement. Of course though, it's entirely up to you.

09 Feb 2010 00:18

Best way is to pick a good team and then go on holiday and pray you don’t get the sack. Or the hard way is to play every single season.

you need to make sure your hve a good squad ready for the mass sim that is going to happen, staff with high enought contract so they wont leave through the simming. set on the holiday options not to sell any players, and keep match tactics if ouhave specific ones. and jus let it go on holiday indefinatly, leave it on when you go to work, or go out.

06 Jan 2010 13:21