Football Manager 2021

Football Manager 2021

98 Achievements

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Rushed signing

Rushed signing

Sign a player recommended by your scouting team from a short term focus assignment


How to unlock the Rushed signing achievement in Football Manager 2021 - Definitive Guide

Another one that is well hidden.

To do this go to scouting on the left then make sure everyone is removed from the recommendation part.

1. Make sure at the top scouting responsibility is with the scout and not yourself.
2. Go to general then selection a position.
3. Put current ability and potential ability on lowest.
4. You will see duration put that to 1 week and put priority to high.

Soon as a scout comes back sign the player they recommend.

Don't have to wait for inbox just every continue just go to scouting on left until a player shows up.

Make sure above the player that has been scouted it say The name then - Scout (so its the scout that recommended them)

As sometimes its player agents and things that show up in scouted area they wont count.

13 Mar 2021 11:23