Football Manager 2021
98 Achievements
The Rich Get Richer
Career earnings over 100 Million
How to unlock the The Rich Get Richer achievement in Football Manager 2021 - Definitive Guide
The easiest method to do this is with the editor.
While using the editor on your profile, you can set it so that you can't be fired.
After that just go on holiday indefinitely. This achievement will unlock eventually.
If you don't have the editor then the best bet is to do this through save scumming. Holiday between games and this will come in time. Winning the Premier League every year I was on a wage of about 350k a week. With this I got the achievement around 15 years in.
While using the editor on your profile, you can set it so that you can't be fired.
After that just go on holiday indefinitely. This achievement will unlock eventually.
If you don't have the editor then the best bet is to do this through save scumming. Holiday between games and this will come in time. Winning the Premier League every year I was on a wage of about 350k a week. With this I got the achievement around 15 years in.