50 Achievements
Xbox 360
President of the USA
You have accumulated 100 multiplayer wins on the Alliance side.
How to unlock the President of the USA achievement in Fracture - Definitive Guide
When playing online you'll have the option of playing as either Alliance or Pacifica, considering that you'll have to play 1500 matches to earn the Demolition Expert achievement, as well as some of the other achievements for winning 50 matches in various modes, if you plan on getting all the achievements in this game then this will come naturally.
It appears you need to lose at least one game as both sides before these two achievements will pop.
By Daemonhunter 7 on 10 Jan 2013 08:09
I've won 100 games as the Alliance, but no achievement. I unlocked the 50 wins for CTF and Excavation and 100 games played, all as the host on the Alliance side. Has anyone else experienced this glitch?
By Daemonhunter 7 on 03 Jan 2013 12:19
See "President of Pacifica"