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Chicken 2

Chicken 2

On level 2 stay on the road until the timer is red, then reach home.


How to unlock the Chicken 2 achievement in Frogger - Definitive Guide

The road is what the cars drive on, meaning don't go on the one space above the road but before the river. Practice makes perfect especially for retro games like this. All in all, it's an easy acheivement.

31 Oct 2008 20:34

It's also worth noting that there must be at least one second on the clock when you reach home. I did it twice where I made it home and the Timer showed "Time 00" but didn't get the achievement. Once I got it with "Time 01" the achievement popped.
By Prong on 12 Apr 2010 20:11
The previous comment is not true. I had 0 seconds left on the clock and still got it! It seems a bit temperamental as I had to try it several times. Maybe it has to be the last slot you fill? It was the case for me!
By Epsilon Theta on 27 Jul 2011 11:40
good theory eps. I did this numerous times last night and no achievement. It was never on my last slot though. Do you actually have to be on the road? I was staying in the starting position until in the red.
By Das Kuhnen on 30 Jul 2011 14:14
I just got this achievement and all the slots were empty. I had successfully done it twice before (I'm pretty sure), and it didn't pop until now. I think it's just a really temperamental achievement.
By PursuantDuke on 24 Mar 2012 06:39
I got it first time. As soon as it loaded. I stepped onto the road. Went in lane 4 as the cars barely came and when they did they where easy to avoid.

When it got low, i hopped along in line with the trucks. As soon as it went red i shot accross. I picked any of the 5 and it popped instantly.
By Bonxy on 06 Jul 2012 13:33
haven't been able to get this. have stayed on the road many times until red, and then finished the level. never got the achievement.
By negative1ne on 24 Jul 2013 04:04
I hate that damn frog. Have now done it probably about 30 times, including once getting all 5 slots filled this way. Even deleted and reinstalled the game. Still nothing. :-(
By SilentJay76 on 30 Apr 2014 10:12
Also did this and didn't get the achievement. I really wish I hadn't wasted money on this game: the controls are so sluggish that most of the achievements are impossible, and the ones that aren't impossible are glitched.
By Loogaroo1 on 12 Jun 2014 17:16
Not sure if anyone out there is still playing, but I JUST got the achievement after quitting the game years ago. Make sure when you start you immediately jump onto the road. DO NOT STAY ON THE SAND. I had been doing that for as little as a few seconds to as long as it took for the timer to turn red and never got the cheeve. Started out on the road the second I had control, waited in the bottom 2 lanes and made a bee line when it turned red.
By TheBigLewadski on 27 Feb 2017 20:17
Thanks BigLewadski - worked for me that way, too. Finally! :-)
By SilentJay76 on 19 Jan 2018 13:40
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The #1 thing to note with any achievement in this game is that if you set your lives above the default, the achievement will not pop. So if you are starting with any more than the default 3 lives, you won't get the achievement until you do.

Now, the second level is pretty easy, but one thing to note. There are fast cars on the 2nd from the top level. Time yourself and watch a few things:
- Hide between the trucks at the top level, and try to stay to the right as much as possible, especially when time is running out.
- Keep an eye on the lilypads in the river. Don't jump on the ones that turn green.

Level 2 isn't hard to jump across the river since there are logs and lily pads all over. If you're lucky, you'll almost have a straight line to park the frog at the top. Took me a few tries to get the timing down, and you will to. Remember, settings at default 3 lives or the achievement won't pop. I did it twice without popping, and once setting this setting back, it popped.

04 Jan 2015 21:10

On level 2 stay on the road and dodge all the cars until the timer goes red, you can't wait on the sand at the beginning of the level as thiswill not unlock the achievement, but still a pretty easy achievement.