46 Achievements



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Underground brotherhood

Underground brotherhood

Play and win 30 online custom races you haven't created.


How to unlock the Underground brotherhood achievement in FUEL - Definitive Guide

I try lot of things with my friend to do this achievement, the only way to unlock it, is that your friend must create a race, when the race is created you must SEARCH IT because if your friend sends you an invitation to play the achievement will not unlock, DON'T FORGET YOU ARE OBLIGED TO SEARCH THE RACE.

07 Jun 2010 10:50

This solution is definitely the best solution ever !! I get it without any problem by that way, and it seems to be quicker when your search the race rather than accept a friend invitation. It takes no longer than 30 minutes!!!!
By leparraindu68 on 13 May 2011 14:07
wow what a bug, thanks for pointing it out
By Xonatron on 15 Aug 2011 23:31
I had to do a combo of all the things listed.. but I finally started to try the search method and it unlocked after about 8 or 9 races.. thumbs up!
By B8TINGU on 18 Oct 2011 06:02
anyone still want to boost this game ?
By Recovski on 21 Jan 2019 21:26
anyone still want to boost this game ? GT: RogueAgent4
By RogueAgent4 on 01 May 2023 07:29
Create a session.
By Ox1893 on 23 Feb 2024 14:47
Thumbs up. Strangely enough, it seems that winning ANOTHER player's created races after using "Join Session in Progress" gives you credit towards the achievement for winning 10 custom races that YOU created (i.e. "A prophet in his own country"). In this way, I ended up getting that achievement even though I had not created any race up to that point! I still needed to do another 30 races by SEARCHING for the other player to get this achievement. It really shouldn't be the case but the method of joining does seem to be the key when it comes to these achievements.
By Firdaus II on 19 Mar 2016 21:45
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This is pretty much going to require a friend.

Have your friend create a race using the race editor with only a starting point and an ending point, preferably on a straight section of road and as close together as possible. Have him host a custom player match using that created map, selectable by going hitting right on the LS while view the race selection screen, and make it private. You cannot select custom races in ranked matches. Then have him let you win 30 times on that map. Unfortunately, you get kicked out of the match at the end of every race so he will have to re-host every time.

If you are worried about keeping track of your wins, there is an Online Races Ranked 1st stat in the General Info menu that keeps track of your wins. So long as you know the number of online wins you had before you started boosting, that screen should make it easy to tell how many more you need.

I've been hearing many people say this achievement is refusing to unlock. It appears that it may be partially glitched.

04 Jun 2009 08:11

I have tried doing it set as private you have to search for the match each time or it does not work. Other then that good solution.
By NiteJokester on 20 Jun 2009 23:07
Actually, if you set it to private you should be able to invite your friend.
By Ashen Seraph on 21 Jun 2009 01:28
Achievement Currently Glitched? I've won over 40 races with this method.
By xZ KAMIKAZI Zx on 23 Jun 2009 23:55
I got it exactly when expected.
By Ashen Seraph on 24 Jun 2009 00:07
I've won around 40 as well and no achievement.
By Sword of Life on 27 Jun 2009 20:53
Are you guys certain that you are having your friend host the match using a created map with you winning it?
By Ashen Seraph on 27 Jun 2009 22:06
Yes, hes created a race with 4 checkpoints and i won 30, then i did with another person 5 races with 3 checkpoints then again with the same person did 26 more with 4 checkpoints. He hosted them all on a race he created.
By Sword of Life on 01 Jul 2009 04:57
This achievement is one pain in the ass. I've done this 60 times already and it still hasn't unlocked. I need a patch for this funkin' achievement!
By OverTheBelow on 22 Jul 2009 16:52
I don't know what to tell you guys. This achievement unlocked exactly when I expected it. It also unlocked exactly when the guy I was boosting with expected it.
By Ashen Seraph on 22 Jul 2009 18:00
Seraphim. did you do the achievo to win 10 you created first? I've won nearly 80 for this BS and it wont unlock. But after 10 I got the wrong achievo. I'm wondering if ppl should unlock the "win 10 you created" first. If anyone can test this to be true please post.

Yet more glitchy achievo BS. Getting sick of this sort of shit where developers are to ignorant to do anything about it. Sounds a lot like EA to me.

Nice work codies!!!
By SmokiestDadn on 13 Sep 2009 19:35
After struggling to get this achievement and having my boosting partner unlock it no problem and right on queue. I discovered that I was joining his match through my friends list instead of searching for games. It unlocked after I started joining via the search method.

So in summary, make sure you join a game by searching for the game that your friend or other created. If you join via invite or by joining a friend's game via your friends list it probably will not unlock. I did well over 100 before I switched over.
By UDGuy on 06 Jan 2010 23:42
Everything you guys are saying here is right but if it glitches there is no sure fire way to fix. Everyone has different ways that worked for them. I boosted with a friend his unlocked dead on 30 , 3 second race,invited into game. It didnt for me.Tried everything i could,longer races ,invite in and searches etc etc etc. Borrowed a copy for my us box and used another profile and it unlocked after id won 96 online matches i didnt create. In esscence what im trying to say is eventually if it glitches have no fear it will unlock eventually. The ways people are saying this "definately works" is wrong as i said there is no definative way. It will unlock when its ready so just keep at it
By SSCP on 06 May 2010 02:39
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Unobtainable due to server closure

This one is confusing. The description says you need to just finish 30 races; you actually need to win them. It is probably quickest to boost this one as your partner can create a one checkpoint race as short as you like and get him to send you an invite. Finish 30 of them and you will get it. Be sure to check your progress on the "online" section of the stats found in the pause menu.

NOTE: These races have to be won consecutively. Various people have reported problems with this trophy and the common denominator seems to be the fact that they took turns winning. To be sure this doesn't happen to you, win 30 races in a row.

First, a friend must create the track itself: Start > RaceEditor > Create New Race. Places two checkpoints as close to each other as possible and saves.

Next, he goes to Xbox Live > Play Xbox Live > PlayerMatch > Create Match > D-pad to the right > Selects the previously created track.

You must find this race through Custom Match, enter it and win 30 times. If you join through an invite, you will not receive the achievement.

21 Sep 2014 01:40