Galaga Legions
12 Achievements
All Championship Areas Clear
Cleared all areas in Championship mode!
How to unlock the All Championship Areas Clear achievement in Galaga Legions - Definitive Guide
The enemys will always spawn from the same place and follow the same path. Having said that, this does not in any way make this easy.
I have all but the final achievement in this game (I'm still working on it at the time this is written), and they method I used is as follows.
For this achievement and for any of the championship areas, the bonus is that you can play any one of them at any time. This means you can just keep playing a level over and over until you can do it.
The only way I found to complete championship mode is to literally play each level over and over until I could remember exactly where and when each group of enemies would appear. (The lines that appear on screen help you to remember as they show where the enemies will appear and what path they will take). This way I was able to deploy my satellites in places that would attack the main ship in the wave (the one which one destroyed takes all the others with it) before the wave actually appeared. This is key to surviving as it means you can focus on just staying alive while your satellites do the work.
Also, capturing Galaga is key (firing at the white swirl which appears until it engulfs everything on screen) as this gives you a lot more fire power and makes it less likely that you will be hit by ships you have missed. It also means when you deploy your satellites they attack a much larger area. If you don't hit the swirl to capture the galaga then I would suggest re-starting.
When you first play a level it seems almost impossible but trust me, after an hour or so you remember the patterns and it just gets easier and easier.
This game just takes a bit of dedication and in my opinion the key is learning where to deploy your satellites.
Any questions just message me on xbox live. SN3AKY BUCKO.
After completing each level at least once, you will unlock this along with the last level you had done.
How to use the videos:
Start the video and watch closely at how the enemy is attacking and how the player positions the ship and satellites. Once the two orange lines cross each other from top to bottom, pause the video. Try to mimic what you see for the most part, but sometimes you will be off a bit and have to do your own thing. Now, when you see two orange lines come from bottom and top and cross each other in your game, hit and watch the next section in the video.
This should help a lot, though you will find yourself dying a lot more than the video. Just keep at it, as this will still take huge amounts of practice.