Gatling Gears
12 Achievements
Take it to the Max
You created the ultimate fighting machine
How to unlock the Take it to the Max achievement in Gatling Gears - Definitive Guide
Obviously, the hardest part of this achievement is collecting all of the gold bars around the levels. It is not necessary to collect every single one - if you don't miss a gold bar, you'll be able to afford all upgrades by the end of chapter 5-1.
The gold bars are usually pretty easy to spot, make sure you destroy everything you can see as some are hidden underneath structures. For a full guide on the locations, please see this post:
PS3 (same info as for the XBox version), credit to MFVillin
Throughout the campaign you can upgrade your walker at Pirate Shops which are conveniently located near the beginning of each level. Each upgrade costs gold, and in total you'll need 68 pieces of gold to fully upgrade your walker. Since there are 78 pieces of gold in the game (three per normal area, one per boss area) this isn't as bad as it may sound. All of the gold pieces are in obvious locations and a good 90 percent of them are out in the open and clearly visible from the main path. So just pay attention to the sides of the path as you proceed and you should have enough to upgrade everything completely by the middle of level five.
Note that only the upgrades count for this achievement. None of the Pirate Shop's unlockables count towards this.