Gatling Gears
12 Achievements
You faced the toughest possible opposition and became a true hero
How to unlock the Veteran achievement in Gatling Gears - Definitive Guide
Now listen up this method works like a champ and you can go through the whole level without getting hit more than a few times. We call it the CREEPING METHOD
These are tips for most levels but mainly 5-4
1.) I recommend playing a few times on easy just to know where the enemies are and what to expect.
2.) I recommend playing it in coop because you have two spark bombs, which if you do this method you might need to use them on the two side by side huge tanks that come from your side.
3.) MOST IMPORTANT. When moving up through the level, you can move so slow that only a sliver of the enemy will be showing at the top of the level as you progress. For instance the feet of a walker or the treads of a tank. STOP. Just as you see a glimpse of the enemy you'll be able to destroy it without it being able to fire back. That was the key to our victory.
Thank you and if you have any questions or I was too vague on something, I'll try to clarify
You have to beat the whole game on hard. Simply put, it will be hard. The enemies do a lot more damage on hard, and you only get two lives (as opposed to the three on normal and four on easy). If you can find a skilled boosting partner I'd recommend playing through on co-op, but if one of you dies you both fail the level so make sure that both you and your partner are up for this.
A good method to use throughout the campaign on hard is to inch forward the screen and destroy enemies as parts of them become visible. Most enemies won't shoot until they're fully visible so you can take advantage of that fact and pummel them with grenades before they get a chance to fire at you.
If you're having trouble with this achievement, here are some tips to help you:
- Play through the game on easy/normal first and fully upgrade your walker. You'll have more health and better weapons that way, and both will help you survive on hard.
- Stay moving. It's harder for enemies to hit a moving target.
- You can fire rockets while aiming grenades and they'll be aimed where your grenade icon is.
- Utilize power-ups. Weapon power-ups and invulnerability are duration-based, not use-based, so there's no point in saving them - they'll just wear off.
- Learn the levels by playing them repeatedly on easy/normal. The better you know them, the more prepared you'll be.