Gatling Gears
12 Achievements
You Never Walk Alone
You completed part of the adventure with a wingman
How to unlock the You Never Walk Alone achievement in Gatling Gears - Definitive Guide
This way, we're not sure he'll get the achievement for finishing the game on hard (we started directly in hard).
2. Local Co-op
3. Prologue
Just Move the second controller a little bit at a time as you make your way through the Boot Camp and after that when the enimies start attacking clear out enimies and and complete the area for the achievement to pop.
This achievement is pretty self-explanatory. The easiest area to do this in is Bootcamp, and it can be done via XBL or local co-op. If you have a friend that can help you out this will be a cake walk. If not you can still get the achievement fairly easily but you'll need a second controller.
If you opt for the second controller method just use one of the walkers (the primary controller) to kill things and let the other one (the secondary controller) hang back. You'll occasionally need to move the second walker forward to progress but on easy you won't be in trouble much. Also remember that you have a second spark bomb via the second controller in case of emergencies.