

12 Achievements



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High Score

High Score

Acquire an Xbox Live CO-OP score of 100,000 using default settings


How to unlock the High Score achievement in Gauntlet - Definitive Guide

To get this score you will need to obtain 100,000 points or more during a co-op game using the default settings, as the achievement said.

Only one person needs to get to that score. Once you get over 100,000 points then exit the level for it to unlock.

This can be accomplished in level 4 using a respawning method. Instead of me rambling on, check the video out. Just make sure you have default settings and make sure you EXIT the level. I just waited until all the walls turned into exits.

If you have a glitched leaderboard:

1. Sign out of XBL (hit the Xbox Guide, and press X to sign out of your profile).
2. Start Gauntlet.
3. Once at the main menu of Gauntlet, turn on or plug in a second controller.
4. Select your main profile with the second controller and start a game with the second controller.
5. Now, you should start the game and die immidiately to see the ingame scoreboard. It should no longer be the extremely high score that it was before.

13 Nov 2010 02:44

This worked like a charm, and note that the total score, if you're playing with only 2 players, i haven't tried it with 3 or 4, needs to be around 170,000. I don't know how they calculate the COOP score but it seems to be

(Player 1 score + Player 2 score) / 2 * 1.2
Total Score x 60%
By Drakenden on 20 Jan 2011 14:05
I only needed 100,000 to unlock it in co-op (with 2 people). Not sure why you needed 170,000 points....
By Fafhrdd on 21 Jan 2011 02:50
Doesn't work. Makes me sign in when I start up the game
By Felix Pie on 29 Sep 2012 04:55
The sign in panel shows up on the first controller after you have signed in your Main account on your second controller? I don't think it will force you playing a local game, just hit the guide button to cancel the login screen. You have the glitches leaderboard I assume?
By Fafhrdd on 30 Sep 2012 11:52
With 4 people, this achievement popped when we had around 280,000 combined points.
By Redd Five on 19 Jan 2015 17:38
Recently got this and was working out a basic formula whilst doing so and with 4 people, dividing or combined total by 4 and then x 1.5 gave us a pretty good estimate of our total during the round

A simplified version of that formula is just your combined total x 0.375 which based on 280k from above comment is 105k and right on the achievement target
By VOODOO85 on 15 Feb 2022 12:33
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For this achievement it is the co-op score at the bottom at the end of each level that you want to pay attention to as when it hits 100,000 you will get the achievement. I did this with just another person online and it works, as well as we were playing it seems that the multipliers you get do not count towards the co-op.........just the base points with no multipliers.

07 Nov 2011 19:56

Ok, one player does NOT need to get 100,000 points, there is some formula to get it.

I don't know for two players, but for three it was over 230,000 points. So, for two players it has to be less than 230,000 but more than 100,000. Four players it will be much more than 230,000 points. Hopes this helps trying to get a feeling to how many you need.

25 Jun 2011 20:52

Although helpful, the last solution is incorrect to a degree.
While not every player has to get 100,000 - it is highly likely that more than 1 person needs to get to 100K.

Also, this achievement is based on the co-op score that you see after you complete each level - a fact that for some reason I don't see mentioned in any guide (on any site).

I suggest using the level glitch that you will likely have to use to get to level 21 on XBL co-op to get that achievement (see that achievement's solution).

My best recommendation is that on the harder levels (most from level 8 onwards can be a real pain): stay near the start of the level you're on, clear out all of the baddies that use projectiles that can hit you from up close or afar (e.g., the rock throwing bastards). Then plunk yourselves all at different corners that will allow you to attach baddies coming out of the spawn points on the other side of the wall - and don't move (only shoot baddies) until the level glitch kicks in and you can exit the level. MAKE SURE YOU DON'T ALL DIE!!!

Also, and this is key to getting it done faster, you will notice point multipliers in front of some of your characters' scores/name. Take advantage of these as they help you build up your points faster. Every piece of food that is picked up adjusts the multipliers +vely or -vely depending on who picks it up. If a player picks it up, his multiplier increases by 1 while another character's multiplier will decrease by 1. (this will make more sense while your playing the game).

Another thing to note is that the achievement will pop after you complete a level - and not during.

NOTE: We were a team of 4, did this in ranked co-op, and got the chievo around level 16 or 17. It took about an hour and a half - but we had to figure out what the hell we were doing.

08 Apr 2011 03:14

For this achievement, you must achieve a score of at least 100,000 on Xbox Live with other people. This may get tricky, because every time you die, your score resets itself back to 0. Try to stay behind, and accumulate points slowly so you don't die. Another tactic is to play with your friends on a level where there is a spot where you can sit in one place and keep killing people until you get to 100,000.

Now, I will describe the characters for you, so you can choose which character you like the best.

Thor, the Warrior, is the slowest character in the game. He is also the strongest character in the game. His color is red, and he has a melee attack, meaning that he can defeat stronger enemies simply by running into them. Be careful when using this tactic, however, as you get hurt more by using it a lot. Pick this character if you like small levels where there is only one or two spaces in a hallway so you can get in front of everybody to get all of the kills.

Thyra, the Valkyrie, is the second fastest character in the game. Her strength is about medium. Her color is blue, and she has a melee attack, meaning that she can defeat stronger enemies simply by running into them. Be careful when using this tactic, however, as you get hurt more by using it a lot. The Valkyrie is basically a speedy, average character that you should pick if you want strength and speed, even if they are reduced slightly.

Merlin, the Wizard, is the third fastest character in the game. His strength is a little bit over average. This character does not have a melee attack, so try not to run into the middle of several enemies. Personally, I think that the Warrior is the worst character in the game, but you might want to choose him for his fairly high strength.

Questor, the Elf, is the fastest character in the game. He is also the weakest character in the game, even though his strength is just slightly below Thyra's.
This character does not have a melee attack. You should pick the Elf if you like getting in front of everyone to take the food, magic, and treasure, or just if you like moving and shooting quickly.

If you want to play serious co-op, you should keep these things in mind:

-Always let the person who is lowest on health get the food.
-Always let the wizard get the magic.
-Be mindful of where you are shooting to avoid shooting food and magic.
-Don't trigger switches or walk into teleporters if you don't know what they do.
-If you don't know what to do, and another player has advice for you, listen to it.
-Be careful not to shoot your partners in the later levels when shooting your partners stuns them.

Now, here is the world-famous Gauntlet glitch. Well, it's more like a cheat, and there's actually two of them here.

Glitch Number One: On Level 1, kill the ghosts and the generator and go to the bottom of the screen where the gate is. There will be a gate, a key, and an exit. This glitch is only helpful if you want to use the other exits in Level 1 to go to Level 4 or Level 8. All you need to do is wait by the gate, and it will eventually disappear, as well as the large one in the upper right corner of the level, saving you a key or possibly two. There is an invisible timer that starts counting down as soon as the level starts, and when it reaches about 32 seconds (I've timed it 3 times) the two gates should disappear. I think this cheat may be somewhat applicable with other levels, but I'm really not sure.

Glitch Number Two: This is the really helpful one. It works on any level as far as I know. However, you wouldn't want to do it on any level. Before attempting this glitch, make sure you are on a level that has a spot where everyone in the game can get to a spot to stand still where no one can shoot them, preferably in the beginning of the level. Once everyone is in a spot where no enemies can hurt them, everyone must stand still for 180 seconds. Make sure everyone has at least 205 health before attempting this. After everyone has stayed still for 180 seconds, every wall in the level will turn into an exit. Everyone can shoot as much as they want to, as long as nobody moves the left control stick. Early, in the game, this is extremely helpful on Level 10, which is very hard to beat. It is also helpful on Level 14, which is essentially the same level as Level 10.

There is a very annoying glitch which hikes up the ingame high score to 6.7 million or more. It should be 8000. If you don't know if this has happened to you, start a game and die. Then, wait to see the ingame scoreboard pop up. If it is a lot more than 8000, you should do the following:

1. Disconnect from Xbox Live.
2. Turn on you Xbox 360, go to the Xbox Guide, and press X to sign out of your profile.
3. Go to the Xbox Live arcade and start Gauntlet.
4. Once at the main menu of Gauntlet, turn on or plug in a second controller.
5. Select your main profile with the second controller and start a game with the second controller.
6. Now, you should start the game and die immidiately to see the ingame scoreboard as described before. It should no longer be the extremely high score that it was before.

Thanks to Kestler for this helpful hint!

Well, I think I've covered every aspect of the game pretty well, and I hope I helped you. If you have any questions or comments, you can e-mail me at [email protected]