Gears of War 2

Gears of War 2

79 Achievements



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And the Horsey You Rode in On

And the Horsey You Rode in On

Defeated Skorge and his Hydra


How to unlock the And the Horsey You Rode in On achievement in Gears of War 2 - Definitive Guide

Story line.

After getting the queen you run to some reavers and start flying. Now, just shoot rockets at other reavers and brumaks standing on the ground. Eventually you will land, and there will be some other gears fighting.
Help them for a while, until a giant hydra is chasing you.

Now, the hydra is chasing you through a tunnel. Dodge it's rocket and shoot it in the orange thing in it's mouth. This will make it go away, note this can be hard.

After that, you're outside again in some kind of forest where other reaver pilots will be chasing you. Shoot them one at a time, until they die. Then goes forever doing this, and guess what... Hydra is back.

When it's flying behind you dodge for incoming missiles. Then it will grab onto your reaver. What you need to do now is just to shoot the arm of. Keep shooting it.
Then the hydra will fly in front of you, where you need to shoot it with rockets. When it goes straight towards you, you NEED to get a rocket on it, else your dead.

Now repeat last bit a couple of times and the hydra will be dead.

DING! Achievement unlocked.

15 Aug 2010 08:59