Gears of War 2
79 Achievements
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Back to Basic
Won all Training Grounds matches
How to unlock the Back to Basic achievement in Gears of War 2 - Definitive Guide
Pretty Simple from the main menu go to training ground. Here you are teamed up with bots againts a team of bots and have to complete 5 scenarios. The scenarios are The Basics (3-on-3 warzone,) Execution rules (5-on-5 execution,) Respawning (5-on-5 guardian,) Objective (5-on-5 annex) and Submission (5-on-5 submission.) Your team have to win each scenario so even if you die and your team win it will complete. These are also a good introduction to the new game types as well so give it a whirl before you jump into the real thing.
It should be noted that it seems Epic in all their brilliance decided to make the bots in this mode on Insane level. I am far from an amateur and I am struggling to complete these, the execution round is especially tough.
The bots on your team are pretty much worthless and you can count on being shot up by 2-3 of the enemy at any given time. Regardless of where you are on the map the enemy seem to always focus fire on you so stay covered and prepare to throw your controller a few times.
If you die before the round is over prepare yourself for a stalemate because the bots are too stupid to do anything other than cover-fire back and forth when there isn't a human alive to actually run around and cause chaos.
The bots on your team are pretty much worthless and you can count on being shot up by 2-3 of the enemy at any given time. Regardless of where you are on the map the enemy seem to always focus fire on you so stay covered and prepare to throw your controller a few times.
If you die before the round is over prepare yourself for a stalemate because the bots are too stupid to do anything other than cover-fire back and forth when there isn't a human alive to actually run around and cause chaos.
By Groux on 11 Nov 2008 03:06
Groux is right, this whole tutorial is pretty miserable. 10 GS I won't bother getting unless I already have the other 990 for the game.
By StarfighterProx on 02 Jun 2009 18:33
The training grounds have their own option in the main menu, and give you an intro to the online multiplayer by pitting you against bots with tips that pop up throughout the match. This is a good way to prepare for the online if you are new to the franchise.
The main reason I'm posting this guide is because there were a couple things the other solutions left out that I felt a need to cover. First off, if you die before your bots get ready for a long wait most likely. Typically the bots engage each other in long range lancer warfare and things like that and don't finish each other off, dragging rounds out quite some time.
Also, for your completed tutorial you have to stay until the countdown on the top of the screen reaches ZERO. Do not press pause and exit like the screen prompts you to, otherwise you will not get credit for completing that stage. Other than that, good luck against the bots and this should be an easy 10G.
The main reason I'm posting this guide is because there were a couple things the other solutions left out that I felt a need to cover. First off, if you die before your bots get ready for a long wait most likely. Typically the bots engage each other in long range lancer warfare and things like that and don't finish each other off, dragging rounds out quite some time.
Also, for your completed tutorial you have to stay until the countdown on the top of the screen reaches ZERO. Do not press pause and exit like the screen prompts you to, otherwise you will not get credit for completing that stage. Other than that, good luck against the bots and this should be an easy 10G.
1 Comment
The comment about waiting for the timer is crucial as I did not get credit for the first level, was unsure of if a check mark would show up or not. Glad I didn't waste my time doing all 5 and checked this first :)
By Fatal Infusion on 16 Apr 2014 02:27
Not nearly as difficult as people are leading you to believe. Simply before you enter the training grounds switch the bot difficulty to casual and it will remain so. I did this for two different profiles and it didn't take me more then twenty minutes each time. When I did it for my main profile I even died on the third scenario and my team was still able to win the match.