Gears of War 2

Gears of War 2

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Beat the Meatflag

Beat the Meatflag

Captured 10 meatflags (not Custom)


How to unlock the Beat the Meatflag achievement in Gears of War 2 - Definitive Guide

This achievement is for 10 captures of the npc character in submission gametype which is a territories variant.

This is easy to do with some patience. After 2 captures, one per round, the game will end. Therefore it takes a minimum of 5 games to get this achievement. But as other people go for captures too, this is unlikely. Tell your team you're going for the achievement and they may allow you to get it, or alternatively, play with a group of friends and take turns getting captures.

During the matches, rush for the meatflag and get him down. Grab him and make your way to the ending area, which moves when the other team captures it, and is random.
When dragging the meatshield, you are more protected than normal, and a good player can take down several attackers one at a time with the starting pistol and melee hits. The rest of the team should be scouting and protecting the rear to grant you safe passage, so if they aren't, tell them to.


Newer updates have allowed the option of unlocking this achievement in Social xbox live, meaning you can choose the submission gametype and have the match populate empty slots with bots. But apparently you will need all the available dlc packs to unlock this achievement via the social route.

They most likely changed it because the release of Gears 3 took away even more players, on top of the already low amount of people playing Submission.

19 Nov 2008 13:03

The problem is that no one seems to want to play submission anymore.
By Timerider42 on 29 Mar 2009 18:36
if you assemble a team, everybody votes for submission quickly, your chances of getting submission are pretty good.
By sadelack on 03 Jul 2009 20:12
Got 2/10. Pretty hard this one. The only other non DLC achievement i'm missing is Seriously 2.0.
By tnargus on 06 Aug 2009 22:47
A good tactic to winning in submission is leaving the enemy DBNO while you negotiate the meatflag instead of killing them so they respawn with another smoke grenade. But people always want to take kills!
By Markav on 15 Aug 2009 10:12
Haha I finally got 1/10, I'm level 38 now and I mostly chose GUARDIAN/SUBMISSION. Mostly.
I think I played submission about 5 times?
By Yuhans on 06 Sep 2009 19:31
They ought to make a submission achievement playlist like they did with annex...
By RawwrBag on 12 Sep 2009 20:40
Not only do I rarely get the flag, no one plays submission anymore.
By Timerider42 on 08 Oct 2009 02:00
yea i got 4 out of 10 but it took me for ages to get ... realy hate this achievement
By The Nostra NL on 08 Nov 2009 13:12
Got it;D 8 flags in 24hrs thanks to SUBMISSION playlist.
By Yuhans on 15 Nov 2009 17:45
i got 10 caps in 2 hours. This cheesemint was balls. My teammates actually blocked me from getting in the capture zone once.
By Brandon OGOD on 04 Dec 2009 15:04
First of all the social playlist having a submission gametype is a big help second doesn't "beat the meat" mean jackoff?
By SamBridges on 29 May 2010 23:24
No longer a completely accurate solution, as social matches make this achievement *MUCH* easier to earn (can get into a game against just bots, etc).
By Pedle Zelnip on 17 Jun 2010 06:48
lol yes, the name of this cheevo would in fact be a refference to beating off
By MrBogantilla on 30 Jun 2010 17:48
yeah i hosted a social match with bots to get this quickly. I had 5 previous captures and using the bot method i got it within 3 matches. people will eventually join though.
By on 07 Sep 2010 23:30
This achievement is easy, I don't know why many people don't have this yet after 2 years the game has been out.
By Hanx on 27 Jan 2011 16:11
@Cobryza - People don't tend to play the game type as much as Wingman for example.
By British GM on 29 Mar 2011 18:53
@cobryza a lot of people may not own the game, and may have just borrowed from a friend or bought it once it dropped in price, or just didn't like the game type or don't play it....

anyway.... the biggest thing is heading straight for the meat flag first, down him and rush to pick him up.... the pistol is not bad,you can down or kill a guy with one clip in 3 seconds no problem with a bit of practice, the pistol is a good weapon.

talk to your team and tell them where to go and where guys are, be nice and hopefully they will help out.
By PHARREAL87 on 28 Apr 2011 21:21
Like stated before, let your team know you are going for the achievement, and hopefully they will help you.
By Solario32 on 18 Sep 2011 00:59
One of the worst ever achievements...
By DELT4 UK on 04 Apr 2012 23:38
You may want to add the comment that if you want to get the achievement in a social match that you will need to have all the DLC. Several of those boosting with us today were displeased that they could not earn Socially without the DLC, so they were left with ranked matches only.
By RKlaahsen on 07 Aug 2012 00:22
also need this one and a couple more in GOW1, please add me and lets try to do it as a team :)
By Berembolla on 20 Aug 2012 06:15
fuck this achievement without a full group
By Arador on 26 Jul 2014 02:44
Can anyone vouch that the Social Xbox Live method still works? Whenever I search for one no players are ever found and it doesn't put me into a game with bots, am I doing something wrong?
By Scytharis on 15 Feb 2015 09:13
Social works with an open NAT type, but getting this achievement is extremely hard as the bots steal your captures
By iBobbeh on 19 Jul 2015 14:14
It seems the only way to really have a chance at getting this is to play with actual people. The A.I. are just absolute shit. Also I have witnessed no evidence of being "more protected" than normal, at all.
By James12183 on 17 Apr 2016 02:39
The bots are absolute garbage. Way to hard for bots
By KINGBANG713 on 01 May 2018 13:20
I need help with this but we need at least 7 players ideally. Who's up for getting this?
By Coffee 282 on 30 Jan 2019 17:40
Fuck these stupid aimbot mother fuckin bots and cap stealing teammates. 10-10 hellbots
By super kai 2 on 25 Aug 2019 19:25
This may or may not be helpful. If you have access to another Xbox and another account you can play online with (I used my home Xbox with a guest account sharing my gold and my new Xbox one x) then you can join a player onto the opposing team so they're a bot down.

It makes a ton of difference. I played for about 3 hours and only 1 person tried to join because the game is so dead online. Good luck!
By Djshep on 21 Oct 2019 23:18
For me the game never starts. Anybody have a fix for this? I have it set to Social Submission and press start to "Find Team" and I sit there for minutes. The game never starts with bots. Halp
By HEY0KA on 09 Jul 2020 06:34
If you’re boosting this in a session because the bots are either too tough or too obnoxious, the way to make matchmaking MUCH QUICKER is to have a “lone wolf” player who doesn’t join a team. Have a team of five, a team of four, and the lone wolf search at the same time.

This method changed our matchmaking times from 3-5 minutes to 15 seconds. Big difference.
By StcGK2008 on 20 Aug 2020 22:50
Need help for this. Been trying to get it for months. My gamertag is the same as my username.
By MetroniumIV on 31 Dec 2021 00:26
By Happy Dog CPH on 12 Jan 2022 17:16
This mode is shit. AI is too much OP and comrades are stupid. Don't have any chance.

This whole game saga is really overrated. Now is just too much grind for a game, is like if the developers be mocking on the players. Anyone supporting this idiotic decisions is a moron.
By NessNoldo on 09 Feb 2022 08:43
Man someone’s a bit mad. If you don’t like the grind then don’t play lmao. Imagine raging over the easiest gears game to finish
By YonderGrunt on 22 Jul 2022 17:58
Totally agree ^
By Chrupdiddy on 09 Aug 2022 22:38
I always get mad over the stupid online dependent achievements. Is not so simple as "dont play it then LOL"... I don't like to leave games unfinished at its completion due the online related achievements. Nobody play this now to be grinding like an idiot.
By NessNoldo on 28 Aug 2022 14:52
By Ox1893 on 02 Mar 2023 04:25
Servers have been apparently turned back on for the Gears trilogy
By Friggin Grease on 23 Jul 2023 21:39
Took me about an hour to get one on social matches. By the Jesus of I didn't give up on 9 all those years ago. Popped. Did it on Jacinto. I feel like it takes a bit of luck to get it. Hang back and watch the fight unfold. Take your chance when you see itm
By Friggin Grease on 20 Aug 2023 05:53
From November 6 to November 16 on there is an event with 3X exp and each game type is a separate playlist. This means that if you want to play submission you can select the Submission playlist instead of the usual Guardian/Submission playlist.
By Gundampilot416 on 08 Nov 2009 22:40
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With the latest Gears of War update (update 6), you can get this achievement easily by using "Social Xbox Live". You do not have to do it in a ranked match and with Social Xbox Live, the game will automatically start with Bots if it does not match you to enough or any players. Social Submission takes away the hassle of finding other players who actually play Submission.

Simply select this option in the drop down in Multiplayer and choose Submission in the Game Type drop down. From here start your matchmaking and with any luck you will get Bot players or only 1 or 2 human players. Once the game starts, capture the meatflag and drag him to the end location.

Bots are difficult in Social Submission but might be easier then doing it with expert human players.

NOTE: If playing with other players you will get the full experience that you would in Ranked. If playing only against bots you will only get a certain amount for winning. You ALSO REQUIRE ALL MAP PACKS to play this mode.

27 May 2010 12:12

why would you make a completely new guide for an achievement you haven't won yet?
By Madlmax120 on 08 Jul 2010 15:39
Because it is an achievement that I am working towards and know how to get (unfortunately I don't have Internet yet). You need 10 meatflags. I have 8 so I know this method works. If it doesn't work for you (assuming you don't have it) then let me know. But no complaints so why would you post a comment like that for a solution that does work? If its that bigger drama, I'll go on tonight and get it.
By DJDVSnz on 09 Jul 2010 04:47
Apparently, from what I've found out, you need to have the DLC packs in order to use this method (Social Submission with bots).

I tried it yesterday, and it wouldn't let me start the match because I didn't have possession of the proper DLC packs.
By Crater Bob on 11 Jul 2010 11:14
Ah I think you may be right actually. Because I think the social in fact does use the DLC. I'll find out in the next couple of days. I do remember doing some submission matches on the Snowblind maps. If I find this to be correct I'll edit my solution so everyone else knows.
By DJDVSnz on 12 Jul 2010 01:40
Im going to get the map's soon so ill use this method once i get them :)
And the map pack's are needed to play in social match type's.
By DA CYBER TIGER on 24 Jul 2010 02:38
ummmmm, yeah this won't work at all if your 100 or high ranked. the bots are more impossible then actual players.....
By ZombieMedicX on 13 Apr 2012 20:54
how do you get the bots???
if had it on social xbox live with 2 controllers signed no guest
had it searching for 7 hours!!! and no bots not even a other player...

how the h... do you get this also tryed the "Beat the Meatflag" "It's Good to be the King" "ou Go Ahead, I'll Be Fine" and the Annex: Now With Execution Rules and Standing Here, Beside Myself.

had the xbox on for 5 days and every day searching for 7 hours and no bots it will not stop searching.

how do you get the bots???

please help i only need 12 achevements and want to get it on 100% compleet
can also send me a mail over xbox roxanaversteeg is my xbox name.
By roxanaversteeg on 20 Jun 2012 09:18
The bots are a pain in the ass. Yes, bots can easily be taken down with a lancer from long range, but close up they are deadly. Additionally, if you're dragging the meatflag to the ring, it's quite often the case that you'll be downed by an opposing bot and your team members will kill the bot that downs you instead of reviving you, giving the meatflag enough time to finish you off. Then your bot team member will down the meatflag and finish the round, screwing you over.
By Octobot Super on 09 Nov 2012 23:35
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As noted that you can just play Social and play against the bots, but here are some tips.

- Only play social if you see 2 or 3 human players playing, thats ok. Anything more than that, than its like playing a regular match, and will make it harder to get the submission. Plus matches go much faster, playing against humans can take forever! Sometimes almost going a full 15 minutes in some rounds.

- Play at night I mean late at night, if you have a day off the next day and don't have anything to do, Try to stay up till 3am. I'm in central time zone in the United States, I honestly got about 8 out of my 10 submissions at around 3 to 4am. For a couple of reasons. I would get host almost all the time and hardly anyone else is playing which means bots only. Every now and than 1-2 players will join, which is fine as stated above.

- If you have the meatflag and you down a bot/player don't kill him. The longer they are downed the longer it takes for them to spawn and potentially try to kill you and take your meatflag. You want them crawling they can't harm you that way.

I did this without any help, I didn't have any teammates helping me which would of been a big bonus, but doing this alone is very possible. I was averaging about 4 submissions an hour, sometimes I would get a submission in back to back rounds, and others took me a couple of games to get one.


22 Feb 2011 18:19

1 Comment
I had all bots enough for me to get 7 of the 10, then real people started joining. The bots are hard online, but they can't really plan ahead like humans can.
By Muskrat Morris on 28 Jul 2011 13:56
A couple of final tips for those doing it solo.

Grab the Boltok Pistol, or even better the Gorgon Submachine Gun if they are nearby. Both of these pack an amazing punch and can be used one-handed when dragging the meat flag to the ring. A couple of shots and you can down the enemy a lot easier than the snub pistol you start with.

As usual, don't trust your Bot teammates to help you out. They do revive you reasonably well - but they don't have a clue about protecting you as you move your prize to the ring. There was plenty a times that I was left holding the meat flag, and facing down 4 of the opposition while the rest of my Bot team had disappeared to visit the nearby pub for a quick pint.

As you go in to get the meat flag use him to your advantage. He will shoot at the nearest enemy (including you) - so let him live a little while he helps you take out the opposition, once the opposition are cleared out, take the meat flag down, and drag him to victory.

As always, stick with it - you will get there eventually. For me, it was a long grind - probably about 4-6 hours split over a few days.

Finally - try to make the most of the smaller maps, where the Gorgon SMG/Boltok pistol is located near to the meat flag, GridLock especially. A few extra seconds picking up the more powerful pistol will save your backside when you need to drop a couple of enemy in the final seconds.

21 Sep 2014 13:44

Gears of War 2 (Xbox 360) - Achievement - Beat the Meatflag

Captured 10 meatflags (not Custom)

This achievement cannot be obtained in a custom match, however since the release of Gears of War 3, a new multiplayer mode was introduced in Gears of War 2 so that people could still play online with bots - The Social Xbox Live match. The achievement can be obtained in this mode.
The game type must be 'Submission'. The idea is that you down a neutral enemy and take him back to a specified location (the arrow at the top-left guides you to where you need to go).
The standard multiplayer bots in Gears of War 2 aren't always a pushover, so it may take some attempts. The game ends after 2 victories, so it will take a minimum of 5 games, but will likely take quite a few more due to the difficulty.


27 Dec 2021 12:01