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Party Like It's 1999

Party Like It's 1999

Played 1999 rounds in multiplayer


How to unlock the Party Like It's 1999 achievement in Gears of War 2 - Definitive Guide

Use these setting and go bed, the bots are too slow and dumb to kill each other in 1 minute.

Also use a wired(or plug and play charge kit) controller (rock band accessories will work too)

settings -
Match Type: Local
Game Type: Warzone (or Execution)
Total Rounds: 15
Round Time Limit: 1
Number Of Bots: 1 (or 9 - i recommend this)
Bot Difficulty: Casual
Bleed-Out Time: 60
Friendly Fire: Off
Map Selection: Host
Weapon Spawning: Customize (Mulcher for all)
Map: Day One

I personally put it on execution just in case they get you down to the last man, also despite me recommending the mulcher i leave all the weapons as normal, it is hilarious to wake up and look at the scores.

And i stress again, you do not have to have 9 bots running around, for me i just found it amusing to look at the scores when i woke up!

Video courtesy of Roosterteeth@youtube and Lopez_55

Thank you Darksynopsis for posting the second video

11 Nov 2008 00:45

Thanks, it works :D
By Rotten Trout on 11 Nov 2008 02:59
I recommend using 9 bots, as on a few of the maps (Day One included) the bot can find you.
By Abylities on 11 Nov 2008 15:47
it is funny to wake up and see cole having 170 kills XD
By Dimmock on 11 Nov 2008 19:31
Actually, go for this:
Local, Warzone, 15, 1, 9, Insane, 60, Off, Host, Customize Mulcher, and on Hail. Over the course of 100 rounds, the most deaths in a round is 1, from the Hail. It also slows em down. :)
By ZServ on 13 Nov 2008 08:17
Over three nights Serv, I've had 0 deaths on Avalanche, with 9 bots, no special weapons.
By Abylities on 13 Nov 2008 11:54
If you really get into it you can put it on blood drive, have it all frags, rush to them and blow yourself up, I got rounds over in about 15 seconds.
By Box#4473 on 13 Nov 2008 22:37
Finished it now, it's just so funny to see the stupid scores the bots get
By Dimmock on 14 Nov 2008 01:21
Why put bots in the game at all?
I just set up another profile using my guitar hero controller and set it to one round. Trust me, your other controller will not decide to kill you while you are asleep. I have about 1900 of the 1999 needed... figure I may need to play 99 games to get the 4 real online achievements.
By Akalabeth on 22 Nov 2008 06:49
Hows about we actually get achievements legit? I want this too but, I'm actually going to do this on Live.
By zagski13 on 13 Apr 2009 23:07
if it wasn't legit authors wouldn't let us get it this way
By Yuhans on 21 May 2009 13:38
has anyone else had their match counts for this achievement and the kills counts from Seriously 2.0 erased when you started a co-op campaign? I had done a single player campaign before I started the co-op and had played around 250 matches and had around 1500 kills, yet when I started up the co-op campaign it registered me as having no kills and it was starting me over with the certain achievements (Variety is the Spice of Death, Kick Them While They're Down, etc.) yet I had already unlocked them. I also reloaded up my single player campaign and it did not give me back any of my kills or matches when I played multiplayer matches against bots on my 360 system. I'm just wondering if this had happened to other people or if there is any way around this? If not I will just have to start over again...unfortunately. Please help me out if you can.
By infinit3shad0ws on 07 Jun 2009 15:50
I earned this achievement just by paying matches but if your willing to boost this is a great way to earn the achievement.
By joe odell on 08 Jun 2009 04:48
if you need to boost this you are a complete and utter noob
By OlsAbsss x on 23 Jun 2009 22:19
OlsAbsss x I completely agree I did it all legit
By James Ratm on 29 Jun 2009 15:52
I am having same problem as infinit3shadows, I had like 1500 rounds and all of sudden when I turn on 2nd controller to get "Around the world, Again" it erase all my rounds, kills, etc....I tried changing hard drive, profiles, etc...but nothing friend's gamertag that helps me get most of the achiv still have his killcounts, rounds, etc.....what the heck happen?
By blumunkey1982 on 08 Jul 2009 15:58

This happend to me month ago when I have 15k kills, I actually stopped palying gears I was so mad! Only now have I started replaying...!

When I looked into it it was know issue at Epic and they were requesting details of what users were doing when it happend. There is a patch coming out just before the the new dark corners which addresses a number of issues including this one!

My solution was to get a memory card and keep a copy of the game save data on that, in case it happens again!
By Erythema on 16 Jul 2009 16:47
great guide
By OMG Z33 on 16 Aug 2009 01:45
is it just me or does 1 horde wave count as 2.5 multiplayer games? cos i play 2 waves with a friend and the counter comes up saying i've played 5 multiplayer matches. im not complaining but i just haven't seen this happen to anyone else
By LepraSaun on 24 Aug 2009 09:28
the round will always be drawn, thus making it impossible to finish the match. you can let it play as many matches as it likes as it cannot win a single round let alone a best of 15 contest.
By Dimmock on 07 Jan 2010 23:32
as i was doing this i decide to keep my tv on rofl. Ever minute I'd here "Let's do this!" And I'd be like wtf... And how he says it in a soft low voice (because of tv volume) made it sound messed up rofl. xD just about to get achievement now. :)
By Kronic Vapers on 04 Feb 2010 05:42
Why is it people have to moan at others because there are other methods of winning achievements? If you don't like the solution don't use it and don't question it!! Isn't it the point of this site??!! Great guide by the way!!!
By TheBohawk on 20 Jun 2010 00:13
lol just got it awesome guide, now im thinking back at what i was actually doing in 1999...
By XxFatJesusxX on 23 Jun 2010 07:33
@STZ513, you do know this is an achievement boosting site, or that's a major part of it right? I'd say 90% -95% (if not 95% - 98%) have a boosted achievement, which makes them, in your eyes, not legit. I'm sure you've boosted too, which makes you yourself not legit.
By Leo Ascendent on 25 Jun 2010 18:42
If u have this acheviement legit your either a no life or your getting paid to play
By False Insanity on 08 Jul 2010 05:11
Can we plz stay away from personal attacks, it's none of your or my business who boosted it or who got it legit, and just cause he got it legit doesn't mean he has no life, I bet your the type of person who thinks MW2 is the greatest game ever.
By UlteriorDesert on 21 Jul 2010 22:08
@False Insanity - amen.
By Cameah on 31 Jul 2010 12:54
I endorse this solution!
By HemogoblinSS on 13 Sep 2010 01:57
What's the estimated overall time for this achievement?
By m0nk33z on 09 Feb 2011 05:29
A couple of nights.
By Dimmock on 22 Feb 2011 00:39
The over all time for this achievement is about 34 hrs. But totally worth doing if you want to complete the achievements but work 50hrs a week
By THE IRISHMAN 35 on 30 May 2011 18:41
Cheers for the guide, i started this on 1169
By Mr Duck on 25 Jul 2011 01:22
isn't it abit dodgy leaving your xbox on over night? cos you might get red rings when you wake up :O
By MrBettySwollock on 26 Aug 2011 23:01
Good method, but the controller turns itself off after 10 minutes because my character goes idle. How can I avoid this?
By Eric Filtro on 28 Aug 2011 13:57
@Eric Filtro - get a wired or plug in and play charge kit so it don't turn itself off. also to stop it going idle, wined something around one of the analog sticks so your character keeps moving.
By MrBettySwollock on 28 Aug 2011 23:50
Yeah, the problem is that it goes idle. I put some tape on the right analog stick so whenever each round started, my character would look down to the ground recording a movement, but still it went idle when I came back about 20 minutes later. I'll try something else. Thanks, Rusty.
By Eric Filtro on 29 Aug 2011 21:20
Thanks dim, gonna try this tonight !
By DaShAg on 19 Sep 2011 07:37
Great idea I'm gonna do this over the next couple of nights, gonna install it to my hard-drive 1st though don't want my Xbox overheating :)
By JamP0und on 20 Nov 2011 22:51
wtf why my pad switch off??? I've battery pack plugged in!
By DjKillaBlast on 22 Mar 2012 17:59
@m0nk33z 41 hrs 38 min 45 sec @ 75 seconds per round (60 second rounds +15 of dead time between rounds)
By bryan dot exe on 12 Jul 2012 02:26
can't you do this with a wireless controller? if you pull the batteries out of your wireless controller when the match is loading it won't pause the match saying to reconnect your controller. it'll just start the game. thats from what i can see anyway!
By LostMantella9 on 26 Dec 2012 12:01
it does work with a wireless controller, i left it on for a good 8 hours or so and got 510 rounds done. just pull the battery pack out when the match is loading
By LostMantella9 on 29 Dec 2012 02:49
Thank you for the fantastic guide! I would have never earned it otherwise.
By EGA Blackfire on 14 Feb 2013 05:15
This is definitely the best way to get the last 1,000+ rounds of multiplayer not reached from normal MP gameplay - thanks!
By SueDon70 on 17 May 2013 13:03
Who the fuck would try an achievement like this with a wireless controller.
By THEpaynexkiller on 03 Mar 2014 00:46
Quick question if anybody knows... does this give you XP towards the level 100?
By DCM7734 on 15 Jun 2014 06:44
Tried this last night on the xbox one with Gears 2 BC, the xbox powered off after 6 hours and the progress was not saved for the achievement, Do you have to quit the match correctly for this to save?
By The Batman IRL on 05 Oct 2016 08:41
@The Batman IRL

I guess so. A similar thing happened to me as well, I had 600 rounds done and I quit the game without going back to the main menu. Lost about 400 rounds that way.
By Anima Pura on 05 Apr 2017 09:36
If you're doing this on Xbox one, make sure you go to 'idle options' and turn off 'show me things when idle' otherwise it'll pause the game.
By SwearySean on 10 Jan 2020 16:57
Pretty dumb just quitting the game. Obviously you need to go back to the main menu in order for it to save...
By Happy Dog CPH on 22 Dec 2021 22:54
I got this one normally just by playing the game back in 2010 lol
By TWiZTiD SKiiTZO on 27 Jan 2022 19:50
^No shit most people did but the game is beyond dead now
By Wazowskii Time on 28 Jul 2022 14:22
By Ox1893 on 10 Feb 2023 09:00
great guide but im kinda confused, do you only get 15 rounds done at a time or does the game keep starting over?
By Vascoa on 06 Jan 2010 00:31
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If you set a private match, go to security. Set the total rounds to 15. Make you the only one on your team and another controller (player) on the other team and run through the lasers. You should make it to the lasers in about 15 seconds.If you alternate players running into lasers it makes it a total of 29 rounds at 15 seconds a round.

07 Jan 2009 09:57

1 Comment
err, a tip for party like its 1999 in gears of war 1.BTW it's a video game.
By doc2084 on 25 Jun 2011 22:50
The quickest method by far is mentioned by KILLROY 313 by playing Horde on FLOOD and running into the Imulsion pools as it takes < 5 sec for each game. However, I found a way to double this is by adding a second controller split screen and running both controllers into the imulsion pools and you'll get credit for 2 games instead of 1. I did this with a friend and got 1000 matches within 2hrs.
I haven't tried this with others online but it definitely works on split screen.

22 Aug 2011 19:43

Not sure if this is possible, the previous solution said it would take 7-8 hours doing this solo. Cutting the time in half for having two people would make 4 hours, and that still sounds fishy.
By TB Overshield on 23 Aug 2011 16:31
Works for me
By boldyno1 on 29 Aug 2011 21:31
TB: Demon Slayer said 1000 in 2 hrs. The achievment is 1999 that means 4 hours still to complete this.
By KORND0G on 06 Sep 2011 06:59
doing this now and getting 5 rounds for every 2 i play! great solution!
By TheHotan on 17 Sep 2011 11:28
this guide is good if u really want the achievement fast but if u cba to waste ur time on doing this then i recommened using another guide
By TOLCH96 on 01 Dec 2011 02:10
Pointless comment of all time... ^^ I know mine is too, but that was funny. :-D
By Shadow 00 Fox on 21 Oct 2013 03:35
Can you do this method, with two controllers, in regular multiplayer to get two matches counted every time as well?
By Shadow 00 Fox on 23 Aug 2014 02:36
Not sure if it will work in multiplayer as well. But, it definitely works in Horde. The only way to find out is to try it and watch your counter.
By Demon Slayer050 on 24 Aug 2014 01:59
ok smile
By Shadow 00 Fox on 24 Aug 2014 07:27
Could someone confirm the Flood map as DLC because its not in my playlist, Thanks.
By WhiskeyCharlie on 06 Apr 2015 00:15
Please ignore my last post. I answered my own question when I looked it up.
By WhiskeyCharlie on 06 Apr 2015 16:20
You do realize you can delete comments by pressing that little icon in the top right, right? :-)
By Shadow 00 Fox on 06 Apr 2015 21:05
Great solution, was able to clean up my remaining 200 rounds with this method fairly quickly.
By Ethigy on 18 Mar 2019 05:49
We die quicker on Insane difficulty.
By Moe GZ on 03 Sep 2022 17:27
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word of warning on this achievement. dimmock's way to boost and get it is perfectly fine, but the amount of time it takes is insanely long. for a 60 second match with a 10 second intermission between matches, it'll take almost 39 hours or a little over a day and a half of your xbox continuously running to get the achievement. when you're doing this, make sure your 360's auto-off feature is disabled, otherwise your box will be turning off every six hours. the way i did this is to set up the match before i went to bed and left it running until i got home from school the next day for 3 days in a row. that gives you more than enough time to get the achievement.
Wow.... everyone seems to be forgetting about horde!!!!! Horde counts as multiplayer,therefore, there are now 2 even quicker ways of doing this. #1. Map: Security, Waves 9-10,19-20,29-30,39-40,49-50. (does not matter which one).Difficulty: Insane. Now run to the lasers. Round length: 7-13 sec. #2. Map: Flood (combustible), Same waves, Same difficulty. Now, run into the imulsion pools. Round length: 3-8 sec. starting from 0, you should have this after 10-12 hours with method 1, or 7-8 with method 2. Or 48-50 with traditional methods. Take your pick.

21 Sep 2009 21:24

just make a private match and have 9 bots. make bot difficulty easy and play one excecution.make round length 1 minute. play on day one map.make bleed out time 60 seconds. put these setting on and simply just go to bed. it will take a couple of day and make sure you dont have your xbox setting saved to turn off after 6 hours because this can be a pain. use a wired controller or a plug and charge set

08 Jan 2011 18:20

A lot of these solutions are really good, and each one will earn you the achievement.. There are many ways listed that will earn you the achievement while playing it or leaving it running, I combined a few of these listed methods and came up with a pretty quick one, although YOU WILL NEED A TURBO CONTROLLER for this method..

Step 1. (Game Setup)
-Local Match
-Any Wave (I was on wave 1)

Step 2.
When the match starts turbo down the "A" button and walk away, what will happen is 6 of 10 times you will roll into the lava (implosion) on rounds that you don't you will continue to roll or take cover on a small wall, on these waves the enemies will kill you, I never had a round that lasted longer than 40 seconds..on waves you roll into the lava is didn't last longer than 15 seconds.. Doing this this way will net you many many more rounds played...

Good Luck

05 Jul 2012 23:28

After messing around and popping the achievement, I realized a few things. First off, you'll either...

A.) Want to plug in a wired controller/play and charge or...

B.) Unplug your controller immediately after hitting start match (during the countdown). This will make sure that you start the match without having your controller plugged in, therefore it cannot disconnect. It's a weird little trick...but it works.

Another method to jack this up if you don't have a play and charge kit would be jumping in to the lasers on security, as mentioned in one of the above solutions. Round times can go from two seconds to twelve seconds depending where you spawn and how fast you get to a laser. Either way, you can do this on private horde and get some easy rounds.

The last way to pop this achievement is well, to play the MP for fun or some custom matches with friends. All of the horde and multiplayer rounds count thanks to the title update making this achievement that much more possible. All it takes is a little time and you'll have this achievement in no time! Make sure you do this towards the end as all of your horde / MP achievements will contribute to this. Good luck!

25 Jun 2011 17:35

Okey this is the "other way" (the quickest one) to get this achievement if you dont have a charger kit, actually this guide have being mentioned by other users, but i make a video to be more clear of what you have to do.

Well you only need to do this;

Play in LOCAL
Game Tipe: Horde
Wave: 1 (just to be good)
Difficulty: Casual (Doesn´t matters really)
Map: Security

and then... just do what you see in the video over and over again until you get the achievement...

In 1 Hour (exactly) i got 162 round counts for my achievement

05 Jul 2011 02:16

Ok achievement hunters, all these solutions are all good to idle boost the rounds instead of having to spend numerous hours to get the achievement. But if you dont have a wired controller when the countdown starts after you start up the match from the game lobby you can take your battery out of the controller and let it idle without having to go waste $20-$40 just to get a wired/turbo controller. I would show a video of how its done but I lost my install disc for my Hauppauge pvr 2 capture and can't make any videos at the moment. So I hope this guide helps out and happy hunting, peace.

07 Jun 2013 07:04

Hey Guys this solution is for the one above but alittle different.
Everything that is different will have a * next to it.

The reason i'm telling you guys this is because if your game is most likely to freeze on you and you will have to turn your xbox off after all that progress you made is now lost. (It just happened to me)
I Would Suggest every 500 Rounds or 4 Hours Complete the 5 Rounds and Recreate the map It might suck but it sucks even more when you lose all 1500 rounds from a freeze issue.

Use these setting and go bed, the bots are too slow and dumb to kill each other in 1 minute.

This Achievement takes around 38.8 Hours get (Without and Distractions)

Also use a wired(or plug and play charge kit) controller (rock band accessories will work too)

settings -
Match Type: Local
Game Type: Warzone (or Execution)
*Total Rounds: 5 (Just incase you go down and die you still have time left)
Round Time Limit: 1
*Number Of Bots: 1 (9 Bots are harder to kill instead of 1)
Bot Difficulty: Casual
Bleed-Out Time: 60
Friendly Fire: Off
Map Selection: Host
Weapon Spawning: Customize (Mulcher for all)
Map: Day One

I personally put it on execution just in case they get you down to the last man, also despite me recommending the mulcher i leave all the weapons as normal, it is hilarious to wake up and look at the scores.

22 Dec 2013 15:47

The way i found could quiet frankly be the quickest, however boring.
Every wave on Horde done or failed counts towards a round on the achievement.
So basically, set up a Horde game on Security, jump into the laser beams 1999 times and the achievement will pop up.
Every wave is between 5 to 12 seconds long so it is a lot faster then watching bots kill each other on Custom.

21 Aug 2011 22:40

This will be the last achievement you will want to make, throughout the game all Rounds will be accumulated for this achievement, and if even after you have done all the others it does not unlock, you can configure the game as follows:

Match Type: Local
Game Type: Warzone
Total Rounds: 5
Round Time Limit: 1
Number Of Bots: 1
Bot Difficulty: Casual
Bleed-Out Time: 60
Friendly Fire: Off
Map Selection: Host
Weapon Spawning: Customize - Mulcher weapon
Map: Any

You can leave it running at night while you sleep, but make sure the controller is on and don't disconnect, otherwise the game should pause, another thing I had a problem with was the connection, sometimes my console disconnected from Xbox Live and the game paused making me lose several rounds, if you have this problem disconnect from Xbox Live so the game does not pause.

23 Apr 2020 13:03