Gears of War 2

Gears of War 2

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You Go Ahead, I'll Be Fine

You Go Ahead, I'll Be Fine

Won 3 matches of King of the Hill (not Custom)


How to unlock the You Go Ahead, I'll Be Fine achievement in Gears of War 2 - Definitive Guide

King of the Hill is related to annex somewhat. You have to enter the ring that will spawn near a weapon on the map. The point it is at is random. But unlike annex, the location does not change during the round. It will be at the same spot no matter if you get all 120 points out of it at once, or in several tries.

Once you capture the ring for your team, someone on your team MUST stay in the ring, or else it will revert back to neutral. Also, while your team is in possession of the ring, your team-mates will not respawn until you lose possession, giving King of the Hill a big distinction from Annex.

09 Feb 2009 18:06

I'll add that trying to get a game of KotH from the Annex/KotH playlist is almost impossible, people practically always choose Annex. The best way I found was to play the Flashback Player's Choice Playlist, generally when KotH is an option it is against Guardian and people generally choose KotH.
By mattclarkie on 13 May 2009 20:30
I came on here to type the same thing as mattclarkie.
I'd imagine it's an easy achievement to get, but I need to be able to get into a game of it first!
Everyone always picks Annex instead. And I wouldn't mind that so much if once in a while it gave me a flashback or combustable map to maybe go towards the annex achievement, rather than River, Blood Drive or Security EVERY TIME.
By TigerUK on 02 Jun 2009 10:10
new playlists are up, there's some specific ones for map packs now including one called "Annex Achievement", hopefully that'll help us get KotH games finally. ;)
By LeiChat on 24 Aug 2009 09:15
Yea, people are usually choosing Annex due to how hard it is to get that achievement.
By Solario32 on 18 Sep 2011 01:27
Is it ok in LOCAL matches?
By PirS92 on 15 Sep 2015 17:14
Anyone wanna boost? Message me
By Coffee 282 on 02 Feb 2019 21:48
@ Coffee 282 i already got this achievement but i have other stuff to boost
PLS add me !
By PirS92 on 27 Feb 2019 06:29
I need one more win for the achievement. Happy to help boost. GT is soundlessb00m
By soundlessb00m on 27 Dec 2020 19:09
I need one more win for the achievement. Happy to help boost. GT is soundlessb00m
By soundlessb00m on 27 Dec 2020 19:37
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With the latest Gears of War update (update 6), you can get this achievement easily by using "Social Xbox Live". You do not have to do it in a ranked match and with Social Xbox Live, the game will automatically start with Bots if it does not match you to enough or any players. Social King of the Hill takes away the hassle of finding other players who actually play King of the Hill.

Simply select this option in the drop down in Multiplayer and choose King of the Hill in the Game Type drop down. From here start your matchmaking and with any luck you will get Bot players or only 1 or 2 human players. Once the game starts, capture the ring location (area on map you have to defend) and get your teams score up to 120 to win the round. Win two rounds and your team will win the match.

Repeat this three times to get the achievement.

Bots are difficult in Social King of the Hill but might be easier then doing it with expert human players.

NOTE: If playing with other players you will get the full experience that you would in Ranked. If playing only against bots you will only get a certain amount for winning. You ALSO REQUIRE ALL MAP PACKS to play this mode.

27 May 2010 12:15

1 Comment
how do you get the bots???
if had it on social xbox live with 2 controllers signed no guest
had it searching for 7 hours!!! and no bots not even a other player...

how the h... do you get this also tryed the "Beat the Meatflag" "It's Good to be the King" "ou Go Ahead, I'll Be Fine" and the Annex: Now With Execution Rules and Standing Here, Beside Myself.

had the xbox on for 5 days and every day searching for 7 hours and no bots it will not stop searching.

how do you get the bots???

please help i only need 12 achevements and want to get it on 100% compleet
can also send me a mail over xbox roxanaversteeg is my xbox name.
By roxanaversteeg on 20 Jun 2012 09:19
In King of The Hill, you will need to control one weapon point on whichever map you play on. This spot will not change until one team gets 120 points for the round. To score points you need a minimum of one person on your team in the hill, wheter he/she is crawling or stunned. As soon as an enemy enters the hill the hill will break and you will need to recapture it by clearing out the enemy. You need to win best out of three, then rinse and repeat until you have done this three times.

Hope this helps!

16 Jun 2009 01:49

1 Comment
Pos vote, just cause of your namesmile
By UlteriorDesert on 01 Nov 2010 18:55
I am not going to describe the gametype again the other solutions above covered that perfectly.
To win these matches, good teamwork and communication would be great, but if people aren't communicating, then figure out your role on the team. For example, when playing on Gridlock, one round I was the "ring bearer", staying in the ring while the others did everything they could to prevent the other team from getting control. And I of course also protected the ring when threatened. We actually shut them out one round. We fell into roles naturally as per what was needed. If I died, I'd become the defense or the grenade planter, etc.

An update to one of the previous posts: there is now a King of the Hill playlist that you can go to so you don't have to worry about this gametype not being selected by the majority of the players anymore. The players in that playlist for the most part are quite experienced, so you should have no problem getting on a team that works well. I got my 3 wins in 5 games, no problem.

11 Feb 2010 15:09