Gears of War

Gears of War

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Kill 3 enemies at once 10 different times (on any difficulty)


How to unlock the Clusterluck achievement in Gears of War - Definitive Guide

There is a point in Act 1 Chapter 2 that is waaaay easier to use, just after you've gone up a large stairway and round a corner, Dom shouts "Grubs" and then "Marcus, flank them". At this point you need to flank down the left side to the far end of the area. If you get there quickly enough you can drop a grenade into an emergence hole just as it's opening. If you get the timing right it's a guaranteed triple kill. This method took me less than 10 minutes, rather than the 60 minutes (estimate based on scoring 2 triple kills in ten minutes at the prison door) I would have taken using the pot luck prison door method.
Credit goes to Meatbuster for posting this clip on YouTube and saving me 50 minutes of frustration!

13 Apr 2010 08:10

This is by far the easiest way, got it very quickly.
By Apexios on 12 Jun 2010 22:52
By far the easiest way for me, the prison door was a pain. Thx.
By Altergigo on 03 Sep 2010 00:11
All credit to Meatbuster for posting the clip on YouTube, I was finding the prison door a pain in the ass as well!
By BusyRich on 03 Sep 2010 10:52
DONT do the Prison Door way - do it this way - thanks for the Solution
By Big Dibs theDog on 03 Sep 2010 15:21
It unlocked after 13! Thanks for the tip and the video! :-)
By T BarMonkey on 14 Mar 2011 22:56
great solution. props on this.
By NeedsAGamertag on 29 Mar 2011 23:40
A very quick and easy way to do it. Thx!
By Phazorknight on 24 May 2011 10:57
Both the prison door and this location are total BS. I've killed all three locust that pop up out of this hole dozens of times and the achievement still doesn't pop.
By Haseo ATC on 24 Jul 2011 02:09
Sorry to hear that Haseo, but have to disagree with you. Me and 29 other ppl have found this a particularly easy way (and most of them probably tried the prison door first like I did). I can only imagine that your game or xBox is somehow glitched, or that you're just not doing it right.
By BusyRich on 24 Jul 2011 05:43
Don't bother with the prison door method. I found this location very easy. Had it done in less than 15 minutes, although I think I had some triple kills already.
By Nova Toad on 17 Aug 2011 10:09
Have to agree that this is easier than the prison door method, had this done in 15 minutes including the 3 minutes it took to get from the very start of the chapter up to the checkpoint where this section starts. As soon as the cut scene finishes, equip your 'nades and bumrush up the left hand side almost to the very end. Make a sharp right and run straight over to the corner, you don't need to aim with your left trigger, just blind throw the grenade at the hole just after it appears. When you're happy the three locust all blew up at once, pause the game (or let the other locust kill you) and reload your last checkpoint. Rinse and repeat until the cheeve pops.
By Capt Poopey on 03 Nov 2011 06:43
brilliant, worked on my first attempt, only took five minutes to get the achievement!
By Kamtrocity on 22 Feb 2012 15:28
Took me 10 minutes to achieve, very quick and easy method.
By Mr Mysterious81 on 26 May 2012 08:09
I did it this way on casual in no time. You just toss both your grenades in the general direction of the hole and you are guaranteed a triple kill, then reload checkpoint from the menu.
By HolyHalfDead on 07 Jun 2012 06:50
Tried my hand at the prison door method, and wasn't really getting anywhere with it.

Took me under 10 minutes of game play and loading screens, and I got the achievement.

Good advice.
By BGnasty on 07 Aug 2012 05:03
This worked beautifully. Thanks!
By Octobot Super on 25 Aug 2012 10:54
Best method by far cheers
By DARK NEWFI on 23 Dec 2012 11:33
Awesome Mate, got it on my first Try. Thanks a lot!
By Iced Hawk on 05 May 2013 11:21
Very great guide. Was doing it differently till I saw the video. Major help
By buzzo9neo on 16 Jun 2013 01:19
+1 this worked great
By QFingers on 03 Aug 2013 22:53
definatly the best way to get this. +1
By JamesLCC on 27 Aug 2013 10:00
Got it straight away after trying the chapter 1 method for ages.
By The PG Monkey on 02 Nov 2013 17:13
No doubt, this is the easiest way, thanks! wave
By madmaxey on 13 Dec 2013 16:16
Great method, right at the beginning of the section pretty much and reloading last checkpoint after each time is such an easy and quick way of getting this achievement. +1 from me.
By AceCardJones on 26 Jan 2014 10:50
Funny that this solution got all the way to 113 positive votes with just 2 neg votes, and now it's the top solution it gets neg votes from idiots who just prefer one of the other solutions
By BusyRich on 20 Feb 2014 12:02
I tried going for this Achievement when the game came out, with the old method. I don't know how much time I spent going for the Achievement then, but I eventually gave up.

I tried this method, and after about five successful grenade shots, it unlocked.

Thanks for the solution.
By TS Ghost on 11 Jun 2019 00:34
The prison door method is more ineffective than this method, but I found a way to get the cheevo easier in the prison door method. Instead of waiting at the perfect time to throw your grenade, as soon as the door explodes run up to the first drone, grenade tag him and block him from leaving the door. This causes the other 2 to move up and then they all die including you but it still counts for the cheevo even when you die. It worked 8/10 times. So this proves that kamikaze beats accuracy in the prison door method lol.
By Lavoffy on 28 Oct 2019 00:28
Exact spot I got it
By MrKoolxDood on 30 Apr 2020 22:30
Nice spot still works for 2023.
By oh Gentle on 26 Mar 2023 17:04
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This achievement involves killing three enemies at once (a triple kill) on ten seperate occasions (in the single player campaign).

There are two prime spots for doing this. The first is in Act 1, where you are breaking out of prision. There is a point at which Dom tells you to take cover as the Locust start forcing their way in through a metal door. As the door is blown off it's hinges, three grubs charge through the doorway. This is your chance to get a triple kill. If you accomplish this, simply run to the next stage and allow yourself to be killed. You will then respawn at the point where the three locust are about to break through the door, where you can repeat this procedure as many times as needed.

The second, and my personal favourite, is another point in Act 1, just after the point at which you cross a high bridge and see two dead COG soldiers next to a van and a large hole in the ground. Kim uses his code to open the door, and your squad have to fend off hourds of Wretches in a long hall.

Often these Wretches group together, and if you throw or tag an enemy at the right time, you can blow three (or more) of them up at once. If you did this successfully, you can let the remaining Wretches kill you, at which point you will respawn just at the point before the Wretches emerge.
awesome solution.
for me it was easier to do with the wretches then to do at prison door.
By soccer4cmo on 23 Jan 2010 01:39
This DOES NOT have to be done on single player!! Myself and a booster in my group both got it today boosting the weapons achievements. We both got 10 triple kills with the torque bow and it unlocked. I'm assuming the boomshot and hammer will also unlock it online
By Senor Slurpee on 23 Mar 2010 04:34
I was in a game last night where two different people got it using the hammer to triple kill.
By DragonYen on 13 Apr 2010 20:47
excellent sloution, I could never do the other two methods
By UlteriorDesert on 30 Jul 2010 11:49
the prison door worked just great for me :D
By The IB on 04 Feb 2011 23:02
prison door wasn't working for me , until i stood closer to the door . that made the enemies stack up every time. I was about half way between the two sets of cover in front of the door aiming the nade in the middle of the area worked a charm.
By Calex dEUS on 07 May 2011 20:12
As stated, this achievement can also be obtained through multiplayer with the favorites being grenades and boomshot.
By Solario32 on 14 Sep 2011 16:15
easy spots, it would take noob to fuck this shit up
By Scott is King on 09 Oct 2011 18:25
Still works in Multiplayer
By on 11 Oct 2011 06:37
By whitedreams2 on 24 Jul 2012 05:24
Awesome. The wretches are the best spot. About 30 mins and cheevo poped. Nice.headspin
By TomPanda 1984 on 01 Jul 2013 12:08
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this works well for me, hope works for you too

i forget to say this video guide was made by "lawlessSaturn", sorry and thanks to him!!!!

23 Mar 2009 17:25

This achievement is earned by getting 3 kills at once on 10 different occasions.

Like most other people I did it in the Prison in Act 1 at the part where the locusts are cutting through the door. However, instead of throwing a grenade when they break through the door I ran in, tagged one locust, and attempted to dive away. Even if you get killed in the blast too it still counts. I got it in the first 15 tries as opposed to throwing it where I got it in about 30 tries.

14 Jul 2009 20:54

Another easy location for this is in Act 3. You should be able to load the game right before the Stranded falls through the wood planks. If you just loaded it, you will start off with a Lancer, Gnasher, Snub, and 2 grenades. Fall down through the wood planks and use both grenades to tag the Lambent Wretches. Then, die and reload from the last checkpoint.
You should be right where you started, right before the guy falls through the wood with 2 fresh grenades. Rinse and repeat until the achievement unlocks.
The prison breakout is a good scene to do it at, BUT the Locust will sometime run out leaving you two kills. I tried this and probably got one or two that way.
Instead I went to the emergence holes I'm about to tell you about out and tossed a frag in there, (closing the hole) and getting an automatic 3-4 kills when the explosion happened.

The place I got this at was in ACT 1, chapter 4 Fork in the Road. first you wll split up and kill a few locust. then after you go through the door you will have to take out about 6-7 guys in front including a sniper and troika. After doing this an emergence hole comes up in the room you started in. It will be a large hole next the the piano. Make sure you are right there by it so you can toss a frag in.

Now without a video its hard to explain the timing. Get your frag ready as the ground starts crumbling. MAKE SURE your frag is going to fall in and not over. As soon as the ground falls in, making a hole, toss the frag. Don't Wait for the locust to come out. the frag has a 2-3 second delay so itll work, you will see 4 locust come up and start to get out. If done correctly it should kill all 4 instantly. if not you should still get the 3.

NOTE: If you are having trouble getting back to the room in time. I suggest doing this with a friend. that way your partner can run up and take out most of the guys while you take out the troika and runners. Also, this enable you to stay in the room where the hole emerges. so you can be right there to get a frag in there.

After you have gotten the triple kill, pause and then reload checkpoint. I did this method and it does not erase the kills. Ten time and the achievement is yours.
After much frustration I got this achievement - a lot of the time it seemed to be LUCK (I suppose hence the name of the achievement) that I would kill all three enemies that burst through the door in Act 1 episode 1 (the prison). This video, however, showed me what I should have done from the start and made my last few times quick and painless. All credit goes to FragdaddyXXL.

08 Apr 2011 02:15

I found getting Clusterluck achievement to be easiest obtained in campaign Act 1, where 3 Locust bust through the prison door. Now my tactic was to go close to the door and after it's busted out grenade tag the first guy that comes out. Then run back to Dom before the grenade explodes.

Sure you can get this achievement nowadays in online gaming too so you can always create a session on this site for it and get it in no time.

08 Jul 2010 03:38

For those who want to get through the story campaign in co-op and still sweep up as many achievements as possible in a single playthrough, this is probably the best method. I discovered this totally by accident. Again, this requires you to be in co-op mode.

This is to be done during act 4, on the chapter "Entrenched". As you get back from the basement to the estate lobby and find Baird and Cole fending off Locust, engage the cutscene with them.

Now send one player down to the front door. Have him stand right next to it so that he's in the middle of the hallway. As the door is blown up, the player will be downed but in the process preventing any of the Locust from entering the house. Now position yourself in the staircase and lob grenades to your heart's content, but try to aim them so they land just in front of the other player to maximize splash damage.

If you're efficient, you should be able to get more than one triple kill during each attempt. I managed to get three in one go before having to reload the last checkpoint. You'll have the achievement in no time. This is also great for sharing between two people.

If a Boomer happens to clog up the hallway and he has two enemies beside him, just soften him up with some headshots before throwing a grenade. You should still be able to kill all three and get credit.

Mind you, this was done on Casual. On Hardcore and Insane difficulties you will obviously have more problems lobbing grenades at the enemies and surviving, but in theory it should be possible. There are pillars in the staircase that provide good cover, or you could just be right next to the doorway if you're paranoid about rockets.

20 Jun 2010 01:56

This achievement can be unlocked with friends,Raven down 2 vs. 3.In private game and the bomb attack close to the 3, do it 10 times and unlocked

12 Feb 2011 16:42

I found that the easiest way to do this achievement was online. I did it while boosting weapon kills on Gridlock. It was 6 vs 6 so when it was my turn, I would pick up the Boomshot from the arch in the middle of the map, have the enemies group together, and blow up all three with a single shot.

To my surprise, this actually counted and the achievement popped mid-match.

28 Jul 2011 03:53

I got this last night while boosting weapon kills. If you can get a least 6 peeps together, do Warzone on Fuel Depot.... go inside the building (in the center, across from helicopters) and get the Hammer of Dawn. Have the 3 members of the opposing team stand in a cluster and hit 'em with the Hammer. 10x and the cheevie is yours.

14 Jul 2011 19:42

For the campaign method, see the attached link below.

Alternate method. (Online)

For those of you who do not know, you CAN unlock this achievement online in RANKED multiplayer matches!
(May also work in Player Matches, but I have not yet tested it).

You can use the GRENADES, or the BOOMSHOT to unlock it!
[EDIT: Hammer of Dawn and Torque Bow also work!]
Simply have 3 enemies gather close together, and tag one, or shoot them with the boomshot.
Rinse and repeat until the achievement unlocks.

Side note(s): The achievement WILL unlock during the game, so you will not have to wait until the end for it to pop!

Good luck to all!

22 Jun 2012 00:07

If you're stuck throwing grenades and missing triple kill (most times 1 one of them dont die because , he's way back...)

I tried a lot of times throwing grenade but it was very hard for me...But I found very easy way to get this achievement.

In Act 1 , only you need to do is tagging frag on Locust when door blow off...You'll die but kills counts.Just repeat 10 times and achievement yours....
The way i found is super quick and the achievement will pop in around 10 mins

On the Lever Trial by fire -

Start the level and observe the cutscene, - large stone columns to the left

Then literally follow the advice given by your team mate - "Flank em"

break left and run behind the columns until you get to the last pair, turn right and in

far corner in front of you you will see an emergence hole forming.

walk forward until you ae just level with the flagsones where the hole is, and wait

until you see the first drone emerging. blind drop the greneage at his feet - and all

three should be killed. wait for the counter to show, to signify the clustercount.

Hit pause, reload the checkpoint and repeat


26 Sep 2015 11:27

Another good place to get this is on Act 4, Chapter 2 ("Bad to Worse") shortly after killing the Berserker. In the courtyard with the Troika there are two emergence holes that spawn, one to the front-right of the area and one near the door that you entered the area from. Clear the enemies from the Troika and close the first emergence hole, turn around and backpedal until it triggers the second one to spawn. Three wretches or two wretches and one drone will come out of the hole and if you time your hammer of dawn correctly you will get them in one shot as they climb out nearly every time. If you miss, just get killed by the shotgun drone that spawns toward the exit or kill yourself with a grenade and then repeat until you get the achievement.

29 Mar 2013 01:14

Killing 3 enemies at one time will require a grenade, Boom Shot, Hammer of Dawn, or possibly a well-aimed sniper shot. The easiest way to do this is to do the following:

Start the game's campaign on Casual. In the prison, when you reach the door that the locust start to cut down to get through, hide behind the barrier closest to the door. Right before they break through throw a grenade. Time it and position it so it kills all 3 of them. If it doesn't, let the ones who lived kill you. If it does, run outside and let those Locust kill you. If you try to reload the last checkpoint through the Pause Menu instead of getting killed, it won't count. Repeat this 9 times to get this achievement.

Please note that you cannot reload the checkpoint as the video shows. If you do, the kills will not count. Instead, run outside and let the other locust kill you.


Killing 3 enemies at one time will require a grenade, Boom Shot, Hammer of Dawn, or possibly a well-aimed sniper shot. The easiest way to do this is to do the following:

Start the game's campaign on Casual. In the prison, when you reach the door that the locust start to cut down to get through, hide behind the barrier closest to the door. Right before they break through throw a grenade. Time it and position it so it kills all 3 of them. If it doesn't, let the ones who lived kill you. If it does, run outside and let those Locust kill you. If you try to reload the last checkpoint through the Pause Menu instead of getting killed, it won't count. Repeat this 9 times to get this achievement.

Please note that you cannot reload the checkpoint as the video shows. If you do, the kills will not count. Instead, run outside and let the other locust kill you.