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Win 20 rounds of multiplayer matches in Annex by fewer than 5 points


How to unlock the Inconceivable! achievement in Gears of War - Definitive Guide

This is most easily achieved in local play using two controllers. As One Eyed Tigh mentioned, Raven Down is the best map to do this on due to its size and the fact that it only has two objectives.

The method I am about to describe only requires you to spend about 20 seconds setting up each round, allowing you to go and do something more exciting for the next four minutes while you wait for the round to finish itself off.

Start a 120 point game, one round. You can actually make the match as many rounds as you like, but I prefered doing one round at a time so that I could stop whenever I wanted to.
(Note: if you are also going for the "THIS! IS! ANNEX!" achievement, then doing this in three round matches will also count towards your match total for that achievement - credit to VegaDark541 for that suggestion).

When the round starts move both players near to the first objective but don't enter the ring yet.
Move Player 1 (the one who you want to get the achievement) into the ring and wait for the countdown to begin.
Once the countdown starts, move Player 2 into the ring and simultaneously move Player 1 out, stopping the countdown. At this point Player 1 will have a small number of points, let's say 2 for the sake of this example (it can be anything between one and four, five or more is too many) and Player 2 will be counting down for the remaining 58 points.
Now move Player 1 to the other end of the map and leave him so that he will be positioned inside the second objective once it appears.

You can now leave the game alone for four minutes while you wait for the round to end. The objectives will alternate ends, awarding points to either player so that the scores after each objective look something like this:

Player 1: 2 Player 2: 58
Player 1: 62 Player 2: 58
Player 1: 62 Player 2: 118
Player 1: 120 Player 2: 118

Each round will take roughly four and a half minutes so this achievement can be done in around 90 minutes, but using this method you will only have to be present for ten minutes of those. Enjoy the other 80: I used mine to eat cake, watch TV and write this guide. I hope it helps!

21 Aug 2009 04:36

Good guide, my only comment would be that you should do this for 3 rounds per match so you can simultaneously work towards the "THIS! IS! ANNEX!" achievement, which I would assume most people reading this wouldn't have if they don't yet have this achievement.
By VegaDark541 on 22 Aug 2009 01:24
VegaDark541 makes a very good point. I had already decided that the "THIS! IS! ANNEX!" achievement would take more time than I was willing to spend boosting annex games by myself, hence me only doing one round matches. However, if you are aiming to get both achievements then doing 3 round match will get you 7 matches closer to your target.
By Doctor Shawn on 22 Aug 2009 16:30
This is all very complex for my small brain.
So in short, you get 1-4 points from the first annex, then let the other guy get the rest of the points from that annex.
Then alternate getting a full annex each until end of round? Which hopefully you'll win by 2 or 3 or 4 points or w/e
By Smokin JoeyB on 29 Jul 2010 11:42

There are only two places where the annex ring appears on that map, so you just need to get 1-4 points from the first and then leave your guy waiting in the other place for when it changes position.
By Doctor Shawn on 29 Jul 2010 13:20
Works excellent, thank you.
By UlteriorDesert on 31 Aug 2010 13:32
Great strategy...simple but effective!
By Barnsley Pal on 22 Nov 2010 18:03
Working well right now, brilliant!
By Catatonic Nali on 03 Dec 2010 01:37
"Each round will take roughly four and a half minutes so this achievement can be done in around 90 minutes, but using this method you will only have to be present for ten minutes of those. Enjoy the other 80: I used mine to eat cake, watch TV and write this guide."
I loled

Gave you a thumbs up. Great guide.
By izret102 on 10 Dec 2010 15:49
Great guide, works perfectly. And you got to eat cake too :-)
By Hurball on 12 Mar 2011 15:31
Great guide, def thumbs up! and cake is always great aswell!
By GamerJack 117 on 08 Jul 2011 07:32
Great guide, very thorough. Thanks for the help!
By iksolokos on 19 Jul 2011 16:20
Do you know if it has to be done in 1 session. Because I did 10+ rounds 3 days in a row now and it's not working???
By Mtld on 22 Aug 2011 15:52
You should be able to do it over multiple sessions, I know a number of other people who have used my method over a few sessions to unlock it.

I've had problems in the past with GOW forgetting my progress towards an achievement and causing me to start all over again (most notably weapons and hosting achievements). Maybe this has happened to you in this circumstance?

I'd suggest trying to do the whole 20 rounds in one session to unlock it if you have time - it should only take around an hour and a half with this method, so it should be possible. Hopefully it will unlock within a few rounds, or at least after the full 20. Let me know if it works out for you.
By Doctor Shawn on 23 Aug 2011 16:16
By whitedreams2 on 24 Jul 2012 05:22
This gets +1 for the "I used mine to eat cake, watch TV and write this guide" alone! Oh, also it's a pretty solid guide!
By Aldrahn69 on 15 Sep 2012 08:07
Great solution +1 from me.
@briantchapster. the 2 are most probably the other guys who made the other solutions.
By DigitALxBullets on 28 Oct 2012 17:32
@DigitALxBullets: You can't vote on any achievements you have posted solutions for, so no!
By Aldrahn69 on 28 Oct 2012 17:34
@briant... True, but how many gamers downvote before putting up they're solution??? I'm not saying that they did, I just know some do!
By DigitALxBullets on 31 Oct 2012 16:42
@DigitALxBullets: Still, the site is the best there is because they have thought about those things. Your vote (regardless of being positive or negative) is automatically removed after you post a solution! I actually voted positive to a multi-solution of one friend of mine (one solution regarding multiple related achievements posted on all achievements), but going for one of the achievements, I found a better way and thought of posting about it. The site automatically removed my vote from this particular solution while leaving it for his other posts.
By Aldrahn69 on 31 Oct 2012 17:16
How come I have every map but Raven Down? :S
By SwearySean on 08 Mar 2013 13:31
Oh wait, never mind. I thought it was part of the update but I had to download it myself. Maybe you should update your guide
By SwearySean on 08 Mar 2013 13:39
This sound you hear when the countdown is ending or whatever has got to be the most annoying thing I'vv ever heard. It's ridiculously loud, too. I can hardly hear the guns fire but the damn sound is still loud. It's still there even though I turned down ALL game sounds!
By on 24 Apr 2013 13:44
am really confused about that guide! am having trouble following this and im way to confusinf so can someone plz put up a visual guide on how to do this plz!!! koz to me this is making no sence at all
By on 06 Jul 2013 20:31
Awesome guide, thank you.
By D3midrol on 22 Aug 2014 00:20
This guide is stupid you need to put it in ways people can understand the fucking thing thumbs down.
By fararre31 on 03 Apr 2015 03:30
7 years later and here i am about to say thank you for this guide. thank you sir
By MaybeSomeDayX on 18 Mar 2016 20:42
thanks much!!! however, I am eating donuts
By FaintKitten3455 on 25 Jun 2016 16:31
@fararre31 You need to buy yourself a brain!
Thumbs down for you!
Thanks Doctor Shawn for the best guide ever!
By ParadoxReal8 on 19 Feb 2017 18:21
The best strategy, great solution.
By netstryker on 15 Jan 2018 16:51
Thanks man i really did it much appreciate it!
By Sk8society on 15 Jan 2020 04:15
Perfect solution thanks dude
By Darkwing666 on 11 Aug 2022 10:34
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Here's how I did it:

Using two controllers (with a second profile logged in), I started an Annex match on Raven Down, 3 rounds with 180 points per round. I chose Raven Down because it is a small map with only two objectives.

Once the match started, I used my second profile (logged in as a Locust, though it doesn't matter which side you choose) to capture the nearest point (sometimes it will spawn right next to one). As soon as the countdown from 60 began, I ran the Locust to the next objective and parked him next to it.

I then used my primary profile (the one needing the achievement) to run over and stand next to the objective being counted down. Once the count got under 5, I crossed the barrier and captured the objective for ~5 points.

Since I left the Locust parked next to the other objective, the next countdown began almost immediately. Once again, when the countdown from 60 started, I ran the Locust back to the other objective. This saves some time, as you have to wait for the countdown to end no matter what, so you might as well set up the next capture.

After a couple of rounds, the Locust was at 175 (or so) points. I then moved him safely out of the way and captured points with my primary profile until I reached 180 total points, winning by 5 (or less). Total time for each 3 round session: about 22 minutes, give or take. Repeat 20 times (can be tedious, so I used my MP3 player to help ease the boredom), and achievement unlocked.

Hope this helps. Send me a PM/Message through Live for more information.

EDIT 8/5/19: Please see DragonYen’s comment about making this a little easier with a lower score and less movement. I’d type it out, but it’s pretty involved. Suffice it to say it’s a good addition.

27 Apr 2009 21:12

This guide is great! You can also select 120 points per round, this will go much faster and works.
By grasn reloaded on 22 Jun 2009 16:32
Thanks! Unfortunately, I discovered that 120 point rounds work AFTER I was done, LOL. I was able to employ it towards the latter end of my quest for "This Is Annex," and it works.

Thanks for the feedback!
By One Eyed Tigh on 22 Jun 2009 17:23
(thumb up) I'm doing this right now... the only "change" I've made is... that I take the main account to the first truck, and get 1-4 points, then capture it with the other account, then I put the main guy on the other truck. Since Raven Down has only two rings... you'll get :
Main : 4 pts - Alt : 56 pts.
Second ring will spawn (at main player) + 60 -- total of 64
Third ring (at alt player) + 60 -- total of 116
Fourth ring (at main player) + 60 -- total of 124
Fifth ring (at alt player) + 60 -- total of 176 (not enough to win)
Sixth ring (at main player) + 60 [56 technically] = 180 - win by 4.

And you only have to move characters at the very beginning.

And as you said, this way should count toward "This is Annex" as well. However you could do the same thing with 120 pts -- it just ends at the 4th ring instead of the 6th ring. I'm off doing other things (like typing this) and will hear the "alarm" when the alt player gets close to the win. Then I have one more minute before I need to head over and start the next round.
By DragonYen on 10 Apr 2010 07:44
@DragonYen: VERY good point. Never thought of that, but then again, I was winging this. :)
By One Eyed Tigh on 10 Apr 2010 21:48
does this has to be set at 180,can i set to 120,thnx fr the guide ;]
By Adz j74 on 05 Jul 2011 03:16
Voted down since you don't have to go to 180. And movement is not as efficient as it could be.
Despite acknowledging this the author has not updated.
By Dr Marty on 05 Aug 2019 10:47
That’s what the comments are for. However, I will update the solution.
By One Eyed Tigh on 05 Aug 2019 23:05
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Using the two controller method: i.e. doing it all by yourself.

First let me explain the 2 controller method, as I did not know how to do this when I first started.

Press start.... enter Verses modes enter X-Box Live Player Match (does not need to be ranked) Now press the Y button to sign into a guest account and then host a Private Match.

Set up: ANNEX, rounds 1, score limit 120pt. (NOTE* If you are going to start working on, or have already started working on the achievement THIS IS ANNEX! make your rounds 3 and this will count for that achivement as well.

For this example: I will use the Cogs (i.e.; Marcus, Baird, Cole) as the main account going for the achievement and Locust
(i.e.; RAMM, Bolters, Grenadier)

Take your guest, (the account not needing the achievement, the Locust) and have them win the first capture point. This should put the Locusts at 60pts.

Now comes the part I found most confusing.

Have that same account that just won, (the Locust with the 60pt. lead) and move to the next capture point. Enter and begin to capture it. When the Locust starts gaining points quickly move your other account (the one needing the achievement, The Cogs) to the same capture point that is being scored on. If it's a larger map or you’re unfamiliar with the map wait to begin capturing it until you have both (Locust & Cogs) accounts close to it, so you don't accidently screw it up.

When you are comfortable that you know that you can get both accounts to the second capture point move on to the next step.

Move the Locust out of the circle (capture point) or distance kill it, but do not enter the capture point until the score for the Locust reaches between 116 to 119, otherwise it will stop scoring points. The scoring will continue even if the Locust has been killed or moved out of the circle. So with that in mind, be aware this is a very close margin of error. You must now wait until the timer is down to between 4-3 seconds before entering the Capture circle. (Remember you have to win by less than 5, so you have to be fewer than 4 or less.) The good thing is that the moment you cross into the capture point the scoring immediately stops. BEWARE, ENTERING THE CAPTURE POINT WITH THE ENEMY (LOCUST) STILL IN THE CAPTURE POINT WILL NOT STOP THE SCORING.

Now finish capturing the last point, with the Cog, which should only have 4pts. or less. When that one is captured go find and capture the remaining two points with the Cogs for the win.

Now just repeat this for 20 rounds, not 20 matches.

Hope this helps..

08 Oct 2009 09:09

My solution for this achievement is a lot easier :)
get a second controller host a private match on annex, map raven down, 3 rounds 120 points to win , when the game start take first point with your second controller , you will have 60 points (2nd controller) , then capture the next point and move out of the circle with your 2nd controller , now wait till it have 116 points , now break the ring and capture it you will have to capture few more till you have 120 points but your sec controller will have 116, repeat this 20 times and blop ach is yours ;D
For those of you that can't understand what to do in this achievement this is the solution for you.Basically for this achievement you have to win by fewer than 5 points each round/match.You can do this with two controllers!

Just go to local then set the rounds to 1 and score to 120.

When the round starts move the 1st player to the 1st objective(the one who is going for this achievement),once the 1st player has a score of 60 it will move on to the 2nd objective.Let the 2nd player move to the 2nd objective then, when the 2nd player gets 60 then let the 2nd player move back to the 1st objective. Now you have to do the good ol' switchero,let the 2nd player get 116 points,but be sure the 1st player is ready to move back in.As soon as the 2nd player gets a score of 116 just get the 2nd player out of the ring and move the 1st player back in the ring.Now just wait a minute for the first player to win the match.And that's how you win by a fewer points of each match.Now just do that 19 more times and the achievement will pop.I hope this helps you!

17 Feb 2014 05:58

All Annex games have a point limit, from 120 to 420 in increments of 60. To get this achievement, you must win 20 rounds of Annex by 4 points or less. For example, win with a score of 120-116. 120-115 will not count. You do not have to do these matches in a row or in one match, 20 times over the course of your career will get you the achievement.

For more information, see "THIS! IS! ANNEX!".