Genetic Disaster

Genetic Disaster (EP)

11 Achievements

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I have super power

I have super power

Unlock all perks


How to unlock the I have super power achievement in Genetic Disaster - Definitive Guide

This is the achievement that will take time, but I've luckily found a system that seems to be working. For this one, you'll need to get all 29 mutations in the game.

What you'll want to do, is set up two players or more for every round you play. The more players, the harder it gets, but the more chances you get for getting extra mutations. You'll want to play up to the bunny, kill it, grab whatever reward you get, and then exit the round and restart. You can also go and pop the crystals into the bank, but don't play further. It'll take a lot of time, and you don't have a better chance for better items, as far as I can tell.

If you keep just going for the bunny and resetting, you should get a chance for new mutations every 6-7 minutes, with the potential for more if you have more than one player.

What makes this difficult, is that you can get duplicates, and you'll get them often. However, I've learned something crucial. The longer you play, the less chance you have of getting mutations. For some reason, if you play for about an hour, you'll almost get no mutations at the end.

The way you circumvent this, is to close the game completely after having killed the bunny three times. This seems to give at least one mutation for every bunny fight.

Thanks to @Healtti for adding more information regarding farming here, check her comment for what is probably a faster farming method than what I found.

20 Jun 2020 22:33

@Absol, thanks for putting up solutions for what is by and large an unknown indie game. +1

At around the 15h mark of game time I began to extended my runs to the 2nd boss if I had a decent build going by the time I got through the 1st boss. The results were good! On average the 2nd boss dropped 3+ vials, roughly twice as good of a yield compared to the 1st boss.

Obviously levels 5-7 are longer and the arena rooms have more & tougher enemies, but that didn't slow me down too much. Only issue was if there was a locked door requiring two players to open late into the level. Then I had to clear a bunch of adds in earlier rooms so I could escort my dummy to said door.

I did all farming runs solo on 4p difficulty for max efficiency.
By Healtti on 20 Apr 2023 04:54
Drop rate is pretty bad and so many duplicates
By bloodlands 666 on 18 Jan 2021 20:43
But WHERE THE HECK IS THE BANK!?!?! I have clicked & interacted with everything & I can not find it. I have lost so many crystals because I can't Deposit them.
By TinCannEd on 16 Mar 2022 08:44
The bank is in its own room shown on the minimap - there's always one on level 4 right after the bunny fight, you can't miss it
By DeclaredCloth71 on 13 Apr 2022 15:22
Are Perks the things you find in levels on each new floor? Or are they the things you have to save up the gems for and buy after you select your Character?
By Chazitude 1313 on 19 Sep 2022 13:46
It's been a while since I played, but I seem to recall that you get perks after you've defeated a boss. I don't think you get them for beating a floor
By AbsolTheDarkOne on 25 Sep 2022 21:34
I’m thinking of starting this game soonish. How do you exit the round? Does that mean beat the bunny and then grab everything and quit or is it a different means?
By Its Uncle Kev on 29 May 2023 22:30
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