GGmuks Casino: Slots (UB)
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GGmuks Casino: Slots achievements progress.
Unlock all other trophies to become the ultimate slot machine champion!
Accumulate your first $1,000.
Reach $1,500 in your bankroll.
Amass $2,500 in winnings.
Achieve a bankroll of $3,500.
Collect $4,000 in winnings!
Accumulate $7,000 in winnings!
Achieve a bankroll of $9,500!
Become a high roller with $10,000!
Experience 5 consecutive losses!
Win using the lowest bet and earn the minimum payout!
Place the highest bet and win the maximum payout!
Achieve the highest payout while betting the minimum amount!
Make your first spin on the machine!
Bet the highest amount and win the smallest payout
Try to reduce your bet multiplier to 0
Try to increase your bet multiplier over 10
Spin the machine a total of 50 times in a single run!
Win by matching 3 Banana tiles!
Achieve victory with 3 Coconut tiles!
Win by matching 3 Pineapple tiles!
Celebrate by winning with 3 Palm Tree tiles!
Score a win with 3 Treasure Chest tiles!
Achieve a win by matching 3 Monkey wild cards!
Win with a combination of 2 regular tiles and 1 wild card!
Played for 5 minutes! You're just getting warmed up!
Played for 10 minutes! You're on a roll!
Placed the minimum bet on 5 consecutive spins. Playing it safe, huh?
Changed the bet multiplier 10 times without spinning. Can't make up your mind?
Launched the game for the first time. Let the fun begin!
Spun 5 times in a single session. Picking up the pace!
Spun 10 times in a single session. You're in the zone!