Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Ecto Edition

Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Ecto Edition

51 Achievements

1000 XP

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Master Collector

Master Collector

Find all secret clippings for every location

50 XP


How to unlock the Master Collector achievement in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Ecto Edition - Definitive Guide

For each of the 5 levels, there are 5 clippings available for each. These collectibles appear randomly dotted around each map, they glow with an orange/yellow aura around them and are fairly easy to spot when you're actively looking for them.

The kicker is that only one will appear each playthrough!

To make it quicker, play solo with bots and ignore the ghost. Scoure the map (might as well collect fungi as well!). Once you’ve found it, finish the game and rinse and repeat another 4 times to complete the map you’ve chosen, repeat this for every map and you’ll soon be done!

If you choose to play with bots you’ll likely have around 10 minutes or so before they either win or lose the match themselves.


It’s worthwhile at the same time having a go at collecting the 30 fungi which also spawn randomly around each map to attain;

Ghostbusters: Spirits UnleashedMycophileThe Mycophile achievement in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed worth 42 pointsCollect all Spores, Molds, and Fungi in a location

21 Oct 2022 22:54

Just a note: this achievement is actually glitched for me following the 1.08 update, as I had the majority of the clippings before hand, but it only tracked the last couple I needed. Hopefully this will be something they fix
By FredCasden on 01 Nov 2022 04:11
Yeah, same here. I keep hoping for an update!
By DeathHuntsUs on 05 Nov 2022 23:05
This glitched for me, but in a good way. It popped for me when I picked one up last night, but I'm still missing two Prison clippings.
By Dark Death 90 on 12 Dec 2022 20:58
Worth mentioning that there are extra maps now, which each have another 5 clippings. I'm not sure whether these would count or not? (I got them all on the first 5 maps on the list.) The achievement unlocked as soon as I found the final clipping.

You can check which ones you have got so far at the back of Ray's store, on the wall. They are unlocked in order on each map, 1 per match, regardless of exact location you find them. (I think!) Each clipping doesn't ever reappear once you've found it the first time, so no issue with duplicates. That's playing solo with AIs. May be different in co-op.
By Ziren on 09 May 2023 21:36
The new maps do count. BUT, you only need the amount of clippings from the base game.
I just popped the cheev with only 3 of the museum, but 5 ship and 1 facility.
By NameOfTheMaster on 21 May 2023 19:52
Not sure if has updated but the new locations are NOT counting for me. Only the old locations
By Nightmare Clown on 05 Feb 2024 18:03
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