Gin Rummy

Gin Rummy

12 Achievements



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Rummy Master

Rummy Master

Win 5 games/matches in each single player mode, and 25 player matches


How to unlock the Rummy Master achievement in Gin Rummy - Definitive Guide

For this achievement you will need to win 5 times on each of the 5 Gin game modes in single player.
These are:
Classic Gin Rummy
Oklahoma Gin
Hollywood Gin
3-Hand Gin
Speed Gin Rummy
Custom Gin Rummy is NOT necessary for this achievement.

The "Games/Matches" terminology simply applies to the scoring types for each mode, example, to achieve a game win in Classic Gin you need to score 500 match points to win as it is made up of a number of matches, while to achieve a game win for Speed Gin, you need to score 100 game points to win as it is only one match for a win.

Not only do you need to get 5 wins in each Single player mode but you also need to have won 25 Player Matches online, Speed Gin being the fastest game mode to achieve this.

You can check the leaderboards from the game menu or main menu to see how many wins you have for each game modes. Player match wins ARE NOT shown in the leaderboards

Important note:If you ever change your consoles your single player wins will be lost and you will need to re-win 5 games of each.

04 Sep 2010 19:54

All I have to say about this achievement is I wish I could have the computer choose my f***ing lottery numbers for me. Never have I seen such bull "luck" as I do in playing against the computer in this game.
By ThePaleHorseman on 25 Feb 2013 00:39
I agree ThePaleHorseman, every single player mode has been simple so far to obtain 5 wins, but 3 Hand Gin is just utter bulls**t.
By Chalk0nMyBoots on 21 Oct 2013 08:24
I haven't found a problem with any of the modes, as I am 2 wins away from 3 Hand Gin mode, which I started last night. Should be popping the achievement today, and great guide btw! The key is patience, & paying attention to the possibilities of card plays! clap
By Eos Creon on 03 Dec 2014 19:08
Thanks Chicago AJ And Spillner!

I want to add information!

You probably do not need to delete the game on the other xbox or on the current xbox.

I had done all player matches vs a dummy so i knew i had that progress on my pal console since i can only use that xbox with my main acount if i want to use my dummy. So then I knew that yesterday when i went for the 5 wins in both 3 hand gin and Speed rummy gin I know that the progress for that was atleast achieved at the time i should have unlocked the achievement.

Reading the comments above i figured I must had some wins on the wrong xbox as the other xbox was the one that got the license.

I then replayed 5 wins in Classic gin rummy. (Were i had 6 wins before i replayed).

Then I was hoping that it would unlock any time during the next wins in either Oklahama Gin or Hollywood Gin. And were definately hoping it would unlock at the time i would reach 5 new wins on both of them.

I decided to go for Hollywood Gin first because I just had a feeling that i might have been on the wrong xbox last time i played this game.

(I did the game modes from the top of list to the bottom in that order).

So after just 1 win in hollywood gin i unlocked it.

So I might not have needed to replay the 5 wins in the classic gin rummy.

With this info i just want to mention that all you have to do is to make sure you got all the wins on the same xbox. You have to delete the game first.

Now I do wonder if i also need to have the 50.000 score on the same xbox or not?

I am currently at 48.736

Atleast the wins i had to do again was not all a waste of time as I still needed to reach 50k. But would have rather done this with a dummy to make it go much faster.

Thats my suggestion for anyone that can do it! Start doing the player wins and then delete the game from the xbox that you did not use for your main acount to avoid making misstakes. Then do the rest!

Perhaps you want more score before you uninstall on the other xbox. But its a smal game so you can just install it again after getting this achievement.

I dont think the other achievement take that long if you use a dummy all the way.
By MattiasAnderson on 05 Apr 2016 16:00
One important thing i want to mention: There is another achievement which require a total of 50k points, after the single player u should have 12-15k points. That means u still need 35k points, if u play speed gin, like its suggested in this solution, u get about 100 points per game, makes a total of 2500 points for the 25 mp wins, that is a total waste of time!!! Play classic and u get nearly 1000 points after 2 hands, that will give u 25k points and u just have to boost a few more classic rounds and u get the 50k achievement, hope that boostpartner and me just wasted 2 hours by playing speed gin...
By xMagicMunKix on 26 Apr 2016 13:52
This is a bummer, I've done everything required for this achievement, and it's my last achievement for the game. I did not get it. The only thing I haven't done is 5 custom games... I did get a new xbox and have to transfer my data over but I don't see how that would affect this..
By Chicago AJ on 01 Mar 2011 03:36
Just in case anyone else is having problems with this: if you change xboxes (if one red rings or you get a new one) and had wins going towards this achievement, you WILL have to get all the wins again (not including the ones you already have) but only AFTER you delete and reinstall the game to your harddrive. Otherwise the achievement will not pop.
By Chicago AJ on 01 Mar 2011 09:33
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If you want to know the number of online matches you have won:

A. go to the leaderboards and look at each of the local games, press 'X' to filter to see your matches, add the number for each game type to get your total local wins

B. go to Help -> Options -> Player Statistics: subtract the total from A. from the number of games won displayed here to get the number of online matches won.

solution found on 360achievements from haigha

07 Nov 2011 04:11

this is not a solution
By REVELATIONxJedi on 20 Dec 2011 06:36
doesnt need much of a solution, it is in the description, it is how to check your progress!!!!
By cherryontop420 on 20 Dec 2011 15:13
By cherryontop420 on 21 Oct 2013 17:43
I up voted ya'..wink
By Eos Creon on 03 Dec 2014 19:04
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Personally, I find the termonology quite confusing in this. You have to win five times in each of the game modes in single player: Classic Gin Rummy, Oklahoma Gin, Hollywood Gin, 3-Hand Gin and Speed Gin Rummy. Custom games aren't necessary for this achievement. The "games/matches" part varies per mode. For example, in Classic Gin, you need to score 500 match points to win, whereas in Speed Gin, you need to score 100 game points to win. Check the leaderboards to see how many wins you have for each game. On top of that, you need to then win 25 Player Matches online, on any mode.